The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 759 Five Rings Qualifications

Lin Jin hesitated for a while, but did not do so in the end.

Since this small piece of Heavenly Dao cornerstone has its own chance, it can be condensed into the form of a beast, and it can even be cultivated by itself, mastering the blood contract technique and many exercises, which itself is a one in ten million chance.

It would be a pity to destroy all of this directly.

It's better to keep it first, and go to the Nine Heavens Profound Realm in the future. Lin Jin can also bring the beasts and monsters with him, which should come in handy.

As soon as his mind moved, the beasts and monsters stood aside obediently.

Without the need for a blood pact, Lin Jin can already control these beasts and monsters, adding a virtual immortal-level powerhouse. And there is a special connection between him and this hundred beasts and monsters, similar to the blood pact, a bit like the feeling of a superior controlling a subordinate.

Lin Jin's side simply solved a problem without a single soldier. This is in the eyes of everyone, especially Lin Jin won't need to do anything, and he has already won with crushing power, which has already explained a problem.

The previous rumors about Lin Jin were true.

Lin Jin is indeed the world's immortal, the number one expert.

The people and soldiers of Jade Dragon King City, including officials big and small, all felt like they had been given a shot of a tonic, full of glory and more confident.

As for people who are not from the Jade Dragon Kingdom, they have mixed feelings in their hearts.

But to say who is the worst in heart and the most fearful, it must be the prince and his party over there.

Wei Bei is dead.

And the death is inexplicable and extremely embarrassing.

This time, the biggest support on the prince's side is gone, or in other words, his only support is gone. Now he is very uncomfortable. He doesn't know what to say or what to do, but he has to say that the lord is the lord, and his mind turns fast.

He immediately understood the current situation. Li Wei still had cooperation or something, so he didn't even think about it. It just depends on whether he can leave alive or not.

At the moment, the prince ordered his subordinates to capture Wei Xi's younger brother and tie him up.

This is attitude.

The situation had changed, but the lord knew that Lin Jin had already said in advance that he was here to arrest people.

Arrest who?

The person who made trouble and murdered in Jade Dragon King City.

Whoever killed someone, destroyed the inn, and made such a big noise just now was Wei Xi's younger brother, so there was nothing wrong with doing it by himself.

Even the prince took the initiative to step forward and bowed first with a bowing attitude, and then said, "Report to Master Lin Jian, this person was the one who caused trouble and murdered before, although I tried to persuade him in every possible way, but I couldn't stop him. If you catch it, it will be handed over to Lin Jian."

It was a posture of wanting to kill and slaying Xie Ting Zun.

It's just that it wasn't him who was killed and slashed.

When Wei Xi's younger brother heard this, he scolded him angrily, and the guard next to him took a rag and blocked his mouth.

This guard used to talk and laugh with Wei Xi's younger brother, and he was even more like a brother. Now that he turned his face, he turned his face. In response to that sentence, the brother was betrayed.

Wei Xi's younger brother was full of grief and anger. He wanted to control the pets, but the monsters had already suppressed all the beasts below the sixth rank before, and his flaming snake couldn't move at all.

Lin Jin waved his hand, and immediately someone from Jade Dragon King City dragged the person who was tied up by Wuhua.

There were people who escaped from the inn, and it was proved at this time that it was this person who did it before.

As a result, there is no doubt that the murderer is brought to justice.

"Take it down, it's up to the yamen to decide what to do with it." Lin Jin waved his hand, then glanced at the flame snake over there.

"This ferocious beast is too violent, leaving it behind is also a scourge." Lin Jin said, and then with a flash, he moved to the flame snake.

Reach out for the next moment.


The flame snake exploded directly, and then vanished into ashes.

A third-order rare beast can be killed so easily, it is easier than crushing an ant.

Although beheading the third-order beasts, many people present can do it, and they can do it with ease, but they can't do it like this. You know, after the death of this flaming snake, there is not even a little bit of scum. remain.

That's the difference, and it's not something anyone can do.

This matter seems to be over, but in fact it has not been completely resolved. Lin Jin still won't give face to that prince.

"The murderer is your subordinate, isn't it a bit late for you to tie him up now?" Lin Jin asked directly, not to mention the prince of a mere high-ranking country, even if the emperor came, Lin Jin had such a tone.

The lord is completely cowardly now.

Only now did he know that it was a foolish idea to come to Jade Dragon King City to do something this time. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

Fortunately, he thinks his eloquence is not bad, at this time he intends to explain.

But Lin Jin obviously didn't want to hear his explanation.

"If you can't restrain your subordinates, you are incompetent. Or, it's your idea to kill people and make trouble. No matter what you are, you can't escape the guilt. Come on, take him down, and let their emperor come to redeem them. Their emperor will not come. Let him go." Lin Jin said lightly, but it scared the prince to the ground.

He is competing with the emperor of his country for power and the throne, how could the other party come to redeem him?

Wouldn't this kill him?


The terrified prince immediately knelt down on the ground begging for mercy, but unfortunately he was held down by a few sturdy soldiers the next moment.

None of the guards and subordinates brought by the prince dared to say a word.

It's not that they were unfaithful, it was because the beasts and monsters beside Lin Jin were too powerful.

At this moment, they are like a tiger lying on their necks. A slight movement may lead to death. How can they dare to move in this situation?

A prince of a high-class country, Lin Jin caught him with just one sentence.

And it seems that this is because Lin Jin is too lazy to really care about the other party. After all, Lin Jin really didn't attack anyone except to use his means to destroy a beast this time.

He just acts according to the rules, arresting people and interrogating people.

Helpless, that Wei Xi himself was unable to die before, and this is really not to blame on the end of Lin.

During the whole process, Lin Jin showed his arrogance. Apart from him, everyone present, including He Gan, did not dare to say a word. Lin Jin himself realized this.

But it doesn't matter, I believe He Gan won't care about this, even if he cares about him, he can't do it.

In a few days, Lin Jin will go to Jiutian Xuanjie to find the next step for Xiaohuo's promotion. This Jiutianxuanjie is no different than other places, and it may take a while, so things at home can be settled if they can be settled properly. appropriate.

Best to do it once and for all.

Of course, Lin Jin also knew that if he had to rely on Lin Jin's name to protect the Yulong Kingdom, it wouldn't last long.

But now that the Jade Dragon Kingdom is on its way to rise, Lin Jin certainly doesn't mind helping to add to it.

After this little episode, the ceremony for the promotion of the Jade Dragon Kingdom to a great power was officially launched. It can be said that it went very smoothly. No one objected to the promotion of the Yulong Kingdom. On the contrary, all the representatives of the envoys of the great powers present agreed unanimously.

In this case, why do you only need to notify the states, and the Yulong Kingdom can be upgraded to a superior power.

At this promotion ceremony, there was another episode, that is, many teachers from Tianxuan Academy came, and they brought a promotion certificate.

It has the signatures of all the appraisers of Tianxuan Academy, including Shuxiaolou.

The content is to recommend Lin Jin to become a five-ring appraiser.

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