Tan Lin walked over a few steps at this time and saluted Gu Mengzhong.

"The one-ring beast appraiser that Master Gu said was Lin Jin?"

She asked everyone's heart.

Tan Xun's eyes also lit up and looked at Gu Mengzhong.

Gu Mengzhong didn't hide it.

This time, he made a special trip to support Lin Jin.

Liao Gu told him about Lin Jin's delisting and banning, but he couldn't get angry, so he came.

"Yes, it's Lin Jin. I met him a few days ago, and only then did I know that there is such an incredible young talent in this Red Leaf City.

After hearing Gu Mengzhong's words, everyone was sure.

"It's really Lin Jianshi!"

"It's amazing, even Tan Xun can't think of a beast pet who can't think of the method of the blood contract. He can think of the method of the blood contract. Is this still the level of a ring beast appraiser?"

"It's a good show to watch. The Beast Appraiser Association can demote Lin Jianshi to nothing before. Now, let's see how they end."

Here, the most frightened is Zhang He.

In the past, he was the one who spoke ill of Lin Jin the most, but now seeing Lin Jin's limelight becoming more and more popular, he was afraid.

Wang Ji is also as uncomfortable as eating flies.

Lin Jin is also the main force in the derogation, but he is thick-skinned, and at this time he still has the face to say: "I didn't expect our association's Lin Jianshi to have such a talent, I, the president, really don't care enough about him, in the future I care a lot about him, but in our association, some people are not skilled and have a despicable character. They always don’t see the good of others, and they speak some gossip behind their backs. I, Wang Ji, will definitely investigate this matter to the end. Strictly rectify this crooked and evil spirit."

After speaking, he glanced at Zhang He sideways.

Come on, what are you looking at me for?

Zhang He had already greeted Wang Ji's eighth-generation ancestors in his heart.

Don't ask, Wang Ji planned to pour all the dirty water on him. It is conceivable that his fate would be very miserable, and he might even be swept out of the house by Wang Ji.

Moreover, Zhang He still doesn't know what's going on. He used to be a trainee under the name of Lin Jin, and Lin Jin was really ordinary at that time.

Could it be that at that time, Lin Jin deliberately hid his clumsiness?

There is this possibility.

Zhang He regrets that, he knew that Lin Jin was so powerful, and he shouldn't have changed to the court if he said anything.

"Some of the evil spirits in the association should be rectified, and I have also heard that these rumors are inseparable from Zhang He. This matter has a very bad impact, so I suggest severe punishment." Nangongxian said at this time a sentence.

He could see clearly that today, Master Gu has come forward. If there is no result, Tan Xun and Tan Lin will never give up.

In this case, only the strong man can break his wrist.

Wang Ji was instructed by this sentence, and immediately understood the stakes, and said with a stern face: "What Elder Nangong said is very true, Zhang He, you gossip and maliciously slander others, I will disqualify you as a trainee in the name of the president. From today onwards, you are no longer a member of the Association."

Zhang He shook his body and nearly fainted.

In order to become a beast appraiser, he had struggled for many years, and finally made a little improvement, but was swept out by Wang Ji and others mercilessly.

This is equivalent to cutting off his future as a beast appraiser.

There was hatred in his heart at that moment.

He is not a good person either. If he was an honest person, he wouldn't have 'betrayed' Lin Jin at first, and he would bite back.

Back then, he could bite Lin Jin back, but today, he can bite Wang Ji back.

Seeing that all the dirty water was poured over, and he lost his qualifications as a trainee, Zhang He went straight to it.

"Wang Ji, you are killing the donkey. I Zhang He is a dog for you, and I have done so many shameful things for you, but you don't even read your face at all. If you turn your face, you turn your face, okay, you have to drive me away. Go, cut off my future, and I, Zhang He, will not make you feel better. If you want to deal with Lin Jin, you are the mastermind. You want to drive Lin Jin away for the sake of Jia Qian, so that you can recommend her to take the position. Later, you colluded with Nangong. Xian..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhang He was pounced on by a beast and fainted.

Don't ask, this is Wang Ji's pet.

Zhang He said those things in public, it was like roasting Wang Ji with fire, how could Wang Ji hold back.

"Zhang Zhang He is really vicious. He not only slandered Lin Jianshi, but also framed me and Elder Nangong. His heart should be punished. As the president of the Hongye City Beast Appraiser Association, I don't discipline my subordinates strictly. Extremely ashamed."

At this time, Wang Ji looked sad and angry, and self-examined.

But now whatever he is talking about is hype, and everyone has their steelyard in their hearts.

This Wang Ji is not necessarily cleaner than Zhang He.

But the other party is the president of the association after all, and the identity and status are there, but it is just oversight of the subordinates, which will damage the prestige, but it is definitely not enough to shake Wang Ji's status.

Tan Xun knew this, and so did Tan Lin.

Especially Tan Xun, he still has some admiration for Wang Ji, at least the other party is very accomplished in beast appraising. He said that Wang Ji's book appraising was very good for the batch of Hunyuan beast pets in the city lord's mansion.

Therefore, Tan Xun didn't want to pursue it any more. When he came down this time, of course he didn't want to mess around. This matter, it's enough.

"President Wang, as the leader of a meeting, you are indeed oversighted in this matter. In the future, you need to know more about your subordinates. You can't blindly study skills, and a bowl of water should be balanced."

Tan Xun said.

His words seem to be reprimanding, but in fact he is telling everyone that this is the end of the matter.

How could Wang Ji not hear it? Appraiser Tan Xun gave him a step at this time. He immediately got off the donkey along the slope and said quickly: "What Mr. Tan taught is that Wang Ji must review and never commit again in the future."

He let out a long breath in his heart, secretly saying that this hurdle was over.

Too dangerous.

Tan Lin frowned, but when her father spoke, she couldn't say anything else.

At this time, Wang Ji hurriedly said: "Go and inform Lin Jian Shi, the previous misunderstanding has been cleared up, Tan Lin Jian Shi has already resumed his qualifications as an official animal appraiser, and he does not need to take the test again. By the way, Lin Jian The teacher's hall also needs to be reopened, and let the manager of the logistics department choose a larger hall for Lin Jianshi."

I have to say that Wang Ji's remedy was still very timely. At least Tan Xun nodded after listening to it. Tan Lin also sighed, and it was not easy to pursue it.

Tan Xun walked up to Gu Mengzhong at this time and said with a smile, "Master Gu, I haven't seen you for a long time, let's have a drink together when Lin Jin comes out!"

Gu Mengzhong nodded, and he also planned to introduce Lin Jin to Tan Xun, which could be regarded as helping Lin Jin develop contacts.

"By the way, Master Gu, you would never have imagined that this time I came to Hongye City and I got an authentic painting from you."

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