The Museum of Beasts (Museum of Deadly Beasts)

Chapter 87 Hongye City Flower Appreciation Party (two more)

After feeding the Shadow Wolf some medicinal herbs again, Lin Jin will leave it alone. Next, the Shadow Wolf just needs to meditate and cultivate.

Through this time, Lin Jin's understanding of the Pulse-seeking Needle Art has also improved to a new level.

Again, although there are various methods of identifying beasts and rewarding acupuncture techniques in the Beast Museum, no matter how good things are, they also need practice.

Only the connections that have been tempered and tempered can finally be truly digested and controlled.

There is no doubt about this.

Next, Lin Jin plans to go to the association to have a look.

It's not because of anything else, it's mainly because I want to see, and now others see him, will they still point at him.

Certainly will, but it is not a bad word, it must be admired and admired.

Lin Jin didn't want to miss this opportunity to pretend to be dark and cool. In the past, others despised him. Now he can finally raise his eyebrows. He had to go back, even if it was just a lap, it was worth it.

But before he went out, Zu Can stopped him.

"Brother Lin, you're a big deal today." Although Zu Can is the young master of the big family, he doesn't have much air, especially since he and Lin Jin have similar temperaments. Following his old man, he ran to support Lin Jin.

The most important thing is that his father was a little unhappy at first, but when he went back, he told Zu Can very cautiously that he must have a good relationship with Lin Jin.

Don't ask, Zu Tianhong also sees that Lin Jin's potential is huge, which is limitless. If this kind of person doesn't make good friends now, then there is a problem with his brain.

"Brother Zu, you are here, come here, first come to the association with me." Lin Jin was very enthusiastic. Zu Can brought someone to support him at a critical time. Lin Jin made this friend.

"Don't!" Zu Can hurriedly waved his hand: "I'm looking for Brother Lin, I have something important, come, come with me."

After speaking, he dragged Lin Jin to another path, obviously not to the Beast Appraiser Association.

On the way, Lin Jin knew that Zu Can asked him to participate in an event called the "Red Leaf Flower Fair".

"I'm not interested!" Lin Jin didn't want to go, so it would be better to go to the association to pretend.

Zu Can hurriedly pulled him back: "Brother Lin, not everyone can participate in this Red Leaf Flower Fair. Many people can't go if they want to go. The people who can go are the powerful people in the Red Leaf City, and they are all people with status."

"What's more, we don't really go to appreciate flowers, and I'm not interested in that, mainly because there will be an auction of animal pets at the flower fair. You know the situation in my family, there are many people, and the animal pets we need are also available. Duo, this time I want to buy some potential pets to go back. I think, no one is more powerful than Brother Lin in the identification of pets, so I have the cheek to ask you, we are friends, don't give me face. "

Zu Can was afraid that Lin Jin would not go, and Lin Jin was also a little moved when he heard that there was an auction of animal pets.

There is no reason for him.

There will definitely be some rare beasts at that time. If he can enter the beast museum, then he will be one step closer to obtaining the second chapter of the beast's qi refining art.

"Who made us friends, I'll help with this." Lin Jin said very interestingly.

Zu Can was naturally happy, he led the way, and soon came to a spacious street with a high red brick wall on the opposite side, which was extremely decent.

"This is Huichun Garden, which belongs to the monks' association. It is not open on weekdays. It only opens twice a year in spring and autumn. This time is the autumn flower viewing party." Zu Can explained to Lin Jin.

At the gate of Huichun Garden, people came one after another, most of them in horse carriages, and some in animal pets. They were not ordinary people because of their imposing manners.

Lin Jin remembered that Lu Yunhe was also a member of the cultivator association, and I heard that he was an outstanding existence among the younger generation in the cultivator association.

I don't know if I can meet Lu Yunhe here.

When they arrived at the door, the gatekeeper greeted Zu Can with a smile. After all, Zu Can was the eldest young master of the ancestral family and had an extraordinary position, but when he saw Lin Jin, he immediately stopped him.

"Master Zu, does this one have an invitation to the flower party?"

The gatekeeper asked.

Lin Jin dressed plainly and did not look like a noble person.

Zu Can immediately said: "This is the Beast Appraiser Association, Lin Jianshi, and also my friend."

The gatekeeper shook his head: "Master Zu, don't embarrass the little ones. You also know the rules of the flower club. You won't be allowed to enter without an invitation."

And this rule.

Lin Jin was stunned for a while, he looked at Zu Can's embarrassed face, and knew that Zu Can was careless. He probably didn't care about this matter at all. He might think that, because of his identity as the eldest young master of his ancestors, he could bring a friend in. nothing.

But the rules are the rules, if you can't get in, you can't get in.

Zu Can felt that the other party did not give face, and wanted to roll up his sleeves to reprimand, but was pulled by Lin Jin.

"Brother Ancestor, don't embarrass others, I didn't have an invitation card, I won't go if I don't go." Lin Jin felt that this was a trivial matter, and there was no need to make a fuss.

Exactly, he can go back to the Beast Appraiser Association for a walk.

Although Zu Can felt aggrieved and embarrassed, Lin Jin said so, what else could he say, the most important thing was that Lin Jin's hands were so strong that he couldn't break free at all.

"Brother Lin, it's my fault that I didn't figure it out, I thought..." Zu Can felt very guilty.

Lin Jin smiled and waved his hand, but without thinking about it, he planned to leave.

At this moment, I heard a woman say loudly, "Is it too embarrassing to come to the Red Leaf Flower Fair without an invitation? It's a shame, Lin Jin, you still haven't made any progress."


Lin Jin turned his head and saw a woman in costume getting off the carriage, followed by a large maned dog.

However, when the originally mighty maned dog saw Xiao Huo beside Lin Jin, it was like a mouse seeing a cat, and shrank back directly, not daring to come forward.

Naturally, the woman who was quoted was very dissatisfied, and cursed inwardly.

Lin Jin still thought about it for a while before he remembered who it was. She seemed to be called Chen Yuanyuan. Her predecessor, she once had a marriage contract with the eldest lady of the Chen family medicine store. She met in the Chen family medicine store a few days ago. The impression to Lin Jin was that he was unreasonable and unreasonable.

In fact, Lin Jin and this woman didn't know each other. Since the other party and his predecessor broke the marriage contract, they should go their separate ways.

Simply inexplicable.

Could it be that his predecessor slept with her?

Lin Jin hurriedly rummaged through his memories.


What does this woman want to do?

Zu Can frowned at this time: "Chen Yuanyuan, you are also a lady, you read books and learned etiquette since you were a child, why are you so rude?"

He didn't know about Chen Yuanyuan and Lin Jin.

Chen Yuanyuan glanced at Zu Can and restrained slightly, but she still spoke sarcastically: "Zu Can, you are the young master of the ancestral family, I can't afford to offend your ancestral family, but I am very surprised that you, the young master of the ancestral family, don't make friends. If you choose not to choose, you can call yourself a brother of any trash, which is really ridiculous!"

Still targeting Lin Jin.

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