Looking at the other party's number plate, it was this old man who just increased the price.

Lin Jin was really looking at it. The old man seemed to be unremarkable, but in fact, he should be a master of beast watching, at least he could see the extraordinaryness of this deformed python.

Otherwise, it is impossible for the other party to add so much at once.

And because it wasn't long before the end of the second round of bidding, the old man didn't even leave and stayed beside the beast cage.

Zu Can also noticed the old man. Seeing that the other party had increased the price more than him, Zu Can couldn't help but stepped forward and asked Lin Jin in a low voice, "Brother Lin, do you want to add more?"

"Of course, let me tell you, no matter how much the price increases today, you must buy this beast pet." Lin Jin said very simply, and Zu Can's heart jumped when he heard it.

Not because of anything else.

But because Lin Jin said so, then this giant python with a tumor on its body is definitely not an ordinary beast pet, which made him a little excited.

This time, he finally won the job of purchasing animal pets for the family, of course, he must do his best to do it well.

How can it be done?

How much money is spent is second, and the key is to purchase potential pets, which is very important for the future development of the family.

Back then, the ancestral family was able to emerge suddenly and became one of the three major families in Hongye City, not because of Zu Can's great-grandfather, who had a blood contract at that time to a rare and strange beast, and was finally promoted to the third rank. Relying on the power of this beast pet, he created the ancestor The foundation of the family has been passed down for three generations.

It was only later that his great-grandfather and the beast pet passed away one after another, and the ancestral family reached its peak and began to decline. It has been maintained all these years, but there is no high-level beast pet in the family, and the deterrence is naturally not as good as before, so on the surface it seems The scenery is actually on the decline.

At present, there are only two second-order beast pets in the ancestors, and apart from that, none of them can be on the stage.

It can be seen how important it is to purchase pets for the family, because to cultivate a pet, it will take manpower and material resources, and it will take a long time. If you buy a pet with little potential, Then all that time and money will be wasted.

Because the stakes were so important, Zu Can didn't dare to be a little sloppy.

For Lin Jin, Zu Can is absolutely convinced, and through his contact, he already has some understanding of Lin Jin. This teacher Lin Jian is very casual on weekdays, but if it is something he insists on, it must be fully grasp.

Just like now, Lin Jin said, let him buy this beast pet no matter how much he raises the price.

This is a very obvious hint.

In other words, this big python is a rare beast with extraordinary potential.

When Zu Can had a clue in his heart, he immediately stepped forward, and in front of the old man, directly raised the price to 300 low-grade aura stones.

A direct increase of 100 is already very arrogant.

Seeing this, the old man took a closer look at Zu Can, guessing that he was thinking about the other party's origin. After all, adding a hundred spiritual energy stones like this all at once gave people a certain momentum.

At this time, the old man bowed his hands to Zu Can: "This little friend, the old man, I am good at veterinary medicine, because I saw that this giant python was terminally ill, and I couldn't bear it, so I wanted to buy it and cut the tumor for it, saying To be honest, this big python is good, but ordinary people can't cure that tumor, and it will probably be a chicken-and-egg attack, so you have to think about it carefully."

Zu Can smiled and said nothing.

He is a son of a big family, and he has seen the world. This old man can fool him with a few words?

Just kidding.

When the old man saw this, he immediately said again: "I'm doing good deeds for the sake of accumulating virtue, little friend, why do you have to compete with an old man like me? If you let me, you will give me a face for the old man."

After that, 20 Reiki Stones were added to the price symbolically, and now the price is 320 low-grade Reiki Stones.

Some people around noticed the situation here, came to watch, heard the old man's words, someone said to Zu Can: "This big python is not worth the money, this little brother can't be impulsive, the old gentleman knows how to heal, please let it go. Bar."

Zu Can giggled, and without saying a word, directly increased the price to three hundred and fifty aura stones.

This time, the old man's face was not good-looking.

He knew what he said just now, but the other party didn't listen to it at all, or rather, didn't believe it at all.

Three hundred and fifty aura stones are no longer a decimal. Of course, if compared with the true value of this big python, it is still too much.

"Little friend, you are so stubborn, are you determined to make trouble with the old man like me?" After speaking, the old man raised the price to four hundred low-grade aura stones.

If Zu Can hadn't received Lin Jin's instructions before, he would definitely not be mad at this time, but Lin Jin said that no matter how much he added, he would take it, so he didn't say anything, this time he directly mentioned the price. Five hundred low-grade aura stones.

The old man was obviously in a hurry. He was not stupid. He knew that the other party must have seen the extraordinaryness of this big python, otherwise he would not have been increasing the price. When it reaches five hundred, when converted into silver, there are thousands of taels.

Ordinary people can't afford it at all. This money is enough for an ordinary family to live comfortably for 20 years.

The old man knew that it was useless to talk too much at this time, and it was time to fight for the family.

This time he stepped forward and marked a price.

After this price appeared, the crowd watching the scene exclaimed.

"Is this old man crazy?"

"Am I wrong, he, he actually doubled!"

The old man is now bidding, which is directly double the price of Zu Can.

A thousand low-grade aura stones.

Not to mention other people this time, even Zu Can was taken aback.

The old man is going to work hard.


This old man doesn't look like he is so rich.

A thousand low-grade aura stones are almost half of what Zu Can can use this time. Originally, he planned to buy more beast pets to go back. If he pays too much for this big python, if something goes wrong, it will be troublesome. Even if he goes back, his father doesn't talk about him, the hostile forces in the family will swarm to attack him.

He hesitated.

He glanced at Lin Jin.

Lin Jin didn't say a word, because he had already stated his attitude just now.

At this time, it is up to Zu Can himself. If he believes it, he will continue to increase the price. If he doesn't believe it, Lin Jin doesn't say much, and he can't force others to buy it.

This kind of decision has to be made by Zu Can.

Because when bidding, few people directly double the price, so the situation here has attracted many people's attention, and there are more people watching.

Gao Jiang also came over there to observe from a distance.

He looked at the big python in the cage, but at first he didn't care, but after figuring out the situation, he knew that Zu Can and the old man were soaring prices, and he knew that Zu Can didn't understand Jian Beast, so he must have listened to Lin Jin's words.

A pet that can make Lin Jin care so much is definitely not ordinary.

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