The Mutant God in American Comics

Chapter 14 Level 2 Iai Slash

Richard, who flashed away, did not continue to attack the nearby mutant agents, but flashed to the outside of the encirclement.

Before plundering Inisha's flash, his flash distance was only about a hundred meters.

Now, his flash distance is more than 500 meters.

If you just look at the numbers, the flash distance of more than five hundred meters is not particularly far.

But for ordinary battles, this flash distance is completely enough.

After flashing to the outside of the encirclement, Richard did not hesitate, raised his authentic sword with his left hand and waved it casually.


As the Zhengzong Knife fell, six crescent-shaped sword energy formed by magic power flew out from the Zhengzong Knife's blade and flew towards the special forces team members in front of them at high speed.

Although these special forces members were carefully selected from the U.S. military by the Department of Mutant Affairs.

But in front of mutants who are good at fighting, they are no different from ordinary people without any military training.

Not to mention Richard, even a saber-toothed tiger could easily harvest their lives as long as he could get close to them.

The crescent-shaped "sword energy", which was ultraviolet on the outside and white on the inside, arrived in front of these special forces members in the blink of an eye. It cut through their corpses as easily as it cut through a cream cake, turning them into corpses of different sizes.

After upgrading to level 2, the crescent-shaped sword energy created by Canshin not only flies faster, but also has stronger cutting ability.

The body armor worn by the special forces team members was no different from paper in front of the crescent sword energy.

With just one move of Canshin, Richard killed six special forces members.

After killing these six special forces members, he used Flash again and disappeared.

For him who is already proficient in using flash in battle, the most suitable tactic for him is to continuously use flash to defeat them one by one.

Soon, gunshots and screams rang out from every corner of the RV campground.

Although the mission requirement is to kill all mutant agents in the RV camp, Richard is not in a hurry to deal with these mutant agents.

The mission time limit given by the system is one hour. He plans to clean up these special forces members first, and then slowly deal with the mutant agents.

In this way, he can also avoid having these special forces members shoot at him from a distance when he is fighting mutant agents.

First clean up the mobs, then deal with the elite monsters, and finally the boss battle!

Although he is not playing a game now, it does not affect his use of this tactic.

After hearing the gunshots that kept ringing out from all corners of the RV camp, Aiden, Belt and others guessed Richard's purpose.

However, as you may have guessed, this does not mean that they are now capable of preventing Richard from killing these special forces members.

Flashing is indeed not a particularly rare X-gene superpower.

But the problem is, none of them will.

To be more precise, in the Los Angeles branch of the Department of Mutant Affairs, there are only two mutants who can flash.

One is Inisha, who has been killed by Richard, and the other is the head of the Los Angeles branch.

Although none of them could flash, Aiden and Bert had already guessed that Richard would use flash to defeat them one by one.

Without any hesitation, Aiden immediately said to the agents guarding Sabretooth Tiger and Clarice:

"Bring them both here!"

After hearing his words, Sabretooth Tiger and Clarice were immediately brought to him.

Then, he grabbed Sabertooth Tiger by the shoulders and said to Clarice:

"Tell Richard Wesley to stop, or I will burn your adoptive father to death immediately!"

At the beginning, Aiden and the others were not very clear about the relationship between Clarice and Sabretooth Tiger.

Although Sabretooth Tiger was on the wanted list of the Department of Mutant Affairs early on.

But the intelligence branch of the Department of Mutant Affairs never knew that Sabretooth adopted Clarice.

To be more precise, if the saber-toothed tiger hadn't happened to appear in the video taken by a restaurant customer, Aiden and the others would not have known that the saber-toothed tiger had arrived in California.

After saying that, Aiden immediately summoned the flame and let the flame cover his right hand.


The saber-toothed tiger's shoulders were burned by the flames summoned by Aiden, making a sizzling sound like barbecue.

If the person being burned by the flames was not the saber-toothed tiger, but someone else, he must have let out a miserable howl by now.

But Sabre-toothed Tiger proved with practical actions what a real tough guy is.

Although there was a strong burning pain in his shoulder, the saber-toothed tiger not only did not scream, but also had a look of disdain on his face.

Just when Clarice couldn't bear Sabre-tooth Tiger's continued torture and was about to speak according to Aiden's instructions, Sabre-tooth Tiger's voice rang out.

"You have the nerve to threaten people with this little flame. The fire I use to light my cigar is bigger than yours!"

The saber-toothed tiger taunted Aiden with disdain.

After hearing the saber-toothed tiger's taunt, Aiden, who was already in a bad mood, immediately said:

"Since you want to die, then I will make it happen!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the flames burning the saber-toothed tiger expanded with a roar, from burning his right shoulder to burning his entire chest.

Just as the flames spread toward the saber-toothed tiger's neck and legs, Aiden suddenly remembered something and dispersed the flames on the saber-toothed tiger.

"Want to provoke me into burning the collar around your neck?"

"Stop being delusional!"

"With this collar on, you're just an old dog!"

After saying that, Aiden kicked the sabertooth tiger, whose chest and shoulders were severely burned, to the ground, and his eyes fell on Clarice's face.

"Your adoptive father was burned, and you didn't speak."

"Your own face was burned, I don't believe you won't speak."

As soon as the voice fell, Aiden raised his right hand, and a small flame appeared on his index finger.

Just as he was about to use the flame on his right index finger to force Clarice to speak, Richard's voice came from more than 20 meters behind him.

"You use disfigurement to threaten an underage girl. Are the people in the Mutant Affairs Department as scum as you?"

Although only more than ten seconds had passed, this time was enough for him to kill the special forces on the periphery one by one.

Aiden ignored Richard's ridicule and summoned a fist-sized fireball with his right hand.

"Throw away the knife in your hand, or I will kill her immediately!"

After hearing Aiden's threat, Richard smiled and shook his head.

He switched the authentic knife to his right hand, held the handle of the authentic knife with his backhand, and walked towards Aiden slowly as if taking a walk.

Although his speed was very slow, Aiden, Belt and others immediately became alert.

As Richard walked towards Aiden, he said calmly:

"Including this time, I have only met her twice."

"I can't do such a stupid thing as throwing away my weapon for someone I have only met twice."

"If you want to kill her, then do it quickly and don't waste everyone's time!"


After hearing his words, Aiden, Belt and others, Clarice and Sabretooth all showed unexpected expressions.

Although he didn't know whether Richard was playing psychological tactics with him, Aiden didn't waste brain cells thinking about this problem.

After seeing that Richard didn't intend to throw away the ridiculously long authentic knife in his hand, he decisively raised his right hand and prepared to attack Clarice with the fireball floating on his right hand.

However, at this moment, Richard, who was walking towards him, disappeared in an instant.


After seeing Richard disappear, Aiden and others thought he had used Flash.

However, this was not the case.

Richard was not using Flash, but Iai Slash.

To be precise, it was a level 2 Iai Slash.

In the game, Sephiroth's Iai Slash is an aerial version of Zanshin.

But the Iai Slash given by the system is not the same as in the game.

[Iai Slash: Rush forward like teleportation, and kill the enemy in front of you with lightning speed]

After testing, Richard found that the Iai Slash in Sephiroth's template is very similar to Vergil's Running Iai.

If there is any difference, it is that Vergil's Running Iai is a true instant unsheathing of the sword.

And the Iai Slash he has mastered now, because there is no scabbard, so he only needs to hold the knife in the opposite hand.


Just as Belt and the others were observing their surroundings with vigilance, guarding against Richard suddenly appearing around to attack them, Aiden, who was standing in front of Clarice, fell to the ground with a thud.

Aiden's right hand was cut off at the root, and his head was separated from his neck, flying high with blood splashing.

Richard appeared behind Aiden's body with an authentic knife in his left hand.

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