The Mutant God in American Comics

Chapter 2: Plundering Superpowers

The voice that suddenly sounded in his mind did not surprise Richard.

When he was browsing the system description, he knew that the system would give prompts or sounds at certain times.

According to the system's explanation, whether it is fighting or practicing, as long as you use skills, you can improve the proficiency of skills.

In addition, using skills will consume magic power.

Take the Eight Swords Flash that he is performing now, for example. Every time he uses the Eight Swords Flash, he will consume 1 point of magic power.

Not only the Eight Swords Flash, but also the use of the level 1 skills such as Earth Shaking, Heaven Shaking, Zanshin, and Iai Slash will also consume 1 point of magic power.

To put it simply, the magic power he has now can only support him to use skills 30 times.

Although using skills requires magic power, it also brings another benefit, which is to prevent others from imitating his skills.

If you don't have the same magic power as him, even if someone perfectly reproduces the actions of the Eight Swords Flash and Heaven Shaking skills, they can only do the same actions, but can't achieve the same power.

Although he didn't cut anything, Richard's intuition told him that the Eight Blades Flash he was performing now could easily cut through reinforced concrete buildings like Sephiroth in the movie.

In addition to using the Eight Blades Flash and other skills, magic power can also be used to perform energy attacks or release magic skills.

However, this is not something he needs to consider as he has just crossed over.

His current template fusion degree is only 5%, and he has not awakened magic skills.

From the description given by the system, the Sephiroth template he has is similar to Sephiroth in the remake of the game.

In addition to the Eight Blades Flash and other skills, he also has magic skills such as Big Flame, Big Blizzard, Big Thunder, and Big Strong Wind.

Richard ignored the sound of proficiency improvement in his mind and continued to practice the Eight Blades Flash in the bedroom.

"Eight Swords Flash Proficiency +1"

"Eight Swords Flash Proficiency +1"

"Eight Swords Flash Proficiency +1"


After performing Eight Swords Flash 10 times in a row and raising his proficiency to 10 points, he ended this practice with reluctance and put the more than two-meter-long authentic sword back into the system space.

After putting away the authentic sword, he went to the bathroom.

Silver-white long hair, light green eyes, handsome appearance...

Looking at himself in the mirror, Richard smiled with satisfaction.

Being strong or not is a matter of time, being handsome or not is a matter of a lifetime!

Although the original body was also very handsome, quite like Leo when he was young, the hair color of the original body was not silver, but gold.

As for the color of the eyes, there was no big change, both were light green.

However, compared with the original body, his pupils are now vertical pupils like those of a beast.

After admiring his handsome appearance that appeals to both young and old, Richard returned to the bedroom, took off his pajamas, and changed into his daily clothes.

After changing his clothes, he did not leave the bedroom immediately, but sat down on a chair and thought seriously.

According to the memories left by his original body, the world he traveled to is indeed the Marvel Universe, but this is not a pure Avengers movie universe or X-Men movie universe.

In this world, there are Avengers, Iron Man, and Captain America...

There are also X-Men, the Brotherhood of Mutants, the Hellfire Club, and the Fantastic Four...

Most importantly, the United States in this world has enacted a law called the Mutant Restriction Act.

The Mutant Restriction Act has two main contents.

First, all mutants must complete registration and accept the unified management of the Department of Mutant Affairs.

Second, except for mutants with official permission, other mutants are strictly prohibited from using superpowers in public.

If you do not complete the registration, or use superpowers without official permission, you will be arrested by mutant agents and imprisoned in a special prison for mutants.

This mutant restriction bill reminded Richard of the mutant registration bill seen in the movie.

However, the mutant registration bill in the movie failed, while the mutant restriction bill in this world was successfully enacted.

The original father was a mutant who opposed the mutant restriction bill, so he had never completed the registration as required by the bill.

Not only that, the original father, who was a billionaire, also formed an underground mutant organization called "Crimson Manor" to help and shelter mutants who also opposed the mutant restriction bill.

Richard is now at the headquarters of "Crimson Manor".

There are now more than fifty mutants living in the manor.

Two days ago, the original father left the manor with three mutants and went to Los Angeles to pick up a group of new members who wanted to join the organization.

However, I don't know where the news leaked, and the original father and his group were arrested by agents of the Mutant Affairs Department.

Although he occupied the body of the original, to Richard, the original father was no different from a stranger.

Of course, if his strength allowed, he wouldn't mind rescuing his original father as a reward for occupying his original body.

However, judging from the current situation, even if he wanted to repay his original father, he couldn't do it in a short period of time.

He didn't know where his original father was imprisoned.

More importantly, he didn't have the strength to rescue his original father at all.

He can repay, but he won't risk his life for it.

After browsing the memories left by the original body and figuring out the current situation, he opened the attribute panel and looked at the column of X gene superpowers.

When his attention was focused on the two words [plunder], the system immediately gave the corresponding explanation.

[Plunder: plunder the superpowers of the people killed by your own hands, can evolve, current level: Beta level]

[PS: Cannot plunder superpowers that exceed your own level]

The explanation given by the system was very short, only two sentences, but it was enough for him to figure out what the original body's superpowers were.

At the same time, he also knew why the original body's father and others felt that the original body had never awakened superpowers.

Plunder the superpowers of the people killed by their own hands!

The original body had never killed anyone, so the superpower of plunder had never had the opportunity to show.

Although the system did not clearly explain how to upgrade plunder, Richard had already guessed what to do to upgrade.

Plunder other people's superpowers!

When the plundered superpowers reach a certain number, plunder can be upgraded from beta level to alpha level.

There are five levels of mutants in this world.

The official classification is from level one to level five.

The classification promoted by Professor X and Magneto before is Epsilon, Delta, Beta, Alpha, and Omega, which symbolizes the ultimate and infinite.

Although there are five levels, most mutants still prefer to use the classification introduced by Professor X and Magneto, that is, Gamma, Beta, and Alpha to describe their superpower levels.

The reason for this is that on the one hand, most mutants do not like the Mutant Restriction Act, so they do not like the official classification.

On the other hand, Beta, Alpha, and Omega are better than Level 3, Level 4, and Level 5.

Although there are levels, the levels are not completely equivalent to combat power.

After all, not all superpowers are suitable for combat.

Turning off the attribute panel, Richard recalled the conversations he heard before waking up.

Although he could not recognize who those people were talking, he was sure of one thing, that is, those guys were going to drive him away.

As soon as the original body's father was captured, he wanted to drive the original body away!

These people really know how to "repay kindness"!

Richard was just thinking about where to plunder his first superpower.

Now, he has a goal!

If these guys taken in by the original body's father are really so ungrateful, then don't blame him for being ruthless after occupying the original body!

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