The Mutant God in American Comics

Chapter 36 Phoenix Girl's Guarantee

After seeing the Blackbird fighter circling over the forest and looking for a suitable landing place, Richard put away his authentic knife and used Flash before the Blackbird fighter landed.

The next second, he came to the cabin of the Blackbird fighter while sitting on a big rock.

There were many people sitting in the cabin, which was not particularly spacious.

In addition to Phoenix, Richard also saw Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm, Sabretooth, Clarice, and the mutant children rescued from the third underground floor last night.

Whether it was Phoenix and Wolverine, or Cyclops and Storm, they were all similar to his memory.

Glancing at everyone, he said to Phoenix:

"I don't like others to use telepathy on me."

"If someone tries to invade my brain, I will do my best to kill the other party."

Although Phoenix just used telepathy to lock his position and did not invade his brain, he still felt that it was necessary to remind Phoenix.

As soon as he finished speaking, Wolverine, who was sitting next to Phoenix, stood up with an impolite look on his face, walked straight to him, and said to him fiercely:

"Boy, speak politely, Jean just wants to know where you are!"

Although Phoenix's boyfriend is not him, but Cyclops who is driving the Blackbird fighter.

But after hearing what Richard said, Wolverine still warned Richard immediately, as if he was Phoenix's boyfriend.

"You were the first to be impolite."

"Victor and Clarice have already told you that I don't want to see you."

"Using telepathy to lock a person who doesn't want to see you, is this the style of the X-Men?"

Richard looked at Wolverine with a bad expression calmly, and said slowly.

In terms of strength, Wolverine is much stronger than Sabretooth.

But he is only stronger than Sabretooth.

Even if he has adamantium, Richard has dozens of ways to defeat him.

It would be a little more troublesome to kill him completely, but it can also be done.

Wolverine, who was not a gentle uncle, became even more rude after hearing Richard's words.

Just as he tried to grab Richard's collar and warn him for the last time, Phoenix's voice rang out.

"Logan, don't!"

Hearing Phoenix's voice, Wolverine immediately put down his hands that had just been raised.

After stopping Wolverine from threatening Richard, Phoenix stood up and came to Richard, saying apologetically:

"It was wrong of me to use telepathy to lock your position without authorization. I apologize to you now, sorry!"

After seeing Phoenix apologize to him sincerely, Richard slowly said: "Forget it this time, tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

"If you want me to go back to the mutant school with you, there is no need to speak. I have no intention of going to New York now."

Although Professor X is not a bad person, he has no intention of dealing with Professor X now.

Or, he can guess what Professor X will say after meeting.

With Professor X's personality and style, he would certainly persuade him to work for the rights of the mutant community, or use his own power to help others, just like those old good guys.

Phoenix and Cyclops are willing to follow Professor X's arrangements. It is their freedom, and Richard will not say anything.

But he will not have the idea of ​​joining in.

Strictly speaking, as a time traveler, he has not had the idea of ​​being an ancestor in this world, which is already considered to be a very moral level.

"The professor has no ill intentions, just want to meet you and talk."

"We are not here to arrest you, nor are we here to help the Department of Mutant Affairs."

"In addition, I can assure you that even if the Department of Mutant Affairs knows that you went to school with us, they will never take action against you."

"If you don't want to be wanted, we can also ask the Department of Mutant Affairs to cancel the S-level wanted order on you."

Unlike Wolverine, when Phoenix heard Richard say that he didn't like others to use telepathy on him, he knew that he was a person who would not take hardship.

In addition, she also found that Richard was not as difficult to deal with as she imagined.

This can be seen from the fact that Richard took back the authentic knife before flashing into the cabin.

"I don't think there is anything for me and Charles to talk about now."

"As for the promise you mentioned..."

Richard paused, pointed at the mutant children and said, "I rescued them from the Sentinel robot maintenance area of ​​the Los Angeles branch last night."

"Whether you know or not, just looking at their experience, it is hard for me to believe your promise."

Although the X-Men did not join the Mutant Affairs Department, with their abilities, it is not difficult to know what the Mutant Affairs Department did to the captured mutants.

If they really knew nothing, it only means that they don't care that much about the mutants outside.

Hearing Richard's words, Phoenix fell silent.

After a few seconds, she continued:

"They will experience these inhuman treatments, which is indeed our negligence."

"I know that no matter what I say now, it is difficult for you to believe us, but I still hope you..."

Before Phoenix finished her words, a sharp and piercing alarm suddenly sounded in the cabin.

"A missile has locked on us!"

Storm's voice rang out immediately.


After hearing Storm's words, Phoenix and Wolverine's faces suddenly became extremely ugly.

They are now in the United States.

This means that the missiles fired at them are either from the US military or from special departments such as the Department of Mutant Affairs and S.H.I.E.L.D.

The X-Men's Blackbird fighter has been registered with the government and the military, so there is no possibility of being mistaken for fighters from other countries.

"It seems that the X-Men are not that important in the hearts of the government and the military."

Richard's voice rang out.

Just as Phoenix was about to say something, he turned to Clarice and said:

"Open the space gate and take these little guys away from here immediately. This fighter may not be able to avoid the attack of the missile."


After hearing his words, Clarice replied immediately without any hesitation.

She raised her right hand and threw out a ball of purple space energy, immediately creating a space gate to the forest.

As soon as the space gate was formed, Wolverine and Sabretooth picked up the mutant child in the seat and left the Blackbird through the space gate.

When Richard and the others left the cabin, Storm and Cyclops immediately drove the Blackbird fighter to start a series of maneuvers to evade.

"They should be coming for me."

"If they didn't know that I was also in the fighter, they wouldn't risk completely offending Charles by attacking you with missiles."

As soon as the voice fell, Richard took out the authentic knife from the system space.

"What are you going to do?"

Seeing him take out the authentic knife, Wolverine looked at him with a vigilant face and immediately stretched out his adamantium bone claws.

"Calm down, I'm not interested in you."

"I want to deal with the people on that plane."

Richard raised the authentic knife and pointed it at the sky in the distance.

Looking along the tip of the authentic knife, Wolverine saw nothing.

Of course he couldn't see anything because his vision was blocked by the surrounding trees.

Richard could see it because he had just plundered the super vision with farsightedness and perspective last night.

In the direction pointed by the authentic knife, there is a black fighter that looks similar to the SHIELD Quinjet, but with the logo of the Mutant Affairs Department on the fuselage.

Inside this fighter, there are three mutant agents wearing black combat uniforms and with extremely serious expressions.

It is obvious that they must be elite agents who came from other branches or headquarters of the Mutant Affairs Department.

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