The Mutant God in American Comics

Chapter 41 The New Leader of Mutants

The attribute panel, which was like a holographic projection screen, immediately appeared in Richard's sight.

[Host: Richard]

[Race: Human (Alpha-level mutant)]

[Current template: Sephiroth (fusion degree 45%)]

[Exclusive equipment: Authentic sword, Phantom sword]

[Skills: Eight Swords Flash lv3, Earth Shaking lv3, Sky Shaking lv3, Zanshin lv3, Iai Slash lv3, Prison Gate lv3, Black Magic Crystal lv3, Thunder lv3, Blizzard lv3, Flame lv3, Wind lv3, Dimension Slash lv3]

[Magic: 523/2000 (recover 450 points per hour)]

[ X-Gene Superpowers: 19]

[Alpha: plunder, super strength, super physique, super self-healing, teleportation]

[Beta: energy emission, energy absorption, invisibility, super vision, telepathy, giant body, gravity binding, thermal vision, air bullet, flying, attack transfer, mind movement]

[Delta: beast intuition, bone claws]

[Task: none]

[Storage space: enabled]

When he upgraded the skill to level 3, the system cancelled the original proficiency display and only displayed the level.

Unless he specifically opened the skill description, the system would not actively display the specific proficiency of the skill.

In addition, after the skill was upgraded to level 3, he could finally control the consumption of the skill at will.

In other words, control the power of the skill at will.

He can now freely adjust the power of the skill between level 1 and level 3 according to the actual situation, and the consumption of magic power will also change according to the actual power of the skill.

Although the system did not give a corresponding explanation, he could roughly guess the reason.

If he had only released skills like playing games before, then after upgrading his skills to level 3, he had mastered these skills to perfection.

To put it simply, even if there is no help from the system, he can now use these abilities at will, instead of just choosing whether to release skills like playing games.

If there is anything he is not satisfied with, it is that in the past three months, the system has not issued any new tasks, so he has not been able to get new character template skills.

After taking a look at his current fusion degree, a thought flashed through his mind.

From the point of view that the system has not issued new tasks for three months and he has not awakened new skills, the fusion degree of 50% should be a watershed.

When the template fusion degree exceeds 50%, the system should issue new tasks.

Of course, it is not ruled out that he will automatically awaken skills such as the one-winged angel form, supernova, heartless angel, and destiny declaration.

After imagining himself performing the one-winged angel form in his mind, Richard's face showed an expectant expression.

After browsing the skills, his eyes fell on the X gene superpowers.

Just as he initially guessed, psychic abilities such as mind isolation, mind charm, and life-threatening suggestion can be fused and strengthened into a more comprehensive telepathic ability.

More than a month ago, after killing a female agent of the Mutant Affairs Department, he successfully plundered telepathic abilities.

To be precise, he plundered beta-level telepathic abilities.

The moment he plundered telepathic abilities, abilities such as mind isolation, mind charm, and hypnotic suggestion began to merge and strengthen the newly plundered telepathy.

If we only look at the level, his current telepathy is not as good as Professor X and the White Queen.

But he didn't pay much attention to this.

Although his current telepathy is only beta-level, as long as he continues to plunder other psychic abilities, it is only a matter of time before his telepathy is upgraded to alpha level.

Telepathy is not a particularly rare ability.

In addition to Professor X and the White Queen, there are many psychics in the world.

This means that he doesn't need to worry about not being able to plunder other psychic abilities.

Not only that, as long as he kills enough psychics, or kills Professor X and the White Queen, it is not impossible for his telepathy to be upgraded to the Omega level.

Judging from the number of X-gene superpowers, his superpowers have not increased much.

But in terms of strength, he is more than a little stronger than three months ago.

Now, even if he does not use the skills of the character template, there are not many mutants who can be his opponents with only the X-gene superpowers.

After browsing the X-gene superpowers, he closed the attribute panel and performed telepathy.

In just a moment, he disappeared from the depths of a messy forest and returned to his current residence.

Because he had an S-level wanted order issued by the Department of Mutant Affairs and had a flowing silver hair that was difficult to disguise, he lived away from the crowd for the past three months.

Unless he wanted to buy daily necessities, he basically would not enter the city.

Not only that, even if he went to the city to purchase daily necessities, he would use beta-level telepathy to freeze everyone in the supermarket.

More importantly, after purchasing daily necessities, he would go to the next city, not giving the Mutant Affairs Department a chance to follow up.

After performing teleportation and returning to his current residence, he slowly prepared lunch.

The place where he currently lived was a small wooden house in the forest.

Although he didn't know who the owner of this wooden house was, he was sure of one thing, that is, the owner of this wooden house was not short of money.

The appearance of the wooden house was very ordinary, similar to the wilderness construction videos he had seen before crossing.

But the decoration inside the wooden house was very good.

In other words, this was a holiday home located in the forest.

Living room, bedroom, kitchen, bathroom, etc. were all available.

In the past three months, he had lived in a similar wooden house.

It has to be said that the middle class in the United States knows how to enjoy life.

There are similar wooden houses in the forests near many cities.

It is precisely because of the existence of these wooden houses that he has lived quite comfortably in the past three months.

After being busy in the kitchen for a while, Richard came to the dining table with the freshly prepared lunch and sat down.

Then, he opened the laptop on the dining table and picked a good drama for himself.

Although he has been in this world for more than three months, he still retains many habits before crossing.

For example, when a person eats, he likes to watch while eating.

A drama that suits your taste will make the food in front of you taste better.

Of course, this is purely psychological.

No matter how good a drama is, it can't change the original taste of food.

However, Richard doesn't intend to change this habit.

He eats while watching drama.

Before he knew it, he had finished his lunch today.

After lunch, he didn't immediately tidy up the knife, fork and dishes in front of him, but put them aside and started browsing the latest news online.

Especially the news about himself.

Although it is impossible to search online what kind of mutant agent the Mutant Affairs Department will send to arrest him next, it can also let him, who lives in seclusion, know what has happened in the outside world recently.

After entering his name as a keyword for search, he soon saw a lot of reports about himself.

The passage of time has reduced his popularity on the Internet.

But the influence he brought has not only not decreased, but has become greater and greater.

Soon, a top-ranked report attracted his attention.

"New leader of mutants? Richard Wesley's influence on the younger generation of mutants!"

After seeing this title, Richard frowned slightly, clicked on the title of the report, and began to browse the full content.

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