The Mutant God in American Comics

Chapter 79 100 Template, Anti-Richard Armor

Chapter 79 100% Template, Anti-Richard Armor

After hearing Richard's words, Tony fell silent.

Then, he asked the waiter next to him to bring a chair.

After sitting down next to Richard and the White Queen, he continued: "Rogers is my friend!"

"Barnes, who killed your parents, is also his friend. In addition, in his opinion, you are not as important as Barnes."

Richard looked at Tony who was gradually calming down and said slowly.

Just when Tony was about to continue to say something, the voice of the White Queen rang out.

"There are several people sending text messages now, ready to reveal that you killed Rogers. Do you need me to stop them?"

The White Queen said to Richard.

"No, let them send it. I don't mind if this spreads."

"Anyway, it won't be me who has a headache."

Richard said with a smile.

In the United States, Captain America does have many fans.

Not only that, many people even grew up listening to his heroic stories.

For example, Phil Coulson, the 8th-level agent of S.H.I.E.L.D., is a loyal fan of Captain America.

But Richard still didn't worry about other people knowing that he killed Captain America.

From the first day he crossed into this world, he never thought about being a respected and beloved superhero.

Of course, he didn't plan to be a super villain who conquered the world.

If he had to give himself a position, anti-hero would be a little more suitable for him.

After hearing Richard's answer, the White Queen stopped telepathy and ignored the customers in the restaurant.

Tony, who was interrupted, first looked at the White Queen unhappily, and then said to Richard:

"You killed Rogers, let's talk about it later."

"I want to know now, why do you know that Bucky Barnes killed my parents."

"Before coming here, I have contacted Nick Fury, and he admitted that Bucky Barnes killed my parents, and he also gave me the surveillance video of that year."

Speaking of this, Tony unconsciously clenched his fists, and his face showed uncontrollable anger and murderous intent.

After trying to calm down, he continued:

"But he also told me that only a few people in SHIELD know about this."

"Apart from SHIELD, only Hydra knows."

"How did you know?"

"I know you have telepathic superpowers and can read other people's memories and thoughts at will, but you definitely didn't know it from SHIELD."

"That means, either you are a Hydra person, or you know how to find a Hydra person."

Tony was really upset that Richard killed Rogers.

But he only cares about one thing now, that is, to find Bucky to avenge his parents personally.

Before helping his parents to avenge, he doesn't care about anything else.

"I do know how to find Hydra people, but you should also know that there is no free news in the world..."

Tony's voice rang out before Richard finished speaking.

"Just ask for what you want, no matter what you want, I will satisfy you."

Tony looked at Richard seriously and said quickly.

"Don't interrupt others. This is basic etiquette."

"However, since you are in a bad mood now, I won't bother with you."

"Besides, I am not that difficult to get along with. As long as it is someone I admire, I don't mind giving him some help."

"You are lucky. You happen to be someone I admire."

"It is easy to find the people of Hydra. There are their people in SHIELD."

"You should know Alexander Pierce, the former director of SHIELD and the current head of the Security Council. His office is on the top floor of the Triskelion headquarters of SHIELD."

"He is not only one of the leaders of Hydra, but also the manager of Bucky Barnes, the 'Winter Soldier'."

"If you want to find Barnes, go find Pierce."

"As long as you can catch him, Barnes will naturally come to you."

"By the way, you'd better be fully prepared. Barnes is not an easy person to deal with."

Richard calmly said the important information that Tony did not expect.

Alexander Pierce is the leader of Hydra?

Tony looked at Richard with surprise.

If someone else said such a thing, he would suspect that the other party was fooling him.

But when it came from Richard's mouth, he didn't doubt it much.

This was not because he trusted Richard, but because he didn't think Richard had the need to lie.

In addition, it was not difficult to confirm whether Pierce was the leader of Hydra.

As long as the other party was caught, it would be quickly confirmed whether what Richard said was true.

"I'm not used to owing favors to others."

"Whatever you want, as long as I can do it, I won't refuse."

Tony said quickly.

"No, just think I want to watch the fun."

Richard smiled and replied.

"No, I'm not used to owing favors to others."

Tony looked at Richard seriously.

After seeing the serious expression on Tony's face, Richard thought for a while and continued:

"If you must repay me for this so-called favor, then do your best to make an 'anti-Richard armor' and give it to me."

Anti-Richard armor?

Not only did Tony not expect Richard to make such a request, but the White Queen did not expect it either.

What exactly did he want?

Tony frowned in confusion.

After a few seconds of silence, he continued: "If this is what you want in return, I will meet your condition."

"However, I will not start making the anti-Richard armor you want until the revenge is over."

"No problem, I'm not in a hurry, give it to me when you are ready."

Richard replied.

After confirming that he was not joking, Tony said nothing more and got up and left the restaurant.

Putting on the armor parked at the door of the restaurant, Tony quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

When Tony left, Richard quietly performed telepathy and deleted some of the memories of the restaurant customers.

He didn't mind letting others know that Captain America died in his hands.

But he didn't want Alexander Pierce to know Tony's revenge in advance.

If Pierce knew in advance, Tony's revenge would be more difficult, and the Hydra members in SHIELD might also hide in advance.

After all, Hydra is not ready to go to war with SHIELD.

If it is exposed now, according to Hydra's style, it will most likely choose to continue hiding instead of confronting SHIELD face to face.

Richard does not like SHIELD, but compared with SHIELD, he dislikes Hydra even more.

Apart from anything else, SHIELD sometimes does some good things.


Evening news at 8 o'clock in the evening.

All major TV stations in New York reported the same news.

"Richard Wesley publicly admitted to killing Captain America, which aroused heated discussions among the public. SHIELD denied it and claimed that Captain America Rogers was carrying out a secret mission."

"Iron Man Tony Stark broke into the SHIELD headquarters and kidnapped the Minister of the Security Council. He had a fierce exchange of fire with SHIELD agents. SHIELD issued a notice stating that the Minister of the Security Council Alexander Pierce was participating in a special exercise jointly organized by the Avengers and SHIELD."

As Richard expected, he and Tony both appeared on the evening news of major TV stations, making them even more famous.

In addition, the response from SHIELD was also within his expectations.

Whether it was denying that Captain America was killed by him or denying that Tony kidnapped Pierce, it was in line with SHIELD's style.

Although the US media has always claimed that ordinary people also have the right to know, what ordinary people can know is what the official wants them to know.

Time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a week has passed.

For ordinary people, the past week was nothing special, but for Tony, it was a week he would never forget.

Because he finally completed his revenge and killed the Winter Soldier Bucky with his own hands.


The White Queen's apartment.

Although the White House compensated him with two manors, and one of them was in the suburbs near New York, Richard has not moved there until now.

It's not that the manor in New York is not good enough, but he has no intention of moving for the time being.

For him, whether he lives in a manor, a luxury apartment, or a cabin in the forest, it doesn't matter.

What matters is whether he likes it or not.

Compared with the manor compensated by the White House, he now prefers the luxury apartment of the White Queen.

Tony, wearing sunglasses and an expensive custom suit, sat on the sofa in the living room. Just like at home, he picked up the bottle of whiskey in front of him that cost as much as 50,000 US dollars and poured out two glasses.

Then, he handed one of the glasses to Richard.

Richard took the whiskey handed by Tony and said:

"From your appearance, you not only completed your revenge, but Nick Fury also agreed to help you clean up the mess. How did you convince him?"

Tony picked up his own glass and took a sip, answering Richard's question casually.

"I don't need to convince him. I told him that if he doesn't find a way to deal with the aftermath, then I can only tell the truth."

"The minister of the Security Council is the leader of Hydra, and a large number of Hydra spies are hiding in S.H.I.E.L.D. If these things are known to the outside world, S.H.I.E.L.D. will be deprived of all powers even if it is not disbanded."

"He wants to keep S.H.I.E.L.D., so he can only find a way to help me deal with the aftermath."

After hearing what Tony said, Richard smiled and said, "I didn't expect you to use this method. I thought you were not interested in the methods commonly used by politicians."

"Let's not talk about this. You brought a bottle of whiskey that costs up to 50,000 US dollars here. It shouldn't be to chat with me."

"Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

After speaking, Richard raised the glass in his hand and took a sip.

Although he didn't know much about whiskey, he had to admit that whiskey that costs 50,000 US dollars tasted really good.

"Nothing else, I just came to chat with you."

Tony replied quickly.

"Okay, stop pretending."

"Even if you want to chat, you won't chat with me, whom you've only met once."

"You do have fewer friends, but you don't have none. If you want to chat, Pepper, Happy, and Colonel Rhodes will be happy to accompany you."

"What's more, there is a 25-year age gap between you and me. According to the saying that there is a generation gap of 3 years, there is an 8-year generation gap between you and me."

Richard exposed Tony mercilessly.

He didn't need to use telepathy to read Tony's thoughts. He only needed to look at Tony's dark circles that couldn't be covered even with sunglasses to know that what Tony said was not true.

"You know you are only 18 years old now. You don't look like an 18-year-old kid when you kill people."

Tony immediately complained about Richard.

Richard didn't understand Tony's complaints and continued to taste the precious whiskey Tony brought.

Seeing that he was completely unmoved, Tony continued: "Do me a favor."

"What favor?" Richard put down the glass and asked.

"I can't sleep. Jarvis said I have severe anxiety."

"I tried taking sleeping pills, but I couldn't sleep either."

"As soon as I closed my eyes, the scene of my parents being killed by Barnes would appear in my mind."

"I thought I would be back to normal as long as I killed Barnes, but the result was worse."

At this point, Tony took off his sunglasses and revealed his extremely obvious dark circles.

Then, he continued, "In these three days, I slept for less than two hours in total."

"I'm not your psychiatrist, and our relationship is not good enough to help each other."

Richard said seriously.

"I know our relationship is not good enough, so I won't ask you to help for free."

"I know you have the superpower of telepathy. As long as you use telepathy to help me forget the scene of my parents being killed, or give me a false memory, no matter what reward you want, as long as I can do it, I will not refuse."

"Although I can also spend time to make a therapeutic device that forces the hippocampus to clear traumatic memories, it will take a lot of time to do it."

Tony did not hesitate and immediately stated his true purpose.

After hearing his answer, Richard thought for a while and said slowly:

"Since you said so, I won't be polite with you."

"I can help you solve this insomnia problem, provided that you give me another set of Mark armor."

"You don't need to design a new one, this version will do."

As soon as Richard finished speaking, Tony quickly replied: "No problem!"

The anti-Richard armor has been agreed, and giving another armor will make no difference to him.

"I will implant a psychological suggestion in you later, so that you can fall asleep peacefully when you want to sleep."

Richard said slowly.

Implant psychological suggestion?

Tony frowned immediately.

Obviously, this is very different from what he wants.

"Are you sure this psychological suggestion will work?"

Tony asked.

"Don't underestimate me too much. Haven't you watched the news recently? People outside are now saying that I am an all-round Omega-level mutant."

"Don't say it's just a psychological suggestion to sleep whenever you want. Even if I ask you to change your personality, I am absolutely sure."

Richard said with a smile.

"You? An Omega-level mutant?"

"Forget it. If there is a mutant who can become an Omega-level mutant, it is Dr. Jean Grey of the Mutant School."

"This is the conclusion that Jarvis came to after repeated analysis."

Tony shook his head and said quickly.

Just when Richard was about to refute him, the system's task panel suddenly appeared in his sight.

[Task: Son of the Devil (IV)]

[Task content: Defeat "Dark Phoenix" Jean Grey]

[Task reward: True Demon Form]

[Task time limit: None]


Defeat Dark Phoenix?

After seeing the new task "Son of the Devil (IV)" suddenly released by the system, Richard frowned immediately.

There is no task time limit, and the task reward is still Virgil's True Demon Form?

Although he has not yet obtained Virgil's character template, he already has Virgil's Yama Blade, Phantom Sword, and Dimension Slash.

If Virgil's true demon form is added, as long as Virgil's template is obtained, his fusion degree will immediately soar to a very high level, and it is not impossible to achieve 100% fusion degree in one step.

Richard has completed many system tasks, but he only now discovered that the system will actually issue tasks without clear task time limits and rewards for complete templates.

Not only that, the word "defeat" in the task description also made him concerned.

The system does not care whether he cares whether he kills important figures in the Marvel Universe. Captain America Rogers is a good example.

The word "defeat" is used in the task description instead of killing, which means that in the judgment of the system, he does not have the strength to kill "Dark Phoenix" Jean Grey.

Is the Phoenix Girl in this universe so strong?

This is not a comic universe?

Several thoughts flashed through Richard's mind immediately.

Tony could not see the task panel in front of him, but could only see that he suddenly frowned.

Tony, who had no idea what was going on, asked in confusion: "Your psychological endurance can't be so poor, can you not stand a random complaint?"

"I've already said it before, don't underestimate me, my psychological endurance is much stronger than you think."

"I will use telepathy to leave you a psychological hint that will last for a month."

"If you can't get better in a month, I will help you delete those painful memories."

After saying that, without waiting for Tony to answer, Richard used telepathy to implant psychological hints in Tony's subconscious mind.

For him, this was as simple as breathing.

Seeing that he continued to taste the whiskey he brought within two seconds after he finished speaking, Tony asked in confusion: "Has it started, or has it ended?"


For some reason, Richard always felt that Tony's words could easily make people have some bad associations.


PS: Thank you for the reward from Jie Aotian, thank you for your support~~~

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