The Mutant God in American Comics

Chapter 92 Chaining, the Judgement of Ghost Rider

Richard ignored the ugly-looking Thunderbolt and didn't pay attention to the reporters taking photos. He led Fina Lyle toward the hotel and quickly disappeared from everyone's sight.

Although Richard and Fina Lyle had left, the reporters did not stop taking pictures.

Not only that, if they hadn't been stopped, they would have wanted to go up immediately to interview the Human Torch about his current mood.

After seeing the reporters frantically taking pictures of him, the Human Torch, who was already unhappy, became even more unhappy.

Under the gaze of everyone, he roared angrily and directly used his super power.

In just a blink of an eye, he turned into a Pyroman wrapped in flames, rising into the sky like a missile, heading towards the Baxter Building, the headquarters of the Fantastic Four.

Although Human Torch did not provide any explanation, his move was already an answer in a sense to the current reporters.

very good!

The report content is richer!

The reporters were even happier after seeing the Human Torch use his powers to leave on the spot out of anger.

Dinner hall.

As soon as Richard and Fina Lyle arrived in the hall, many people came towards him and greeted him enthusiastically.

Although he was not familiar with these people, out of courtesy, Richard responded to them.

As he responded to the men, he glanced around the hall.

Soon, he saw Jin Bin, the organizer of the charity dinner.

Kingpin, who is two meters tall, weighs more than two hundred kilograms and more than 90% of his body is muscle, is particularly eye-catching in the dinner hall.

He was in a straight suit and was talking to a guest.

Although his expression is not menacing, the huge size difference still gives people the feeling that he is threatening the opponent.

Not long after Richard's eyes fell on him, Jin Bin was keenly aware that someone was looking at him and turned to look at Richard.

After seeing that the person sizing him up was Richard, Jin Bin frowned slightly, with an unexpected expression on his face.

He did send an invitation letter to Richard, but he didn't think Richard would attend the banquet.

After all, they are people from two worlds.

Although Kingpin is the underworld emperor of the United States, he knows very well that he, the so-called underworld emperor, is almost like an ant to Richard.

If Richard wanted to kill him, it would not be much more difficult than drinking water.

After talking to the guests in front of him, Kingpin walked towards him with two men in the same suits.

Richard had never had contact with Kingpin before.

However, he has investigated the Kingpin of this world.

In terms of personality, the Kingpin of this world is more like the character in the movie "Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse".

In the movie "Spider-Man: Into the Parallel Universe", he is a good father who loves his wife and children deeply. In order to "resurrect" his wife and children who died in a car accident, he had someone develop a particle accelerator to open the door to the parallel universe.

The Kingpin in the comics is an extremely cruel person.

In other words, he is a man who loves his son deeply but is extremely cruel to his wife.

Because his son Richard Fisk was killed, he, who had planned to retire, turned into a vengeful beast, madly revenged on all his enemies, and almost caused World War III.

However, such a good father who loved his son deeply, after calming down, regarded his wife as a stumbling block to his underworld dominance and killed his wife with his own hands.

After investigation, Richard discovered that Jin in this world not only has a personality closer to the character in the movie, but also has a much better life than in the movie.

Kingpin's wife Vanessa and son Richard Fisk are still alive and well.

Not only that, because the Peter Parker of this world is still a middle school student, it is impossible for his wife and son to face the fate in the movie in a short time.

Because the car accident that killed them in the movie happened after Kingpin fought Spider-Man.

Soon, Jin Bin and his men came to Richard.

Although they are both wearing expensive hand-tailored suits, the two of them give people completely different feelings.

If you don't look at Richard's long silver hair, he gives the impression that he is a rich man from a wealthy family.

And the feeling of Kingpin...

How to say it?

Maybe it's because of his strong body, or maybe it's because of his bald head. Even if he doesn't have any ill intentions, he still gives people a sense of oppression.

Of course, ordinary people would feel this sense of oppression on Kingpin.

For example, Fina Lyle beside Richard.

If you have strength that far exceeds that of ordinary people, you will not feel any sense of oppression.

From an ordinary person's perspective, Jin Bin is indeed very powerful.

But for superhumans, Kingpin's strength is only a little stronger than ordinary people.

Whether it's the power to punch through a wall with bare hands or the world's top fighting skills, it's nothing to a superhuman.

Arriving in front of Richard, Jin Bin greeted Richard politely.

After greeting Richard as the host of the dinner, Jin Bin left with his men.

When Kingpin left, Fina Lyle, who was standing next to Richard, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Kingpin behaved very politely, Kingpin gave her the impression that he was a giant human bear that could tear him apart at any time.

More than ten minutes later.

The charity auction begins.

As the host of the dinner, Jin Bing first said some polite words, and then signaled the auctioneer to officially start the auction tonight.

Jin Bing is indeed not a good person, but he will not take the money obtained from the auction tonight for himself.

Not to mention that he himself is not short of money.

For him, tonight's charity dinner is mainly to leave a good reputation in the minds of the uninformed public.

Although everyone who attended the dinner knew what kind of person Jin Bing was, ordinary people did not know that he was the underworld emperor of the United States.

For ordinary people who are not clear about the inside story, they will only see in the news and newspapers that entrepreneur Wilson Grant Fisk held a charity dinner and donated all the charity money to public welfare organizations.

They will not know that one-third of the guests attending the dinner have a gang background.

They will not know that the congressmen and government officials at the dinner have all accepted bribes from Jin Bing.

They will not know that the origins of those auction items cannot be investigated in depth, otherwise tonight's charity auction will become a stolen goods exhibition.

In a country like the United States, ordinary people can see what the capitalists want them to see.

Even seemingly fair online platforms are nothing more than information cocoons.

Although Richard's purpose tonight was the Ghost Rider, since he was here, he also participated in the auction and bought several good jewelry to take back to the White Queen and Clarice.

Fina, who was standing next to him, saw him spend millions of dollars to buy several pieces of jewelry, and an irrepressible smile appeared on her face.

In her opinion, Richard auctioned these jewelry for her.

After all, she gave Richard enough face tonight, and she was also his female companion.

Although Fina didn't speak, just by looking at her expression, Richard could know what she was thinking.

Just when she was thinking about whether to call her sister and the two sisters joined forces to serve Richard like last time, Richard's voice rang.

"These jewelry are not for you, don't think too much."

Hearing Richard's words, Fina's expression immediately became a little embarrassed.

But soon, she returned to her obedient appearance and said softly: "Fina is already very satisfied to be your female companion tonight."

At this point, she paused, put her seductive red lips close to Richard's ear, and continued in a charming tone: "My sister is also at my house tonight~"

"Let's talk about it later."

Richard said slowly.

If the Ghost Rider didn't show up tonight, he wouldn't mind going to Fina's apartment and playing poker with the two sisters.

Although the Fina sisters have never appeared in comics and movies, he must admit that the Fina sisters are a pair of beauties that suit his taste very well.


Fina nodded immediately, with an expectant look on her face.


Fantastic Four headquarters.

Baxter Building.

The Human Torch, wearing the Fantastic Four uniform, sat alone in the living room drinking.

When he used his superpowers to turn into a fire man, his handmade custom suit had been burned.

Although he returned to the building, he did not plan to change other clothes, but went directly to the living room to drink alone.

I hate Richard Wesley!

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he madly complained about Richard in his heart.

If he was an anti-hero or a super villain, he would have been thinking about how to kill Richard.

However, although he was a little fickle and unreliable, he was not a bad person.

Even though he was very unhappy, he did not have the idea of ​​killing Richard.

After drinking the whiskey in the glass, he came to the balcony outside.

After looking down at the night view of New York from a high place, he decided to go out and relax.

With a thought, golden flames appeared out of thin air and completely enveloped him.

After transforming into a fire man, he immediately flew away from the Baxter Building without any hesitation, and flew aimlessly and quickly between the high-rise buildings in New York.

The Thunderbolt originally just wanted to go out and relax.

However, after flying to a certain block in Brooklyn, he stopped flying in the air like a missile, and looked at the street below with a puzzled look.

Who is this guy?

In the block below, the Human Torch saw a guy with a strange appearance and flames wrapped around his body.

Black leather jacket, jeans, and a chain wrapped around his body. Next to him was a motorcycle with a strange shape and wheels and lights covered with flames.

However, these were not what attracted the Human Torch's attention.

What really attracted his attention was the skull wrapped in golden flames.

The person the Human Torch saw was none other than the Ghost Rider who was performing the duty of judging sinners.

Although he didn't know who this strange guy was, the Human Torch's first reaction was that the other party was a mutant.

Then, Richard's name flashed through his mind unconsciously.

I hate mutants!

After complaining in his heart, especially after seeing the Ghost Rider chasing the ordinary people in front, the Human Torch did not hesitate and immediately flew towards the Ghost Rider.

Soon, he came to the sky above the Ghost Rider.

Flame launch!

The Human Torch raised his right hand and threw a ball of fire at the Ghost Rider without saying a word.

Although he didn't know the existence of Ghost Rider, after seeing the flaming skull of Ghost Rider, he knew that the other party had good fire resistance.

In this case, there was no need to worry whether the flames he threw would kill the other party!


In just a blink of an eye, the flames thrown by Thunderbolt hit the Ghost Rider on the street and exploded like a fire bomb.

As Thunderbolt guessed, the flames he threw did not cause trouble to Ghost Rider, but only successfully attracted Ghost Rider's attention to himself.

When Ghost Rider looked up at him, Thunderbolt said to Ghost Rider:

"Do you mutants have to fight violence with violence like Richard?"

Although Thunderbolt didn't know the people being chased by Ghost Rider, he could see that those guys were not good people.

Just look at their outfits and the pistols in their hands, and you can tell that they are not law-abiding citizens.

Ghost Rider did not answer Thunderbolt, but looked at him silently.

After a few seconds, he ignored the Human Torch and turned to look at the gang members who had already run away for a distance.

The Human Torch didn't know what kind of existence Ghost Rider was.

After seeing that the other party ignored him, he was even more upset.

Just as Ghost Rider was about to continue to hunt down the previous gang members and complete the judgment of the crime, the Human Torch threw a fist-sized fireball.


The fireball hit the head of the Ghost Rider accurately and exploded with a bang.

"I'm talking to you, Skull!"

The Human Torch said to the Ghost Rider.

Ghost Rider didn't intend to pay attention to the Human Torch.

Because in his judgment system, the "crime" of the Human Torch was not yet to the point where it needed to be judged.

However, the repeated provocations of the Human Torch made the spirit of revenge in the Ghost Rider change his mind.

Under the gaze of the Human Torch, the Ghost Rider turned around again.

Then, he took off the iron chain wrapped around his body.

Want to attack me with chains?

After seeing the actions of Ghost Rider, Thunderbolt showed a disdainful expression.

Although he didn't know who the guy in front of him was, he was sure that the chain in Ghost Rider's hand was a common metal chain.

Just as he was about to continue to say something, Ghost Rider began to enchant the chain in his hand with hellfire.

Under the gaze of Thunderbolt, the ordinary chain immediately turned red, and the golden hellfire was wrapped around the chain.

After seeing this scene, Thunderbolt put away the disdain on his face and his expression became serious.

Without any hesitation, Ghost Rider, who had completed the chain enchantment, immediately began to attack.

He raised his right hand and waved it casually. The chain, which was only five or six meters long, suddenly swelled and came to Thunderbolt, who was twenty or thirty meters away from him.

Chain magic!

What Ghost Rider used to attack Thunderbolt at this time was nothing else but his iconic chain magic.

Although he didn't know why the chain in Ghost Rider's hand suddenly grew in length, the Human Torch was a famous superhero after all.

Before the Hellfire-demonized chain could hit him, he flew dozens of meters away and avoided Ghost Rider's attack.

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