[World Seed (Bound Fusion, Seed Stage: 0.001%)

This is the progress displayed by the system after he obtained the World Seed, after a medicinal bath.

Have to say! This progress made him despair….

At this pace, it probably needs ….. Belch…… Huh… Hinata Tianyun snapped his fingers, in short, it will take many, many years… Kaguya-hime came out, I’m afraid it’s far from enough to germinate.

Fortunately, the World Seed will give him a breath of life energy every time, promote his growth, and make his physique continue to become stronger.

This is the only place he is happy about!


In this way, another year passed, and the 36th year came to Konoha.

It has been two years since Tianyun was born, and Tianyun has not yet been out of the Hyuga clan’s clan land, and it is clear that this is definitely a sad story for Tianyun!

“Innocent and blue!!”

Tianyun was like a salted fish, sitting bored on the wooden steps in front of the house, with a maturity that did not fit his age on his face, staring at the white clouds in the sky in a daze.

This is his lately, daily obligatory lesson!

Because the age is too young, exercise can only be moderate, otherwise it will only be counterproductive!

Tianyun knows this very well.

As for extracting Chakra or something, it’s still too early! To extract Chakra at such a young age is definitely an act of looking for death, and even, if conditions permit, Tianyun is not ready to extract Chakra!

Tianyun has always felt that the cultivation method of extracting Chakra is very unreasonable.

This is an overdraft act!

Gaining strength at the cost of your body and longevity is completely contrary to my Dahuaxia cultivation theory since ancient times!

Didn’t you see that the old man who was as strong as the six paths was also old and dead?

This is not a health practice system!

(Ugh! Huaxia has always had a theory of cultivation, right? Although the truth is unknown! )

Huaxia practice theory has always advocated absorbing the essence of heaven and earth to promote the leap of one’s own life level, that is, cultivation breakthroughs, becoming stronger at the same time, but also driving the increase of life.

Unlike the Hokage World, it seems that the stronger the person, the more ninjutsu he uses, the more Chakra he extracts, the faster he dies!

Unless it reaches the level of Kaguya-hime and produces a qualitative change, it will not live long at all!

This is also well explained!

Cells are extracted energy, will only accelerate the aging, death and division renewal of cells, however, the number of cell divisions of ordinary humans is limited, accelerating the speed of division and renewal, equal to the forcible acceleration of growth and aging speed in disguise, no wonder the people in this world are so precocious and so short-lived!

Well! Pull away!

Tianyun only feels bored now, nesting in the clan land every day, unable to get out, he feels uncomfortable! He couldn’t communicate with those little fart children of the same age in the clan.

They are all two or three-year-old little fart children, they can’t say a few words, how to communicate? Do you want Tianyun to lower his IQ to play with them?

Tianyun doesn’t understand baby language, and he doesn’t understand the language!

“Ahhh!! I really want to go out and walk! ”

“The world is so big! I’m not very demanding! Can’t you just let me walk outside the tribal land? ”

He really wants to go to the legendary Ichiraku ramen now and try the legendary ramen!

Watching anime is like trying to see how it tastes.

“In other words, at this time, the Ichiraku ramen shop should have opened, right?”

I would also like to see the big/cow, the legendary gambler: Tsunade beauty! Whoops……

“If you are beautiful, it is not too much!”

Two lifetimes are human, he is still a pure love little virgin, and he is also full of regrets.

But even so, it does not prevent him from having a heart to open the back / palace.

If he can, he also wants to see the sunset red who is still in the baby state, the flag wood five-five kai ah who is still a bear child, and the whirlpool Jiu Xinnai who is still in the girl’s state!

But it’s a pity that because of his talent, he was taken care of by the clan.

The patriarch and the elder group of the clan have long spoken, in order to avoid bad things happening, at this age, he is resolutely not allowed to leave the clan land for half a step! After all, the interior of Konoha Village has never been calm, and the struggle of various clans has not stopped!

For the sake of the future of the family, you can’t expect the people of other families to be high enough! That expectation is irresponsible for one’s own life!


“I’m really not gifted! It’s just a pot thrown by the seeds of the world! ”

Tianyun really wants to justify, but unfortunately I can’t say! Said that it will die!

[World Seed (Bound Fusion, Seed Stage: 0.0032%)].

“Huh! (sneer + wry!) O(* ̄︶ ̄*)o)

This is the energy progress obtained by the World Seed after a year of absorption!

Slow is desperate!

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for reaching the age of 2 and getting a chance to win a lottery! Does the host conduct a lottery? ”

“Decisive draw!”

Hearing the system’s prompt tone, Tianyun suddenly became excited, his spirit was greatly lifted, and he quickly replied excitedly.


He has been waiting for this moment for a year! I’m looking forward to what good things the system will bring him this time!

“Ding! The draw begins! …..”

“Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining: North Hades Shengong Reform (Transformed Version), do you want to learn? ”

“Northern Hades Divine Skill? …. Of course learn! ”

Although it was very strange for Tianyun Sense/Feeling Fire Shadow World to emerge from the inner martial arts, since it was given by the system, he felt that it was still good to learn, and it should not hurt anyway.

He couldn’t think of a reason why the system plagued him.


PS: New book for support! Ask for flowers! Collect it! Collection! Ask for tips! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to put forward in the comments, I try to be satisfied!

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