“The legend of the white eye? Could it be…”

Hinata Hiashi’s eyes widened when he heard his father’s words, he remembered some top-secret information that his father had shown him before, and there seemed to be some information about the legend of the white eye, although it was very scattered and incomplete, but at least he knew that there was such a thing.

It is rumored that just as there is a kaleidoscope Sharingan above the Sharingan, the white eye, which belongs to the three major pupil blood stains in the ninja world, can also go one step further and obtain powerful blood stains that far surpass the kaleidoscope Sharingan and are comparable to the legendary Reincarnation Eye.

It’s just that there is no record of how exactly it can be achieved, this belongs to the top secret of the Hyuga clan, and only the patriarch and the young patriarch can know.

Hinata Zongyun nodded and said, “Not bad!” That’s the legend! Just keep this in mind! Take care of Tianyun on weekdays! That kid is early, I can see that he is a good boy with great affection, as long as he treats him well, he will definitely not let us down in the future!! ”

From the situation of Hinata Tianyun in the past three years and the previous feelings for Hinata Lily, he can see a lot of things, and his vision is far from being comparable to a young man like Hinata Hiashi.

“I know! Father!!! To be honest, I love that kid too!! I really hope that I can give birth to such a sensible and talented son in the future!! Hinata sighed.

“Haha!! It seems that you are thinking about women!!! Also, I’m about the same age!! Let me help you see if the girl in the clan is suitable!! What is the beauty of the three elders’ house??? Elder Hyuga Mungyun said with a smile as he stroked his beard with satisfaction.

“Uh… Whole… It’s all up to my father’s arrangement!! Hinata stammered back with a red face.

After all, he is only a 17-year-old young man, and he is still very shy in this kind of thing.

Seeing that his son did not object, Hyuga Zongyun immediately decided, “Then Meihui!” I’ll give you a kiss tomorrow! That girl I grew up watching was excellent in every way! It’s just right for you! Just remember to treat her well!! ”

Of course, the marriage of the young patriarch of a large family cannot be found casually, in order to ensure the purity of the bloodline, the woman must definitely be the best woman in the clan. In this way, the purest offspring of the bloody veins can be born.

Unlike Uchiha’s chakra eyes, white eyes are the higher the purity of the bloodline, the better.

The higher the purity of the bloodline, the easier it is for the white eye to awaken, and the stronger the ability of the white eye.

The reason why Tianyun is so valued and called a genius, in addition to his extraordinary physique, is not unrelated to the unexpectedly high purity of his white eyes.

“Yes! Father!! Hinata replied respectfully with joy and anticipation.

“Haha!!!” Hinata Soun saw it and smiled with his beard.

It seems that he has chosen someone! Otherwise this kid wouldn’t be so happy.

He didn’t just say it to someone, Hinata Hiashi had a good impression of which girl in the clan, and he was not clear as the patriarch?

He just knew that Hinata Hiashi and the three elders had a good impression of Meihui.

In addition, he let Hinata Hinata marry early, and he may not have other ideas.

It is naturally good to have a son, but it is best to have another daughter, and when the time comes, let her grow up with Tianyun, form a deep friendship, and let the two combine in the future, so that not only can encircle and consolidate the relationship with Tianyun, but also maybe more excellent offspring can be born.

He was very optimistic about Tianyun’s bloodline inheritance.

Don’t feel that he thinks too far, as a patriarch, he naturally has to think as far-reaching as possible, and all kinds of plans must be formulated.

It is naturally best for Tianyun to grow up smoothly and have a close relationship with the clan, even if there is an accident, he can have a corresponding plan to deal with it.

The future is constantly changing, and no one can say what will happen in the future, so more preparation is the right way.

As the head of a clan, the future of the clan is never determined by emotion.

These things, he will slowly teach his son Hinata Hinata in the future.


“Whew! It’s finally over!! ”

Here, Hinata Tianyun also returned to his yard under the escort of the clansmen, and when he returned to the room, he let out a sigh, scanned the circle, and drank lowly:

“Roll your eyes! Open!! ”

The next moment, the green tendons on both sides of his eyes bulged slightly, and when he boarded, a black-and-white, black-and-white world appeared in his line of sight, with him as the center, and the 5-kilometer range all appeared within his line of sight.

Except for the area that includes parts of the Hyuga clan, and the clan lands of some families near the Hyuga clan, other things such as streets and shops are all in Tianyun’s line of sight.

“Sure enough, are there many people protecting me in secret??” Through the white eyes, Tianyun easily found the four guardian ninjas guarding his courtyard.

Judging from the Chakra in the body, one upper Shinobi, three middle Shinobi, this power is already not weak!!

“Huh?? This is??? Supercilious? Young Master Tianyun??? ”

At the moment when Tianyun opened his white eyes, the ninjas of the Hyuga clan who were guarding outside felt the peeping of their sights, and immediately opened their white eyes, and easily found that it was Tianyun in the room who opened their white eyes, and the four of them closed their white eyes while they were happy.


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