Ay! Do not say!! Look at the little dragon girl who looks at him directly on the side, and her face is slightly red!

Since this girl was almost broken by Yang Guo’s anger, now, a real emotional expression began to appear on her face, at this time, Xiao Longnu was looking at Tianyun with a funny expression, and her voice was crisp and empty: “You don’t look like an immortal envoy!” ”

“I wasn’t!! It’s all made up by your own brain! Tianyun gasped and rolled his eyes angrily.

Special! Brother is not working so hard to pretend to be an immortal envoy for you?

System: “Do it yourself!” ”

Tianyun: “Go aside!! ”

“What’s next?” After resting for a while, Tianyun, who had finally eased his breath, looked up and asked Xiao Longnu.

Xiao Longnu is not really in the sky! In the future, I am afraid that I will have to live in an ancient tomb, and if some things are not handled well, there will be a lot of trouble in the future.

Xiao Longnu was very smart, naturally understood the meaning of Tianyun’s words, followed to Tianyun and sat down, holding her knees with her hands, looking up at the starry night sky, under the reflection of the moonlight, like a real heavenly fairy, making Tianyun look slightly fascinated.

Xiao Longnu naturally noticed it, she just smiled lightly, considered it, and replied: “My words, let’s go back to the ancient tomb!” If nothing else, it will not come out in the future! ”

“In addition, after I go in, I will put down the Broken Dragon Stone and completely seal the passage in and out of the ancient tomb!” First, there is no possibility of returning to the ancient tomb; Second, you killed two important disciples of the Quanzhen Sect when you saved me before, although the corpses have been destroyed, it is difficult to guarantee that the traces will not be found by the Quanzhen Sect, and putting down the Broken Dragon Stone will also prevent them from looking for trouble; ”

“Finally, it’s my senior sister Li Mochou you mentioned! When the master expelled her from the master’s sect, and did not pass on her secret practice “Jade Female Heart Sutra”, she has always been worried, and it is very likely that she will come back to snatch it, and cut off the dragon stone, which also rejected her thoughts. ”

After that, Xiao Longnu looked at Tianyun, showed a good-looking smile, and asked, “What do you think I do about handling it like this?” ”


Tianyun shrugged and said, “That’s fine!” However, I have to remind you that in the ancient tomb, in addition to the passage on the side of the Broken Dragon Stone, there is also a dark river that can enter and exit, of course, it needs a certain amount of water nature! ”

He actually wanted to ask Xiao Longnu what was going on with her rich expression now?

It wasn’t all loaded before, right?

But it’s not like that! Anyway, something strange!

“Huh? You’re not talking about the dark river where I usually get water, right? Xiao Longnu asked with slight surprise.

She really didn’t know this!

As for why Tianyun knew that their ancient tomb had such a dark passage, Xiaolongnu didn’t ask, anyway, Tianyun this guy was originally mysterious.

Although Xiao Longnu actually didn’t quite believe that he was really a Heavenly Court Immortal Envoy, Tianyun was very mysterious! It seems that he still knows a lot of secrets that are not passed on.

Just like the previous “Twelve Young Thoughts” and “Jade Heart Sutra”, ordinary people have never heard of it.

“It should be where you said it was!”

Tianyun nodded and instructed: “It is not ruled out that Yang Guo and your senior sister may know the possibility of this passage, of course, in the short term, they should not come back, at that time, it really can’t, I’ll take you to another paradise!” ”

Unfortunately, the system does not now have the business of taking people through. Otherwise, he still wanted to take Xiao Longnu.

“I don’t know if the mercenary system will have this function in the future!” If you are a mercenary, it will not always be me, right? There will always be tasks that are difficult for one person to complete! It seems that you can only try to improve your mercenary level and take a look! Tianyun thought to himself.

“It’s okay!! Then it will trouble you!! ”

Xiao Longnu listened, smiled at Tianyun, and did not refuse, but was relieved.

She didn’t know when she started, she was already unconsciously accustomed to listening to Tianyun’s arrangement!

Perhaps, it was the moment when Tianyun fell from the sky like a heavenly man and killed Yin Zhiping.

Maybe it was the moment when Tianyun held her to fly into the sky just now!

From the moment she was almost exploded by Yang Guo, she felt that her emotional seal began to crack, and she seemed to have something more in her heart, and her emotions began to change.

“It feels good!!! good” Xiao Longnu felt that she did not reject this feeling now.

Of course, if the bear child Yang passes, he still doesn’t want to come back!


Well! The resentment accumulated in the past against the bear child Yang Guo also began to gush out, and in the future, Xiaolongnu is estimated to only become more and more annoying Yang Guo.

If Tianyun found out, I’m afraid he would be very happy, right?

“This girl wouldn’t really want to act in such a play just to get rid of Yang Guo, the bear child, right??” Looking at the little dragon girl who was much more relaxed, Tianyun secretly speculated.

Well! I have to say that Tianyun’s guess is very accurate!

Yang Guo of this world is actually a real bear child, Xiaolongnu is because of her tiredness, she has been practicing the twelve young meditation exercises for many years, and at the same time set an emotional double seal in her heart, suppressing her humanity and emotions, maintaining the sage mode, coming out of sight, out of mind, and the province is broken!

Now that she has finally gotten rid of Yang Guo, her emotional seal has also been broken, although she is a little reluctant to Yang Guo, she has been carrying it for several years, even if she has always maintained the sage mode, she will have some feelings.

But it’s more about getting rid of the bear child’s ease.

It’s really hard to bring a bear child this year!


PS: New book for support! Ask for flowers! Collect it! Collection! Ask for tips! If you have any suggestions, please feel free to put forward in the comments, I try to be satisfied!

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