Wanting to surpass Tianyun, Kakashi feels that he needs to constantly challenge Tianyun and challenge himself!

So, after Kakashi figured it out, he gritted his teeth and stared at Tianyun fiercely and replied, “Good! Whoever loses, treats! ”

However, Kakashi is still too naïve…….

“Haha! Everybody heard that, right? Kakashi treats you to yakiniku today! Don’t forget to come!! ”

I saw Tianyun smile and turn his head to publicize their competition with the whole class, directly expanding the bet to invite the whole class, Kakashi saw it, and the blood in his heart ah!

Kakashi could already predict that he would bleed heavily today and even go bankrupt!

“My poor little vault!!” Kakashi was cold on the surface, but he was actually wailing in his heart!!

“Tianyun, this bastard!!!”

“Boom!! These little guys are really lively! Shuomao senior, did you say that? ”

At this time, Zilai, who was not far away, ran to Qimu Shuomao’s side and gloated.

He didn’t have to guess, just by looking at Kakashi’s face, he knew the victory or defeat of this match!

Of course, with his strength, he could still feel the Chakra fluctuations in Tianyun’s body that were far beyond his lower tolerance! Far from being comparable to Kakashi, who is also a genius!

Kakashi’s current amount of chakra is at best at ordinary shinobi level!

There’s no way around it!

The Qimu family has never been known for its large amount of chakra!

They are best known for ninjutsu!

This is a combination of ninjutsu and samurai kendo, which has been perfected by countless generations of efforts of the Qimu clan, and its combat power cannot be underestimated!

The point is that attacking with Chakra attached to the ninja knife is far less demanding on Chakra than directly casting strong ninjutsu, and it is a secret art system that is extremely suitable for the Qimu clan.

Which family that can be passed down from the Warring States period does not have a set of secret art systems that are most suitable for themselves?

“Huh! It’s good to have competitors! I think that’s good! ”

Kiki Shuomao listened to Jiraiya’s ridicule, but smiled gently, looked at Kakashi and Tianyun with appreciation, and said to Jiraiya beside him: “Kakashi was too withdrawn and too proud before!” Now there are Tianyun pressing him, which is good for his growth in all aspects! ”

“Uh…” Jiraiya listened, suddenly bored.

“Haha! Shuomao is right! ”

The three generations on the side listened, smoked their own dry cigarettes, and said with a smile: “Jiraiya, didn’t you also have excellent peers such as Orochimaru and Tsunade back then, that you became angry and strong, and became the Konoha Sanshin who was comparable to them?” ”

There is pressure to have momentum!

However, the three generations saw more from Skycloud’s interaction with Kakashi.

The bonds formed in the process of growing up are what he values the most, and the growth process of children can often see the path he chooses in the future.

“Old man! Can you stop saying that? ”

Zi Laiye’s face suddenly darkened, and he forced himself to defend: “My big toad immortal, when is it not comparable to the big snake pill and Tsunade?” I’ve always been a genius, right? The three of us, they have always chased me! ”

Orochimaru: “Huh!! ”

Tsunade: “Huh!! ”

At some point, Orochimaru and Tsunade, who were already standing behind him, squinted at him and sneered.

Tsunade even began to twist his fists to demonstrate to Jiraiya, and Jiraiya really had no face and skin, and suddenly withered, showing a flattering smile at Tsunade, and said: “Ahaha! I mean the three of us, Tsunade you are the most powerful! Right! That’s it!!! ”


Tsunade saw it and retreated with a look of disgust!

The big snake pill also silently stayed away from this idiot.

“Hey…” the three generations shook their heads and sighed.

I’m old, I didn’t show up!

“When can you stop being so afraid of Tsunade?” The three generations couldn’t help but think.

Of course, thinking back to Tsunade’s violent strange power and violent temper, the three generations themselves were also a little sad in their hearts.

Soon, the head of the book, Kimura-sensei, was grouped according to the strength of the students in the class who were tested last time, and Tianyun and Kakashi were unsurprisingly divided into a group, and they were the first and second in the class.

Then there is a group of Kai and Obito, and a group of red and red beans………….

“First of all, it’s Sky Cloud vs Kakashi! Get ready! The battle begins!! ”

With Kimura-sensei’s order, Kakashi, who was standing opposite Tianyun, suddenly said, “Oh! He took out six shurikens, “Woooo According to a specific technique, it was thrown to the opposite sky cloud in batches and angles.

Then, without stopping, “Ugh! He pulled out the short knife on his back, and the instantaneous technique was used, and he went straight to Tianyun and slashed away.


Seeing the sky clouds on the opposite side, he calmly and calmly stepped on the footwork, his body swung slightly, and he easily dodged the shuriken thrown by Kakashi.

At the same time, during this period, he calmly hooked a kunai with his fingers from the ninja bag around his waist, and held it in the way of holding the sword with his forehand.


Just in time to meet the short knife that Kakashi chopped down, it was extremely calm from beginning to end, and the three generations and the others also showed an appreciative smile.

This kid is good!!

“Hmph!!! It’s not over yet!!! ”

Kakashi looked at Tianyun, who was behind his back with one hand behind him, smiling, and confronting him with one hand, and he was very upset in his heart.

This pretender!

“Kill !!!” He immediately drank low,


The short knife in his hand was danced into an afterimage by him, and a set of standard qimu knife techniques was skillfully used by him, the silver light flashing blade, the knife went straight to the key points around Tianyun’s body, and the end was extremely fierce, and the students in the class all pinched the sweat for Tianyun.


Even when I saw it, I all exclaimed in surprise, and praised: “The brat of Shuomao’s senior family is very good!” ”

“Huh! Where where! This kid is still far from it! Qimu Shuomao said with a modest smile.

Just by looking at the look on his face, he was still very happy!

“It’s really nice at such a young age!!! Tsunade and Orochimaru and Sandai also agreed.

Kakashi deserves the name of genius.

So, how will Tianyun, whose name of genius is more resounding, respond?

“Dugu Jiu Sword Breaking Knife Style !!!”

I only heard Tianyun drink lowly, and then, with the bitterness in his hand, the sword was expected to take the lead, and easily broke Kakashi’s set of sword techniques, and the blades of both sides struck together, emitting a “ding-ding!!!! “A series of sounds.

“How is that possible?”

When Kakashi saw it, he couldn’t believe it at all, but fortunately, his ability to bear it in his heart was quite good, and he was not less hit by Tianyun on weekdays, but he didn’t hesitate at all, and immediately accelerated and swung towards Tianyun again.


Tianyun reward, there is no “Oh!” in his hand! The point was extremely accurate to the left of the blade face, causing Kakashi to flew sharply to the right.

Then, Tianyun’s palm flew like an afterimage, and Ku Wu was instantly held upside down by him, and the ring of Ku Wu was a little at Kakashi’s wrist.


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