After a long time, the dream was over.

"I have basically forgotten the content of the dream, except for the last scene, which I remember clearly. The front desk called and asked me what the spell was. I answered the starry sky, and then the surrounding scenes changed, and the dream ended."

During breakfast time, Chen Keqing tried hard to recall what she saw and heard in the dream.

But I really can't remember too many details.

I only vaguely remember that I was scared in the dream, as if there were ghosts hiding around me, and I was restless.

"Don't bother to recall, the dream strategy is useless now."

Su Ze didn't plan to help others become awakened, so of course the strategy was useless.

"So are we going to go today to investigate the containment?"

Chen Keqing drank some hot water and asked Su Ze about his plan.

"Well, you get ready later, we'll leave soon."

A few hours later.

Su Ze brought Chen Keqing with him and landed in the port city near Sucheng.

The distance between the two cities is not close.

If you don't have the talent to land, it will take a whole day to get here.

"Guess, will the red doll target you first, or me first?"

Seeing that Chen Keqing's little face was a little nervous, Su Ze asked with a smile to ease the atmosphere.

"Will there be a reward if I guess right?"

Chen Keqing shrank her neck and looked around.

Under their feet was an old city area, covered by a polluted area. There were no living people around, but there were some corpses.

"Reward? I'll reward you with a big lollipop."

Su Ze was also looking around, but he didn't forget to joke with Chen Keqing.

"Ah... I was tired of eating yesterday."

Chen Keqing puffed her cheeks and spoke shyly, as if she was recalling the taste.


Suddenly, Su Ze groaned.

The power of the domain took effect, and he felt that Chen Keqing was being targeted by danger, and this danger was deadly.

No need to think about it.

The red cloth doll chose Chen Keqing as the target of pursuit.

"It's targeting you, look back now."

Su Ze communicated calmly with Chen Keqing.


Chen Keqing turned back carefully, and when she raised her eyes, she saw the red cloth doll appeared not far away, standing on the edge of the balcony on the fifth floor of the building, exuding an ominous aura, staring at her from a distance.

"I saw it..."

Chen Keqing swallowed silently.

She was very nervous.

She hadn't even faced the monsters in the contaminated area in person, let alone the higher-level containment in front of her.

It was a normal reaction to feel nervous.

"I know you saw it."

Su Ze replied. He had connected with Chen Keqing before coming.

Now he can share Chen Keqing's vision. With the vision provided by Chen Keqing, Su Ze directly summoned the guardian god, drew his bow and arrow, and with a "swoosh", the air was cut by the invisible arrow.

The rag doll on the high ground was pierced through the heart by an arrow.

The cold flames began to spread and devour the rag doll.

The red-clothed rag doll, feeling threatened, seemed to be struggling, but could not get rid of the erosion of the cold flames. Soon, it was completely turned into ashes.

"It was solved so easily?"

Chen Keqing asked in surprise.

Not to mention her, Su Ze himself was a little surprised.

He thought that his upgraded summoning talent would definitely make it easier to kill the red-clothed rag doll than in the previous simulation.

But he didn't was such a crushing kill.

If I remember correctly.

At that time, in the simulation, he tore the rag doll into pieces twenty-one times before he finally completed the task of destroying the containment.

And now...

"Is this the gap between different life levels?"

Su Ze's mind was as clear as a mirror, and he seemed to have an epiphany.

It seems that he did not understand the gap between life levels deeply enough before.

The talent of summoning gods that has risen to the extraordinary level is like a dimensionality reduction attack.

It can crush the creatures in the awakening stage without any surprise.

Even if there are all kinds of magical containment, it is the same, and it cannot resist the attack of high-level life.

"No wonder I can't beat the mysterious man hidden in the black fog in the simulation."

Su Ze couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The gap between life levels seems to be the real level gap.

The absolute crushing of the superior over the inferior.

Now think about it, in the simulation before, he was able to deal with the extraordinary apostles with his awakening level ability, which was a rare thing.

"Is it over? Are we safe? Is the containment under control?"

Chen Keqing asked three questions in a row.

She was still nervous. Although she had witnessed the destruction of the containment, she was not sure until Su Ze spoke...

"Well, it's been solved."

Su Ze spoke at this time, and he was happier than expected.

He picked up Chen Keqing.

"Let's go home and have a baby to celebrate."

"I... my period is coming."

"What's the use of you!"

"Hmph, go find Qin Yushi..."

"That's what you said."


[Day 19 of the Doomsday Year]

In the morning.

Su Ze appeared in the YC-14 area and met with the principal in the warehouse as usual.

[Simulator cooling time remaining: 2 hours and 3 minutes]

While listening to the principal's work report, Su Ze's attention was on the simulator panel.

The simulator cooling time of 13 or 14 days finally came to an end today.

Later, after finishing his work at YC-14, he would go home and wait for the simulator cooling time to end.

"In the short term, the replenishment of supplies should not be a problem, but... if this disaster continues like this, no one knows what will happen in the future."

Standing side by side with Su Ze, Principal Gao said worriedly.

He is from the perspective of an ordinary person, with a wife and children.

Naturally, he is worried about the future.

This mentality is the same as that of the general public.

Everyone is struggling and waiting for a turnaround.

What if one day a scientist stands up and announces that the source of the disaster has been found and there is a way to cut off the disaster.

Then everything will return to normal track... Such an idea does exist in the minds of many people.

Although as time goes by, this idea seems more and more like a luxury.

"Principal Gao, have you ever thought about trying to become an awakener yourself?"

Su Ze suddenly asked with a smile.

"Me? I have thought about it, but I am so old..."

Principal Gao just doesn't want to take risks.

Of course, he had thought about becoming the best in the doomsday.

But every day he saw people trying to become awakened and dying, and such observations made him worried.

What if something happened to him and he couldn't come back, what would happen to his wife and daughter?

In this disaster, the family lost its pillar, and God knows how his wife and women would be bullied...

"You can try it, well, or I'll put it more directly, if you want to survive, you must try, but I suggest you don't fight an unprepared battle, like I did before, collect enough intelligence, which can increase your success rate."

Su Ze kindly reminded the principal because he saw that he was a quick person.

Ordinary people can't avoid the path of awakening.

Sooner or later, you have to face the challenge.

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