The two of them were in a mess, but the two of them were in a mess.

[On the fourteenth day, the person who knocked on the door yesterday came again and tried to break it down violently, but you stepped in to stop him…

The other person explained that he broke into the house because he wanted to collect supplies from the community, but you heard his inner voice and realized that he had no good intentions. ]

[On the fifteenth day, someone knocked on the door again. The other party claimed to be a relative of the landlord. He was arrogant and wanted to take back the house... You activated the explosive warrior talent and killed one person on the spot, and the others fled like birds and beasts]

[On the sixteenth day, you symbolically donated old clothes to help residents who fled from the polluted area to keep warm...]

[On the seventeenth day, you heard that a community resident kindly took in the refugees, but was murdered...]

[On the eighteenth day, an awakened person opened up a stable channel to obtain supplies and was sought after by people in the safe zone]

[On the nineteenth day, the news that you have supplies spread like wildfire...]

[On the twentieth day, the awakened brought people to ask for supplies. You activated the explosive warrior talent, fought with the awakened, won, and successfully killed the other party...

In order to maintain a good state, you have to consume a layer of healing energy. ]

[On the twenty-first day, you are considered an awakened person. Other awakened people invited you to join the leadership team, but you refused...

Because you heard the voices in their hearts, these awakened people have their own ulterior motives. 】

【Day 22,...】

Same as the previous simulation...

The green combat talent is enough for him to confront the so-called awakeners head-on.

If the gift of the fallen is also counted, it would be a one-sided beating.

After all, ordinary awakeners do not have such a terrifying recovery ability as him.

"Having said that, it would be even better if there is a way to become an awakener..."

Su Ze muttered in his heart.

Direct combat power is absolutely an indispensable condition for survival in this doomsday.

Not every safe zone maintains good order like a school.

Only after thirty or forty days did some dark events begin to appear.

In this round of simulation, the safe zone where Su Ze is located has obviously been on the verge of order collapse.

Ordinary people maintain good intentions, but are used by others to kill.

Awakeners have strong abilities, but their minds are different.

To put it bluntly, if there is only one awakener, that person may immediately announce that he does not eat beef, and then start to do evil...

Human nature cannot withstand too many tests.

That is why...

Direct combat power must be available.

Otherwise, it is useless to store more supplies.

If your neighbor stores guns and you store food, it would be strange if he does not rob you.

[On the 24th day, there are many people in the safe zone who are ready to make a move, and you know it clearly]

[On the 25th day, you teach Chen Keqing how to use a gun]

[On the 26th day, the Father God's talent for listening takes effect, and you hear two other unknown spells. Now you know all the spells, which are...

- Strengthen, Fantasy, Sky Eye, Inspiration, Conversion, Starry Sky. ]

[On the 27th day, you share the detailed information you know about the contaminated area with Chen Keqing, and tell her all the spells]

[On the 28th day, a newly awakened person comes to your house and wants to rob your supplies. You fight and kill him, but your door is completely damaged in the battle...]

[On the 29th day, an awakened person invites you to join the leadership group again. You sense a lot of malice and your patience is exhausted...

You take Chen Keqing to the leadership group meeting and deliberately let the awakened person's confidants secretly move out your supplies]

[On the 30th day, the supplies are gone, Chen Keqing cries sadly, you snatch some sweets from others for her...]

[On the 31st day, you go on a killing spree. Using the recovery ability of the gift of the fallen, you kill all the awakened people in the safe zone and their minions. The other survivors are scared...]

[On the 32nd day, you feel that the safe house has lost its meaning, so you drive and risk passing through the contaminated area and return to school...]

Sure enough.

With the talent of the Fallen, even the green combat talent can help me deal with the Awakener.

Although the process may be a little difficult and troublesome, I can win in the end...

In addition.

The Father God's talent of listening is also continuing to work.

Now, I finally know all the spells.

"But this safe house doesn't look like a safe house..."

Su Ze couldn't help but complain in his heart.

What is a safe house?

If there is no absolute safety, can it be called a safe house?

At best, it can only be regarded as a

A material storage room.

I was not unaware of this problem before.

It was just because in the previous simulations, I stayed in school most of the time.

The safety issue was not as serious as this round.

Another point is that in the previous simulations, he was alone, going through wind and rain, and it didn't matter.

This round of simulations was different.

He brought a girl.

Before making any decision, he had to consider Chen Keqing's safety.

So even a small matter like passing through the contaminated area became an adventure.

After all... as long as you enter the contaminated area, you may encounter a fatal nightmare.

[On the 34th day, the order of the school is much better, but you also feel that many people are restless...]

[On the 35th day, you want to try to awaken, Chen Keqing strongly asks to go with you, so you hesitate]

[On the 36th day, you continue to hesitate]

[On the 37th day, you continue to hesitate]

[On the 38th day, you are sure of Chen Keqing's determination, you take her to the contaminated area, contact the source of pollution and return to school]

[On the 39th day, you have a nightmare, the treatment energy is reduced by one, and nothing happens to Chen Keqing]

[On the 40th day, after investigation, you confirm the information and the conditions for becoming an awakener - contact the source of pollution, or enter the contaminated area, there is a chance to have a nightmare, accept the test in the nightmare, and choose the spell to use. After completing the above steps, you can become an awakener...

But you don't understand why you fail repeatedly]

[On the 41st day, after you wake up, you find that Chen Keqing... is dead. She had a nightmare without your knowledge and she died. You tried to treat her, but failed. ]

[On the 42nd day, you drive and bring the supplies stored in your other safe house back to school and distribute them to the people who have taken care of you during this period]

[On the 43rd day, you break the pollution source in the Banshan community]

[On the 44th day, you spend the night in the polluted area, you have a nightmare, in which you use up all your healing energy...

You die. ]

Different simulation content, similar death.

Su Ze silently wrote one thing in the small notebook-never destroy the pollution source, this behavior is equivalent to suicide.

At least, the current intelligence shows that this is a suicide behavior...

Even his fallen gift can't save him.

In addition to this information, the way to become an awakener is also completely clear.

But he seems to have a special physique and cannot become an awakener...

Or maybe he just simply failed to pass the test in the nightmare.

After all, only one in ten people who challenge the mystery and successfully awaken survive.

In terms of probability, it is indeed not high...

"Damn, the awakened one... what's going on."

Shaking his head, Su Ze looked somewhat helpless.

He could only be patient.

Continue simulating, continue to obtain intelligence...

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