The old man was very happy.

"I'm back~"

The voice came before the person arrived. Qi Xiaoye's voice with a pleasant tone came from the entrance of Avalon.

Chen Keqing, who was pacing in the living room, came over in a hurry: "Why did you take so long?"

"Long time? It doesn't feel like it took much time, oh - it seems so, because we went a little early, and most of the time was spent waiting for people..."

While explaining, Qi Xiaoye changed into soft slippers.

When she looked up, she saw that the worry on Chen Keqing's face seemed to have just dissipated, "No way... Are you still worried that we will encounter some danger that we can't handle?"

Chen Keqing puffed up her cheeks: "Isn't the target this time a mythical level? It's normal to worry."

The main thing is that the time to go is longer than expected.

In addition, the barrier of the internal space rules of the containment made Su Ze's link talent temporarily ineffective.

She didn't know the specific situation, so of course she would be a little worried that there would be some unexpected troubles...

"Don't worry at all, okay? Speaking of which, I feel that Su Ze seems to have become a little stronger. The mythical level containment just now is not his opponent at all..." Qi Xiaoye pursed his lips and made a playful thinking expression.

"Oh..." Chen Keqing nodded slightly, thinking that she would ask Su Ze in detail later about the whole process.

Qi Xiaoye's mind jumped, and he snorted mysteriously and laughed: "Aren't you curious about what we saw and heard in the stairwell?"

"Curious..." Chen Keqing answered crisply.

But her curiosity was not the same as what Qi Xiaoye wanted to talk about. Qi Xiaoye wanted to talk about her possible life as a demigod...

"So where is Su Ze?" Chen Keqing glanced at the entrance, and she didn't see Su Ze catching up yet.

Qi Xiaoye picked up the water bottle on the table, which he often used, and took a sip: "He just said that he seemed to hear some sound, and then he shouted something like "Don't underestimate our bond", and then he went out..."

Chen Keqing: "..."

It's more reliable for her to call Su Ze in her mind...

Qi Xiaoye wiped the corner of his mouth, with a bright smile on his face: "Come to my room to sleep tonight, just in time, I can review the meeting tonight in detail for you - Hey, are you listening to me?"

Chen Keqing was obviously distracted, because she was just talking to Su Ze in her mind: "Ah? Oh... go to your room to sleep... No, I, I'm going to take a shower soon."

Qi Xiaoye blinked and said blankly: "You come to my room to sleep, is there any contradiction with you wanting to take a shower -"

After that, she saw the truth from Chen Keqing's erratic expression.

"Wait!" Qi Xiaoye asked with a sneer, narrowing his eyes, "So you mean the kind of bath where you support yourself with your hands, lift your hips, and sink your waist!"

A set of smooth adjectives made Chen Keqing blush, but she couldn't deny it...

"Didn't you just... young people don't know what moderation is?" Qi Xiaoye covered his chest and said righteously.

She actually didn't understand what moderation was.

She just wanted to spread the news that she might be a demigod.

It would be best if it could attract a wave of worship after the spread, but Chen Keqing didn't seem willing to give her a chance.

So she could only clench her fist, show her side profile at a 45-degree angle, and snorted proudly: "You choose, tonight, choose your man or your best friend."

The difficult problem of choosing between the two made Chen Keqing's face change suddenly, and she gave a difficult answer: "I didn't want to hit you... but when did you think you could be compared with Su Ze."

Qi Xiaoye was petrified on the spot...


[Day 81 of the Doomsday Year]

SC-5 Safe Zone.

The original hotel building has now been converted into a temporary dormitory.

The student awakener team from Soochow University stopped here last night and stayed for one night.

In the morning, just after breakfast time, Tang Xinnuo performed the duties of the minister's secretary and deputy captain, and came to the temporary dormitory to count the number of people.

"Did Xiang Xinyu go out last night?"

After arriving at the girls' dormitory, Tang Xinnuo immediately got the news from Xiang Xinyu.

"Didn't we say that we can't move around freely at night? Why did he go out? And he hasn't come back yet?"

Tang Xinnuo was stern to Xiang Xinyu, because the latter was also a knowledgeable

She didn't report it. She knew her brother had violated the rules, but she let him do it.

This is already an accomplice, so of course she has to be scolded...

Xiang Xinyu is not a very strong character.

After being scolded by Tang Xinnuo's baby face, her momentum was extremely weak.

She could only explain timidly: "I also advised him not to cause trouble, but he insisted on going, insisted on saying, saying..."

Is there another story?

Tang Xinnuo widened her eyes and asked: "What?"

Xiang Xinyu answered angrily and embarrassedly: "He said he met true love..."

Not wanting to hear gossip, but just wanting to investigate the ins and outs of the matter, Tang Xinnuo sat down and listened to Xiang Xinyu's detailed description of the process.

It was probably during the free time yesterday, Xiang Xinyu met an intimate big sister in the safe area here, who coaxed him and made an appointment with Xiang Xinyu for a tryst at midnight.

Xiang Xinyu couldn't resist the temptation. He left on time last night and didn't come back in the morning...


Tang Xinnuo, who was eating melon seeds, only gave a two-word evaluation of the whole story.

This is just her lust...

What's the point of meeting true love.

"All love at first sight is just lust!" Tang Xinnuo snorted, "When he comes back, he must be punished for being disorganized and undisciplined... Uh."

Halfway through, Tang Xinnuo hesitated.

Because the curfew regulations are issued by the official, if there is really a punishment, it is the official punishment... Then the intensity of the punishment is not up to her.


"If they are caught, will they really be punished according to the regulations?" Xiang Xinyu asked weakly.

"How should I know..."

While answering, Tang Xinnuo remembered the action when she followed Qin Yushi yesterday.

Qin Yushi had analyzed the official...or Yuan Gang's action logic.

Letting each safe zone send its own awakened team to collect supplies is not only to break the opponent's forced inaction, but also because Yuan Gang wants to pull out a large awakened team to use for him...

Thinking of this, Tang Xinnuo added: "He is at least a second-level awakened with the word spirit technique. Even if he is caught, he should be given a lighter punishment... Oh, he hasn't been caught, so it's not a crime if he hasn't been caught."

Xiang Xinyu was relieved a little: "Then...then can you not tell Minister Qin, I'm afraid she will be angry."

Tang Xinnuo was embarrassed: "I'm afraid she will be angry too."

Because this matter is her responsibility as the deputy team leader and the donkey of the production team.

She was partly responsible for Xiang Xinyun sneaking out, but as long as he was not discovered, she would not report it to Qin Yushi...

"When your brother comes back later, you should give him a good lecture. If he is caught, he will be dead."

Before leaving, Tang Xinnuo added viciously.

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