The gold finally came out...

No need to be forced to choose a talent of a lower level.

Su Ze breathed a sigh of relief, and all he had to do next was to complete the simulation.

Unless he was extremely unlucky, this golden talent would definitely appear in the simulation rewards.

"It looks like a talent that includes combat power."

Coming back to his senses, Su Ze reread the introduction of the golden talent.

Invite the gods!

Three invisible guardian gods will accompany him, and each guardian god has a magical power.

Such a talent... feels like a substitute messenger.

But now we don't know what kind of power the guardian gods have.

"Since it's a gold-level talent, it can't be that bad..." Su Ze muttered silently in his heart. An all-night simulation made him more eager for direct combat power than ever before. Without strong enough combat power, when the doomsday really comes, he can only hide in Avalon as a turtle. Although life is pretty good, if Su Ze can refuse that turtle style, he definitely doesn't want it... So. The goal of this round of simulation is to find out the combat power of this gold-level talent. Whether it can help him in the doomsday without fear of any opponent. Of course... Su Ze is now thinking about intelligence. But after the real simulation, the self in the simulation will definitely still take survival as the first goal. "But fighting is definitely inevitable, and the combat power level of this talent will eventually be revealed in the simulation content..." While thinking about this, Su Ze determined his choice. Simulation, start again.

[Inherent talent 'Invite God (Gold)' has been selected]

[Simulation starts...]

[On the first day, the doomsday is coming, the blood moon is in the sky, you choose the SC-35 safe zone as your birth point...]

A whole night of simulation allowed Su Ze to see much more information than before.

So, he now knows that in the middle stage of the doomsday, each safe zone will be given a number to facilitate communication between all parties, and the text content of the simulator will also change accordingly because of his cognition. In front of him, the so-called SC-35 safe zone is not a strange place, but the Aobo community that Su Ze has chosen the most times.

[On the second day, the temperature dropped sharply, and there was not much surplus food at home. Chen Keqing dragged you, who was not in a good mood, out to buy supplies, but returned empty-handed...]

[On the third day,...]


[On the fifteenth day, there were more awakened people in the safe zone, and some awakened people coveted Chen Keqing's beauty. You took her away from SC-35. Before leaving, you ordered the guardian god to kill people in the safe zone, causing panic among the people...

The guardian god who executed the order was called the offensive god by you. The power he possessed was physical attack. He could shoot arrows with a bow and also slash the enemy with a sword. ]

[On the sixteenth day, you took Chen Keqing back to school. The dormitory bed was assigned to other people. You got a tent. You set up the tent on Xueyuan Avenue...

It was cold when sleeping, but you were warm. Chen Keqing liked to hold you while sleeping. ]

[On the 17th day, ...]


[On the 31st day, you clashed with the awakened people in the school. Some awakened people besieged you, but their weapons could not touch you. They all passed through your body...

You borrowed the power of the guardian god. This power came from the defense god. His power was to bear all the damage on your behalf. When the power was reflected on you, you seemed to be incorporeal and could ignore any attack.

You killed all the opponents, but no one knew about it. ]


[On the 36th day, you took Chen Keqing into the contaminated area and contacted the source of pollution. On the way, you showed her your teleportation ability, and she was shocked...

The fact is that you borrowed the power of the auxiliary god. The auxiliary god can freeze time for a short time. You can think during this time, and the auxiliary god can act during this time. You can be lifted to other places. From the perspective of outsiders, you are like teleporting. 】

【On the 37th day, Chen Keqing became an awakener without any danger】

【On the 38th day, it is Chen Keqing's birthday. You take out Avalon as a birthday gift and show it to her. She is so happy...】


Very good!

The three abilities of the summoning talent are clearly described in the simulation content.


Su Ze nodded unconsciously, satisfied.

Although the specific strength of the three powers is still unknown, at least the functionality is good.

There are attacks, defenses, and assistance.

It's just that the self in the simulation named the patronus a little carelessly...

In addition to the information of the patronus.

There is another point worth mentioning...

I deliberately concealed my shortcomings again and again, and kept Avalon, and took it out after more than 30 days.

The whole night of simulation was basically like this.

At first, Su Ze thought that the self in the simulation was deliberately testing Chen Keqing, but now...

It feels a bit like I'm having fun.


You know, Chen Keqing is now an object that Su Ze must "put on the sack".

In the whole night of simulation, Chen Keqing has never left me in any simulation.

Even when I deliberately didn't take out Avalon.

Even when I couldn't guarantee my personal safety by following me.


【On the 61st day, heavy fog】

【On the 62nd day, changes occurred in the contaminated area...】


【On the 75th day, a second-level awakener brought a group of younger brothers to cause trouble for you. You knew that the other party was just coveting Chen Keqing, so you deliberately found a high-sounding reason...

Under the onlookers, you stopped pretending, you showed your hand, and killed hundreds of people. 】

【On the 76th day, you reshaped the rules of the safe zone near the school. Now, you are the king here】


【On the 79th day, you contacted the official special team. After talking, you joined the official, but only in a temporary position...

You know that the official needs your strength. 】

【On the 80th day, the news that you joined the official spread throughout the safe zone. Some people thought that the official could check and balance you, and exposed their hostility. You once again bloody cleansed the safe zone...】

It was not a surprising development.

Whether it was an awakener who had power, his ambition swelled and wanted to rob women.

Or is it that I, who possess powerful strength, slaughter without mercy.

These contents have appeared in the simulation countless times.

No matter which stage, this kind of thing does not feel fresh at all.

The only thing that makes Su Ze feel a little fresh...

Probably choosing to join the official.

Although it seems to be joining the official in name only, it is indeed an option that rarely appears in previous simulations.

"This is only the second stage..."

"The most powerful awakener, that is, the second-level awakener, with at most a word spirit technique, should be my opponent."

Muttering, Su Ze continued to simulate.

He wanted to know where the combat power limit of the talent of summoning gods was...

[Day 115, heavy fog]

[Day 116, all the nearby polluted areas have changed...]


[Day 127, you notice that there is a risk of pollution spillover in the nearby polluted area, and the safe area under your jurisdiction seems to be about to face a fatal impact...]

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