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[The inherent talent 'Advent' has been selected]

[Simulation starts]

[On the first day, the doomsday arrives as expected, and you choose SC-35 as your doomsday birth point...]

[On the second day, the temperature drops sharply and panic spreads Although the family was not short of food, Chen Keqing still dragged you out to buy food. Unfortunately, there were too many people rushing to buy, and you returned empty-handed...]

[On the third day, shocking news continued to come...]

[… …】

[On the 17th day, you defeated the challenger again and cultivated new informants]

[On the 18th day, you used the talent of advent for the first time. You set the starting point of the teleportation to Avalon and only teleported You are alone, you come to the BC-18 safe zone, give a middle-aged woman a big bag, and then choose to teleport back...

Now you know exactly how to use Advent, you are glad that you have the talent of global connection, otherwise The use of the Advent talent is not convenient. 】

【On the 61st day, a thick fog came. You had already deployed seven spies in Yuncheng. You sent them all into the thick fog. Six of them found nothing, and one of them got lost in the thick fog... The disoriented eyeliner encountered a terrifying creature in the fog. Because you shared the eyeliner's vision, you also saw the indescribable monster. You consumed a layer of healing energy and finally recovered. ]

[On the 62nd day, you continue to control your spies and search for Qi Xiaoye's trace in Yuncheng...]

[On the 101st day, you come to BC-10 and continue to preside over intelligence work]

[On the 150th day, you continue to control your spies and search for Qi Xiaoye's trace in Yuncheng...] In three days, you got information about the containment or mythical creatures, but you didn't consider continuing the investigation at all. The reason is that the horrible creatures you saw on the sixty-first day still frightened you. You know, there In the unknown dark sea, there are countless terrifying beings that can kill you. You don't want to take risks...]

[Day 305, you still can't find Qi Xiaoye]

[Day 315, While fighting with other forces, you got intelligence about nuclear bombs. Under your operation, a nuclear bomb was detonated, causing an unknown number of casualties]

[Day 325, a major earthquake, falling stars...

Congratulations You, you have completed all the doomsday simulations. 】

【Evaluation of this simulation: The oldest and strongest emotion of human beings is fear, and you are lucky enough to have tasted it】

【Please choose one of the following three simulation rewards:】

【1. Advent (gold)】

【2. Healing Kiss (Green)]

[3. Clairaudience (Green)]

In front of the desk, Su Ze's eyes seemed a little stagnant.

It was nothing else, just because the simulation content that appeared in this round of simulation was worth pondering, which seemed a little More.

First of all, there is still not much progress on the information about Qi Xiaoye, so I won’t mention it for now.

Then there is the golden talent that I chose in this round of simulation, which is also relatively simple.

The key point of using talent is, You need to know the exact target point in order to be able to teleport there safely, but I won't go into this for now...

There are two points that really make Su Ze think about at this moment.

The first one is that he was on the 61st day of the doomsday. The horrible creature I saw when I was in the game.

The simulation content does not clearly describe what kind of existence it is.

However, just because I looked at him directly, I had to rely on the gift of the fallen to heal myself.

In other words, if I didn't have the ability to heal, I might die just by looking at him...

"What on earth is this? What level of terror exists? "

While wondering, Su Ze silently increased his vigilance against the end of the world.

It's better not to go out on a foggy day.

Thinking about it, it seems that in the previous simulation, every Qi Xiaoye would be very scared every day when the fog appeared.

When I saw the simulation content before, I thought Qi Xiaoye was just suffering from sequelae because she had lost her way in the fog.

But now it seems that it might be because she was afraid of those terrifying things. Existence, more sensitive, so afraid of fog...

In addition to this information about mythical creatures.

There is another new information that Su Ze pays attention to.

"Why, the end date of the doomsday has been advanced?"

It has always been the first After 330 days, the stars will fall and the end of the world will come.

But in this round of simulation, this fixed date has changed.

A few days earlier...

"Is it because of the nuclear bomb?"

Su Ze read the text and had doubts.

This is indeed a variable.

In the previous simulation, he also got information about the nuclear bomb, but no one went to detonate the nuclear bomb, or someone might have detonated it, but it was far away, so far that his intelligence network could not cover it...

"It's worth investigating..."

Su Ze first concluded that he planned to observe this in the subsequent simulation.


There is no way to continue observing for the time being.

Because he wants to choose the talent of "Advent".

After all, it is a golden talent. Su Ze believes that since this talent is the highest level, it must have its reason, so it cannot be missed...

Moreover, there is no need to worry about the remaining simulation time.

Because after this round of cooling time is over, he still has a full nineteen hours to simulate the doomsday as much as he wants. As long as he sticks to the last time point and chooses a simulation reward, it will be fine...


There was a noise in the guest bedroom.

It seems that some idiot accidentally hit his head and was embarrassed to make a sound.

Su Ze smiled knowingly, came back to his senses, and chose the simulation reward first.

[Simulation reward ‘Advent (Gold)’ has been selected]

[Doomsday simulator enters cooling time: 19 hours and 59 minutes]

After a while.

The door of the guest bedroom was slowly pushed open.

Chen Keqing carefully poked her head out.

"Awake? There are ingredients in the refrigerator, how about you show your cooking skills and prepare two breakfasts?"

In the study, Su Ze tilted his head and smiled at her.

"Oh - OK! I'll go right away!"

Upon hearing that the task was cooking, which she was good at, Chen Keqing immediately showed her enthusiasm.


After a while.

Chen Keqing brought two exquisite breakfasts to the table.

Su Ze was already sitting at the table, ready, but he was answering the phone at the moment.

"Yeah, yeah, OK", said a lot.


[This is too much like my husband is a successful man, busy with business...]

[Ah, it's like a flash marriage, um, so shy, hehehe...]

I didn't know my voice was stolen.

Chen Keqing pursed her lips and sighed sweetly.

On the other side, Su Ze quickly answered the phone, and then said while eating breakfast: "After eating, let's move to another house, just in time for exercise."

Chen Keqing opened her mouth: "Huh?"

A few hours later.

Chen Keqing helped carry a bag of luggage to the new house that Su Ze had just bought.

"Ah, I'm so tired..."

Putting the luggage on the ground, Chen Keqing collapsed on the sofa.

In fact, there was not much to move, she was just physically weak.

As for why she had to move...

Of course, it was because this community was the place that Su Ze had chosen countless times in the simulation as the birth point of the doomsday, the safe zone SC-35.

Of course, at this moment, no one knows this number yet...

"Thank you for your hard work."

Su Ze followed from behind, closed the door, and asked Chen Keqing: "By the way, you high school students still have classes tonight, right?"

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