The next day, the next day will be a new day.

[Please choose whether to continue simulating the last round of containment...]

Distractedly watching the simulator prompt that popped up automatically, Su Ze chose to continue the simulation without any expression.

[The doomsday simulation has begun]

[On the seventh day, you get information about the containment, and you decide——]

[1. Go to investigate immediately 2. Observe first and then act]

It's still a choice between the two.

But an hour ago, Su Ze had tried another option, observing first and then acting, but unfortunately the result was still unsatisfactory. In the simulation, he still died at the hands of the containment.


His cognition in his previous life did not really help him in the simulation. Only part of the strange and powerful statue matched his cognition in his previous life...

[On the seventh day, you got information about the containment, and you decided to investigate immediately...

You learned your lesson, and you no longer tried to attack the statue. You chose to remotely control seven tools and go to the location of the containment to try to control and contain the statue, but the effect was not ideal. When the tools approached the statue within one meter, the statue was alarmed, and your tools were instantly wiped out...

You were somewhat helpless, and you decided——]

[1. Give up the investigation 2. Go into battle in person and fight for your life]

[You choose to go into battle in person and fight for your life...

You attack the statue, and the statue immediately attacks you. You use the advent talent to pull, but it is useless. The statue is faster than you. You use up all your healing energy and you die. ]

[The simulator enters the cooling time...]

Although the simulator gave another chance to choose, the final result did not change.

The good news is that the old version of the simulator seems to give enough room for maneuver. Knowing that it is a dead end, Su Ze can still choose to let himself in the simulation take risks.

Although the result may not be satisfactory, at least the information is obtained.

"If you really can't deal with it, choose to give up the previous round of simulation at the beginning of the simulation, then the containment that appears in the simulation should change."

Su Ze's eyes drooped, thinking secretly.

He really wanted to give up and deal with the weird statue in the simulation, which could kill him seven times in one second, almost completely ignoring the protection ability of the guardian.

Such a terrifying monster does not seem to be something he can deal with at this stage. In this case, there is no need for him to be stubborn. Giving up this level of monsters and picking some easy ones first is not a bad idea.

"I... I've had a good rest."

Chen Keqing said shyly with a crisp voice.

The blanket wrapped around the girl slipped a little inadvertently, and her snow-white shoulders like lotus roots reflected an attractive luster.

"Let's do it again. I won't cry out in pain."

Chen Keqing promised with a red face.

Su Ze said nothing, grinning evilly, and answered with action. He reached into the blanket, grabbed the smooth ankle, and dragged it to his side...


The next day.

Nine o'clock in the morning.

The house with floor heating is still comfortable, but the balcony has frozen.

The transparent small icicles grow intermittently along the handrail of the balcony, no longer telling the current outdoor temperature, which has dropped to a terrifying level.

Sucheng, a southern city, has never seen such a scene.

[On the fifth day, you get information about the containment, and you decide to go and investigate immediately...

With the help of the advent talent, you successfully found the containment. It is a gorgeous key that looks like gold-plated. You carefully observed for a long time and found no danger. ]

[On the sixth day, you finish your observation, take the key, study the key, and find that the key can open any lock in the city, it can even open the lock of a woman's heart. You are sure that this is a harmless containment object. You did not destroy it, and you decided to keep it first. ]

[All simulations have been completed. Please choose whether to receive the simulation reward: containment location information]

[Received reward: Master key location information (will appear on the 5th day of the Doomsday Year)]

[Simulator enters cooling time...]

[Remaining cooling time: 23 hours and 59 minutes]

On the sofa, Su Ze stared at the contents of the simulator without blinking.

The terrifying statue that first appeared in the simulator last night has been abandoned by him.

He tried five or six simulations, but there was no progress. After abandoning the statue, other tricky containments appeared. Until this moment, he finally

Finally, a harmless containment object appeared.

He can easily control this... This special item called the 'Master Key'.

"This looks very similar to the Master Key in the Foundation..."

Thinking in his heart, Su Ze refreshed the content in the simulator.

[Currently the year of the last day: Day 2]

The first line of the simulator became a time display.

According to this time setting, at a certain time on the fifth day, the location information related to the 'Master Key' will appear directly in his mind...

"Huh - finally done."

Chen Keqing's figure was busy in the room.

The temperature outside dropped sharply, reaching minus ten degrees, and it was still dropping. Fortunately, it was still warm in the house, and washing clothes was no different from usual.

And there was a dryer...

Chen Keqing had just washed the blanket stained with virgin blood.

"You can see the streets covered in snow, and snowflakes flying all over the sky..."

On TV, the news program was broadcasting.

The social impact of the sudden drop in temperature did not appear in the official news, but if you go out now, you can definitely see countless chaos at a glance.

The sudden change in temperature has brought deeper fear to the world...

"I see a lot of people rushing to buy supplies, how about we go out for a walk?"

After finishing the housework, Chen Keqing discussed with Su Ze.

The inventory at home is not much, but not a lot. Chen Keqing is purely a hamster soul, and wants to store as much food as possible to deal with the disaster.

"Whatever, if you want to go out for a walk, I will accompany you."

Su Ze replied indifferently.

"Then wait for me to pack up, and we will go out for a walk."

Chen Keqing went back to the house, took out various equipment, earmuffs, scarves, windproof masks, wrapped herself tightly, and then pulled Su Ze out.

When they got to the street, they saw a lot of chaotic scenes.

Some citizens who were totally unprepared almost filled the supermarkets. If it weren't for the official staff who coordinated in various ways, it would have been a mess.

"This store has a lot of people, do you still want to go in?"

Su Ze patiently accompanied Chen Keqing to wander around.

She looked at all the supermarkets and stores around her residence. Either they were sold out or there were so many people that she couldn't buy anything.

"I'll go over and take a look."

Chen Keqing was curious and walked along the edge of the crowd to the door of the store to look inside.

After a while, she timidly turned back: "Let's go back. There were two very wretched men who were looking at me and laughing there."

"Well, let's go back."

Su Ze smiled and lent his arm to Chen Keqing.

As for the wretched man that Chen Keqing mentioned, he also noticed that he was squeezing in the crowd and deliberately squeezing against the woman. When they saw Chen Keqing, their eyes seemed to be shining...

"Let's go to the garage, it's closer."

On the way back, Su Ze suddenly suggested.

"Well... It's so cold, will it always be so cold? Based on my shallow knowledge of physics, the sun must not have disappeared, otherwise the temperature would be lower than it is now, but why can't we see it suddenly..."

Holding Su Ze's arm, Chen Keqing chatted and tried to analyze the current world situation from a scientific perspective.

She obviously didn't have the insight of Su Ze, and didn't notice that the two wretched men who had looked at her before were following her closely...

"Damn, this woman is absolutely hot, we really need to fuck her."


"What are you afraid of? It's a mess outside now. Let's knock that man down and have some fun. Does she want to call the police to arrest us now?"

"I... OK, let's fuck him. Even if we just touch him, we'll make money, hehe."

The two of them hit it off and then quickened their pace to follow from behind. However, they had just followed into the garage, and the wretched man in front of them bumped into an air wall.

"Fuck - what the hell!"

The man bumped into a wall and fell to the ground.

"What's wrong? Don't make a fuss. Is there a wall here or something..."

Another man stepped forward and tried to reach out and touch the air wall.

He did touch it.

But what he touched was the sharp blade of Su Ze's guardian...


The pleasant sound of the air being pierced came slowly from the underground garage.

Two headless male corpses fell to the ground with a bang, and the white dark flames immediately devoured their bodies. In the blink of an eye, all traces of their existence in the world were wiped out...

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