The sky was full of clouds, but the sky was full of clouds.

[Day 6 of the Last Day of the Moon]

Time passed midnight again.

Chen Keqing wrapped herself up thickly and fell asleep beside Su Ze.

Su Ze had no plans to rest for the time being. He had been using his innate abilities to observe the situation...

Now various safety zones have been initially formed.

Including the SC-35 under his feet, which also accommodated many outsiders today.

Most of these outsiders gathered in the underground garage, which was a little warmer. After the garage was full, some people hid in the corridor.

There were also many places outside the community that could accommodate refugees, but people did not have the concept of safety zones yet. They were all in a state of panic, and sleeping was a luxury.

Many people were lightly equipped and ready to escape again at any time.

To survive, these three words have become a very difficult task.

It is worth mentioning.

Someone had knocked on Su Ze's door in the afternoon. After Su Ze opened the door, he saw the manager Wang from before.

The other party was a reasonable person. After knowing that he was unwilling to provide help, the other party expressed understanding and asked Su Ze to pay attention to safety.

Although he didn't say it clearly, the other party should remember Chen Keqing and remember that Su Ze had a beautiful girlfriend.

Apart from this, there was nothing else worth paying attention to.

At this moment.

After observing the safe zone where he was, Su Ze briefly put away his talent and poked Chen Keqing's hot cheek when he had nothing to do...


The girl made a sound of anger in her dream.

She slept quite soundly...

Or, she slept quite soundly and peacefully. On the one hand, it was because Su Ze was guarding her, and on the other hand, it was because the conditions at home were much better than those in the underground garage and corridor.

"Let's take a look at the situation in Yuncheng."

After pinching Chen Keqing's cheek, Su Ze used his talent again.

Because he had observed the direction of Yuncheng many times before, he was familiar with the road this time and found the YC-14 safe zone very quickly...

"It's better to come at the right time than to come early."

As soon as he arrived, Su Ze observed an interesting scene.

In the YC-14 safe zone, at the door of the most important warehouse, chaos and conflict just broke out...



The situation in this safe zone at this moment is similar to that of other safe zones with more people.

Many refugees poured in.

With so many refugees gathered, chaos is bound to exist, but until around midnight, the chaos was still controllable.

Moreover, there happened to be a cargo warehouse in this safe zone.

A lot of materials that were transported here before and were originally intended for disaster relief were piled up in the warehouse.

As a result, due to the outbreak of the contaminated area, all these materials are now piled up in the warehouse and can't go anywhere.

This is of course a good thing for the refugees in YC-14.

As long as the things in the warehouse are moved out, everyone can have enough food and clothes in a short time, but the problem is, who will be responsible for moving the things in the warehouse, and who will be responsible for distributing the supplies.

The spark of the conflict lies in this point...


When Su Ze cast his eyes here, the most intense conflict has been triggered.

"Mr. Liu, you are just a supervisor, why are you pretending to be a leader! Try to touch me again!"

Many eyes are converging towards the place where the quarrel occurred.

But now, the people in distress have even lost their habit of watching the excitement in their bones.

Many people have been running for a day or two, tired like dogs, and the temperature outside is frighteningly low. They have no mood or energy to care about other people's quarrels.

"Brothers, kill this Liu guy, take whatever you want from this warehouse!"

"Damn it, I don't believe it, they are just a few people, can they stop us!"

"Take out the food and clothes! You running dogs! You think you are really a big shot!"

The leader of the conflicting party... let's call him the leader, the so-called Manager Liu.

Before the disaster, he was in charge of this warehouse.

Now that the disaster has broken out, he thinks it is natural for him to continue to manage the warehouse.

But the group of people who confronted Manager Liu obviously didn't think so.

They were like extremely hungry beasts, ready to attack at the shouts of the leader, and could pounce on Manager Liu and others guarding the warehouse door at any time...


Wentian! I'm warning you for the last time, don't bring our personal grudges into this!"

"I, Liu, have never thought of monopolizing the things in this warehouse. I will definitely share the things in it with those who need it!"

"But if you guys keep making trouble like this, let alone the supplies inside, you can't stay on our land! Get out of here!"

Su Ze, who was observing secretly, turned his eyes to the guy named Xu Wentian.

He was a young man with a strong body. It can be seen that he has been exercising a lot.

And listening to the words of Manager Liu, it is not difficult to know that the two leaders knew each other, and there is even a high probability that... Xu Wentian was originally working under Manager Liu.

It is estimated that there have been conflicts for a long time.

Now that the disaster has broken out, it is just the excuse of leading everyone to grab supplies to settle new and old grudges together.

"You still want us to get out! Who the hell do you think you are!"

"There are so many of us, and none of us have anything to eat, but you are eating and drinking in there! "

"You think you are Tianlong people! Damn it! Get out of the way, or I'll kill you bastards!"

The crowd that wanted to attack the warehouse kept shouting under Xu Wentian's push.

Some onlookers, after hearing those slogans, really thought that it was Director Liu who brought a group of people to occupy the warehouse and were unwilling to distribute the supplies fairly.

"Don't mess around! Put down your weapons! You fucking——"

The crowd became more and more agitated, and Director Liu's voice was quickly drowned out by the spit of the troublemakers.


"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

After several consecutive gunshots, the crowd quieted down.

"I now order you all to retreat and stay still! "

Behind Manager Liu, someone stood up with a police pistol.

There was really no other way. Only the deafening sound of gunfire could calm this group of people down.

This goal was indeed achieved.

The sheep-like weakness of humans was fully exposed at this moment. No one wanted the first bullet fired at people to fall on their heads.

So, the crowd quickly quieted down.

"Your name is Xu Wentian, right?"

"Like Manager Liu said just now, we can only ask you to leave here! Get lost!"


"Just kill him directly, and there will be no more things to do, right? "

Su Ze, who was thousands of miles away, was eating potato chips, laughing, and talking to himself.

What a good show...

In the simulation content, he saw the next step of this farce.

The guy who was driven out of the safe zone and led the trouble, Xu Wentian, should be a 'lucky guy'.

Tonight, this guy will become an awakener and fight back to the safe zone...

At that time, some people may have to suffer.

It is precisely because of knowing the future direction.

Su Ze couldn't help but sigh, if at this moment, the man with the gun directly killed Xu Wentian.

Maybe it won't last long, but it will definitely not evolve to the point where the order collapses within a day...

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