At the same time.

Inside the villa.

Su Ze drank the remaining coffee in the cup.

Outside, Li Zaihua's painful wail lasted less than three seconds before it completely died out.

"How cruel."

He smiled to himself and secretly observed the beasts outside that were biting Li Zaihua's body.

Like those great white sharks wandering in the air, these beasts are also unreasonable and appear out of thin air.

He had previously quietly cleared a wave of monsters, making the surroundings a little quieter.

But this is a temporary solution, not a permanent solution. The monsters in the polluted area cannot be killed completely.

In a short period of time, the number can be reduced, just like Su Ze just did.

With his current fighting power, he could even completely clean up the monsters in the entire beast pollution area, but he had no reason to do so.

There would be no gain except tiring himself.

Even if he killed all the beasts, they would appear again in less than a day.

"Tsk, they eat so cleanly, no wonder there are no complete human remains here, only bloodstains."

In a blink of an eye, Li Zaihua was torn into pieces by the beasts and began to be swallowed.

Su Ze certainly didn't care about the investigator's sacrifice.

He was originally a tool man who was used and thrown away. It was an honor for this tool man to live one more day without losing himself.

"So... what about Qin Yushi?"

Like a master under the stage, Su Ze leisurely turned his observation angle.

He wanted to see what choice Qin Yushi would make in the chaos.


Time went back a little bit.

"Good opportunity!"

After hearing the noise from the southeast, Qin Yushi raised her eyebrows and immediately realized that this was a great opportunity to escape. She immediately knelt up and wanted to find an opportunity to escape while the chaos deepened.


The screwdriver thrown at her earlier caused her some trouble. The damn lion was not attracted by the sound from the southeast and was still growling in the house, looking for prey.

There was no way, Qin Yushi could only change direction. She couldn't run to the southeast where the noise came from, nor could she challenge the lion downstairs head-on, and she couldn't chase the car that was fleeing in panic.

She had to leave in the opposite direction.

Once you decide, do it.

Qin Yushi took a deep breath and clenched her fists.

Then, she quickly stood up and jumped down to the courtyard downstairs. Her movements were fast and her voice was low. Although her speed was not fast, she would not attract wild beasts...


A scream suddenly came from behind.

Qin Yushi quickly hid in the nearest villa.

Then, she stuck to the window and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

"Is it the source of the noise just now?"

Qin Yushi looked a little stunned.

She really didn't understand. Since the neighbor could find an opportunity and sneak into the yard, why didn't he just throw a speaker to the southeast and set a delayed playback.

Why did he have to sacrifice himself and go to the southeast to attract monsters...

It can't be that the monster has judgment and won't be attracted by the speaker.

Qin Yushi couldn't figure it out.

What she couldn't figure out even more was how the neighbor persuaded this unlucky guy to attract monsters. This whole process, no matter how you look at it, is stupid!

"... It has nothing to do with me."

After a few seconds of reasoning in her mind, Qin Yushi quickly turned around and wanted to leave.

But as soon as she took a step, she suddenly recalled the illusion she had seen before.

In the courtyard opposite, Su Ze's figure was seen...

"Wait, the direction from which the scream came..."

Qin Yushi stopped, and a tangled look appeared on her pretty face.

She turned around again, pressed against the window, and looked in the direction from which the scream came. At this time, the scream had already stopped, and there was only the roar of the beast...

"Impossible, it can't be Su Ze."

The hesitant look flickered in Liuli's eyes.

Qin Yushi didn't want to believe that Su Ze, a mysterious man, would die casually under the fangs of those beasts.

She turned around again and wanted to leave.

This was the best chance to get out. If the time was delayed for a moment, the gathered beasts would be evenly distributed in this terrifying place again.

She had to find the direction to leave before that.

After passing through another house.

Qin Yushi stopped again.

Behind her, the roar of the beasts was gradually becoming less clear.

The front was not so bright either.

Perhaps there was a way out ahead, but it was also possible that after crossing the road ahead, what she saw was not the safe place outside the wall, but another hell where monsters were entrenched.

But these were not what Qin Yushi was thinking about at the moment.

She still couldn't let go of her guess.

"What if it was really Su Ze? I was not mistaken in the courtyard before, there was really someone there."

Qin Yushi glanced ahead.

She turned her head and looked behind her.

She had finally escaped from the most dangerous central area in her opinion. Now, did she have to go back to confirm whether the injured person was Su Ze?

No matter how you think about it, it doesn't make sense!


Qin Yushi still changed direction.

She was not the kind of person who liked to act first and then think, although the hesitation in her heart had not subsided.

But she had indeed made up her mind, and quickly thought of a new escape plan in her mind.

"Just take a look, just take a look, who is the person in the courtyard."

Qin Yushi returned the same way.

She was still cautious, and kept the sound of her movements to the minimum.

She has now recovered some of her physical strength and has become more confident than before.

Originally, she had made the worst plan, that is, those beasts are smarter than she thought, but now it seems that those beasts are not that smart.

Maybe, even if she provokes one or two monsters head-on, she will have a way to escape from danger.

This is the confidence for her to turn back and seek the truth.


Qin Yushi returned to the starting point. The lion that roared and roamed around her house before disappeared. She successfully crossed the aisle between the villas and came to the courtyard under the villa where plants were planted.

With the cover of plants, she stuck her head out and observed the courtyard next door.


Qin Yushi's breathing became disordered.

She saw the worst result, a group of wild beasts, gnawing on something.

There were shocking bloodstains, torn clothes, and broken bones on the ground. The wild beasts did not even let go of the bones, and were cleaning up and sweeping up the last human remains.


Qin Yushi's breathing became heavier.

She continued to identify the clothes on the ground, trying to piece them together into the set that Su Ze had worn before, but the fragments on the ground were too broken and difficult to piece together and identify.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Qin Yushi knew that she could not stay here for long. After the wild beasts cleaned up the last residue, they would return to their previous state and continue to wander around, searching for humans in sight.

However, she still suppressed her heavy breathing.

Continued to identify the fragments of clothes on the ground.

For a long time.

She finally came to the conclusion that the pieces of fabric matched the color of Su Ze's clothes...

The moment she came to the conclusion, the light in Qin Yushi's gorgeous eyes dimmed a little.

She was definitely not in love with Su Ze.

She just put Su Ze in a mysterious position countless times after the disaster.

So mysterious that she unconsciously had some expectations.

But at this moment, it was like a feeling of shattered wishes. Su Ze was not the superman she imagined, but an ordinary person, an ordinary person who would be besieged by monsters and fall here...

She bit her lips gently.

Qin Yushi felt a little uncomfortable...

But she had to leave even if she felt uncomfortable, and she had to leave immediately. If she was a step later, the situation would be even more unfavorable.

And just as Qin Yushi turned around.

Su Ze appeared at the window on the second floor of the villa, his elbows on the windowsill, a smile on his handsome face.

"This beautiful lady, are you interested in coming up and sitting? I would like to buy you a drink."

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