
In the study, Chen Keqing poked her head, glanced at Qi Xiaoye, who looked disappointed, and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong? Why did you all change your clothes when you went out?"

"Ask her."

Su Ze didn't explain much and went back to the room to change clothes.

"It's nothing, I just met a container that can exchange items. I gave it a try..."

Qi Xiaoye put away his disappointed look, and then explained in detail to Chen Keqing the hole in the wall.

She tried many times in a row.

Things that were lost were rarely recovered.

But the things on his body were lost one after another.

He even lost his kidney once.

Fortunately, Su Ze received treatment in time.

"All in all, I just wanted to get my memory back, but I guess I failed."

Chen Keqing was as gentle as a big sister, with loving eyes and rubbed Qi Xiaoye's head.

Qi Xiaoye was quite comfortable, leaning on Chen Keqing's shoulder.

Wriggling like maggots in Chen Keqing's arms.

While complaining: "What a hole, I can't find anything valuable at all..."

While complaining.

Qi Xiaoye recalled the previous scene in his mind.

She caught Su Ze in the cave.

Ignore the contact areas with grass.

This is really strange. If the hole in the wall is not functioning abnormally, then is Su Ze really the thing she lost?

Of course she discussed this issue with Su Ze before coming back.

Su Ze's idea is more inclined to contain abnormalities.

There might be something wrong with that hole.

Qi Xiaoye felt that this idea was not 100% reliable, but he could not think of a more reasonable explanation.

She chased Su Ze and asked some questions, such as why Su Ze said "I saw her in the future" when he saw her for the first time.

Su Ze never explained this issue to her directly.

This time Su Ze explained it directly.

"Just like you can see information about contained objects inexplicably, sometimes I can also see things in the future inexplicably."

"That's why I knew in advance where to find you and how to find you."

This is Su Ze's explanation.

It sounds...nothing wrong at all!

Qi Xiaoye readily accepted this statement and actively stated that if Su Ze saw anything about her future in the future, he must tell her as soon as possible.

Because she really wants to find her lost memory.

"Chen Keqing." Su Ze left the bedroom and returned.


"I have something to discuss with you."

"What happened?"

"A matter of hundreds of millions."


Su Ze picked up Chen Keqing by the waist and went back to the bedroom.

Qi Xiaoye was left behind shaking his head, muttering angrily, words such as "the world is declining and prostitution is being promoted in the daytime".

"Wait a minute - could it be that I caught his feelings?"

After a long time, an idea suddenly popped into Qi Xiaoye's mind that made her blush.



[Old version simulator selected]

[Simulation begins...]

[On the 33rd day of the first year of Doomsday, you obtained information related to the containment object. You immediately took Qi Xiaoye to investigate...

Back Room - This is the name of the containment.

Qi Xiaoye tells you that at least four people need to enter the container at the same time and complete the built-in tasks before it can be destroyed. The bad news is that there are extremely powerful and terrifying monsters in the back room. The good news is that there is a monster in the back room. The life-saving rule is that as long as at least one of the four people does not die, everyone can be resurrected indefinitely.

After thinking about it, you decide that the back room is an extraordinary-level containment object and needs to be handled with caution.

You find four tool men and send them into the back room, but the moment the tool men enter, they lose contact with you.

You found three more awakened ones. As a tool man, you took them into the back room. The task was a little easier than expected. You completed the task without any danger and completely destroyed the containment object.

Afterwards, you regretted not bringing Qin Yushi and the others in with you, because you thought the environment in the back room was a good practice ground. 】

[All simulations have been completed...]

[Please select whether you need simulation rewards]

[Selected simulation reward: location information of the back room (will appear on the 33rd day of the end)]

[The simulator enters the cooling time...]


It's an extraordinary containment object, and it's not too difficult to destroy.

This type of contained object is what I like to see most at this stage.

"When can the museum be opened?"

Su Ze muttered to himself.

Since being promoted to the Awakened One, he has basically only used the old version of the simulator.

Do your best to collect information on the contained objects.

The purpose is to usher in the feeling of upgrading again as soon as possible.

According to the pictures he saw in the simulator before, he should be able to build a museum of contained objects.

After the museum is built, all the contained objects destroyed by him will reappear in the museum.

Contained objects such as coffee machines and master keys can be stored in museums and taken out for use when necessary...

"Take your time, but forget it, we should start the next step soon."

Su Ze silently counted in his mind the contained objects he had recently destroyed.

There are awakening level ones and extraordinary level ones.

However, the number is not large, because he has not yet redeemed some of the location information of the collection objects he obtained in the simulation.

According to the recent schedule, sometimes three collection objects can appear at the same time in a day.

Sometimes, there is no collection object, and he can only rub Chen Keqing at home to please both of them.

"As for the classic version of the simulator, let's talk about it later."

Su Ze now only uses the classic version of the simulator whenever he has time.

At most, he will see if there are any unexpected things happening in the next two or three days, so the talent fragments are not accumulated much.

In addition.

Su Ze is looking forward to it now.

He is looking forward to the next step after the museum is built, when he can see a wider sky. Maybe he will not need to upgrade his existing talents at all...

"In the simulation just now, I think the back room is a good practice field? Well... I mean, I should actually take Chen Keqing and the others to adventure together?"

Su Ze glanced at the text display in the simulator.

After thinking for a few seconds, he made a decision that his current core team needs to act collectively again in two days.

"Let's talk to Qin Yushi first."


On the campus of Soochow University.

In the courtyard near the laboratory building.

A senior boy in a black down jacket was stopped and questioned by the 4th group of the security team.

On the laboratory building next to her, Qin Yushi's graceful figure floated over.

She held a fully charged camera in her hand.

She found a way to get the camera herself, and the full power was powered by a generator made by a school teacher.

"Team leader, are you going to take pictures of the 4th group's fishing enforcement now?"

Tang Xinnuo followed behind Qin Yushi and asked in a low voice.

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