"Lao Hu, this place... let's not go too deep.

"It looks like Shituo Mountain. Bodies are piled up on the roadside with no one paying attention. If we didn't see people moving around, we wouldn't be able to tell whether this is a safe area or a polluted area."

Beside him, the team members who had just returned from inquiring about the nearby situation were talking sadly.

Squad leader Hu held a telescope and observed the street situation ahead.

He opened his mouth and said, "Why are you so cowardly? Aren't we all coming here in the same way in so many dangerous polluted areas? But this safe area scares you?"

The team member clicked his tongue and said, "I'm not thinking about it. Is this safe zone in front of us our last stop? It's enough to find out the information. There's no need to go in and take risks."

Squad leader Hu snorted coldly: "Isn't it okay? Ha, I will let you be the vanguard later."

The team member touched his nose angrily.

After a while, another team member came back from other directions.

"Lao Hu, as we guessed, the safe zone here has fallen into complete chaos. I just found an uncle who was a survivor on the road and asked about the whole story..."

Several people focused their attention on him.

From his description, the safety zone here has always been of a less orderly kind.

But the survivors who live here are still holding on.

Until a week ago, the number of awakened people increased significantly.

The delicate balance before was completely overturned.

Now this area is controlled by a group of awakened people who do evil things.

Some ordinary people have no choice but to flee overnight, risking their lives, passing through polluted areas and fleeing to other safe areas.

Those who did not escape were all put under control.

Children and the elderly are of little value and will either be killed or driven into polluted areas.

Needless to say, women are even worse.

After listening, some team members gritted their teeth and said: "How can these people be so cruel?"

The team member who brought back the news said: "There is another thing. The uncle dragged me and insisted on asking me to help save his family. He said that his daughter and wife are in the safe zone and have not escaped. He is staying here now. The edge area between the contaminated zone and the safe zone is in a dilemma..."

One team member pondered and said: "This... rescuing people is not easy. Didn't you just ask about it? Not only are there a large number of awakened people, but they also have all kinds of firearms and weapons. It's easy for us to get in, but it's hard to get out."

Squad leader Hu also frowned and pondered, and after a long while he said, "Come in, no matter what, we have to go in."

Some team members worried: "But if we are really trapped inside, we won't be able to save the people and the intelligence collected earlier will not be sent back."

Squad leader Hu has obviously considered this issue and said: "Although it is not our task to save people, it is our original responsibility... If there is an accident, as long as one of us can go back, it will be fine."


Su Da.

Inside the security booth at the back entrance.

Qin Yushi stretched her long legs and placed them on the coffee table in front of her.

Tang Xinnuo, who was sitting next to her, looked like a maid.

He was clenching his fists, neither light nor heavy, and beating Qin Yushi's thigh.

"Team leader, how are you? Has there been any reply from Brother Su Ze?"

Of course I won't be attentive if I have nothing to do.

Although Tang Xinnuo was Qin Yushi's little follower, she didn't even have to do massages.

She took the initiative to give Qin Yushi a leg kick at this moment.

In order to please Qin Yushi so that Qin Yushi could be more direct, she told her Su Ze's reply.

"There's good news, and there's bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

Qin Yushi sat on a soft chair with his head raised and his eyebrows raised, his tone neither fast nor slow.

In fact, Qin Yushi had already quietly discussed it with Su Ze when she promised Tang Xinnuo that she would help find her parents.

Su Ze expressed his indignation at the increased workload Qin Yushi had given him.

And asked Qin Yu's poems to repay him, otherwise he would not help.

Qin Yushi replied that she had already opened the door for him and was ready to welcome him.

After some arguing between the two, Su Ze took the job.

After all, finding someone is just a matter of raising a finger for him.

The upgraded connection talent can easily allow him to find anyone on the planet, as long as he knows who the person he is looking for is.

Of course, there is another condition, that is, the other party must still be alive.

Dead people can't connect.

"...Let's hear the good news first."

After thinking for a few seconds, Tang Xinnuo spoke nervously.

Qin Yushi nodded and said calmly: "The good news is that Su Ze agreed to help. Since he agreed to this matter, he must have his own way."

Tang Xinnuo's pretty face was filled with joy.

She knew that since Qin Yushi had left her a thought before, it was definitely not without purpose. He must have agreed to her first because he knew it was feasible...

Following the right boss is indeed a job where skill and luck coexist.

Qin Yushi observed Tang Xinnuo's expression without any trace, and said, "There is another bad news."

Tang Xinnuo shrank his neck and asked, "What's the bad news?"

Qin Yu gave a poem of grace and said seriously: "The bad news is that it will take a long time, ranging from ten days to a month."

This is a lie!

It was Qin Yushi who deliberately delayed time.

On the one hand, it was to tease Tang Xinnuo and continue to use this matter to pua her.

On the other hand, Qin Yushi still needed some time to observe Tang Xinnuo in depth.

After all, Qin Yushi was now determined to cultivate Tang Xinnuo for a long time.

She had to spend some more time to observe whether Tang Xinnuo was reliable or not, and whether she was a person of character and ability.

Hearing that it would only take some time, Tang Xinnuo breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It doesn't matter if it takes a little longer, as long as I can find her in the end..."

She paused slightly.

Because she felt that the possibility of not finding her was higher...

Qin Yushi saw her inner thoughts, coughed lightly, and said, "Don't worry, I observed the sky last night and found that you should get good news recently..."

Without waiting for Tang Xinnuo to express his curiosity

Qin Yushi changed the subject again and said mysteriously: "However, in order to ensure that this matter goes smoothly, you have to pay a very important price."

Tang Xinnuo was stunned and asked: "What price?"

Qin Yushi pointed to her pink little mouth: "It depends on the performance of your little mouth."

Tang Xinnuo continued to be stunned. She thought for a few seconds and her pretty face suddenly turned pink.

Qin Yushi hurriedly asked her to stop and said: "What are you thinking about? I asked you to close your mouth, not to open it."

Tang Xinnuo was sweating and embarrassed, rubbing her thighs with both hands.

It seemed that she couldn't hide her little thoughts in front of Qin Yushi...

No, it should be said that she showed it too obviously.

The embarrassment was over.

Tang Xinnuo suddenly realized what Qin Yushi meant. She asked tentatively: "Is it because there is something to keep secret?"

As soon as the voice fell.

Su Ze's voice sounded behind her: "It's time, let's go."

Tang Xinnuo was startled by the sudden voice.

After seeing that it was Su Ze, she touched her not-so-full chest and suppressed her heartbeat that was about to accelerate.

Qin Yushi stood up, walked to Su Ze, and smiled at Tang Xinnuo: "Yes, keep it a secret."

After that, Su Ze took Qin Yushi and disappeared from Tang Xinnuo's sight.

Tang Xinnuo was stunned at first, then raised her hands and rubbed her eyes hard.

"Oh my God!"

After a moment, Tang Xinnuo held her cheek and exclaimed.

She now fully understood Qin Yushi's intention to let her control her mouth.

This was to keep a secret for her and not reveal Su Ze's superpowers to anyone!

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