"Is there any news?"

Tang Xinnuo sat down slowly on the chair next to Qin Yushi.

This sitting down was a little heavy, because she noticed that Qin Yushi's expression was also heavy.

This made Tang Xinnuo nervous.

More nervous than expected...

You know, during the ten days of waiting, Tang Xinnuo regretted more than once, thinking that she shouldn't ask Su Ze to help find her parents, because she was afraid of getting bad news.

And at this moment...

Qin Yushi pretended to be serious and said: "You have to be mentally prepared..."

The words were not finished.

Tang Xinnuo took the lead and burst into tears: "Wow, wow, wow, wow--"

It hurt Qin Yushi's ears.

She had to give up the idea of ​​teasing Tang Xinnuo and sighed: "I haven't finished speaking yet, why are you crying, your parents are still alive."

Tang Xinnuo stopped crying immediately, wiped her tears, and asked in surprise: "Really? Where are they?"


In the study room

Su Ze held a teacup in his right hand, looking at the simulator panel with a bit of distraction.

[Rewards for this simulation: 7 talent fragments]

[Simulator cooling time: 9 hours and 50 minutes]


The sound of the door opening outside came.

Su Ze immediately came back to his senses, picked up the steaming teacup, and took a sip.

Chen Keqing and Qi Xiaoye had just gone out for a while, and the two came back together, chatting and laughing, and sat down in the study.

Su Ze tilted his head and glanced at the plastic bag in Qi Xiaoye's hand.

The bag contained some ordinary snacks.

I don't know who stuffed it into Qi Xiaoye's hand...

Noticing Su Ze's gaze, Qi Xiaoye coughed lightly and explained a little embarrassedly: "It's too popular. Luo Jiaxin said that she must give me some snacks. Oh, really, beautiful girls are so popular wherever they go."

Chen Keqing was embarrassed and silent.

Because from her perspective, what she saw was not how popular Qi Xiaoye was, but that some people wanted to please Su Ze, so they used such small gifts to get close to Su Ze.

After all.

In today's SC-35, Su Ze's reputation is at its peak.

In everyone's eyes, he must be protected in order to get the so-called justice in this safe zone.

Seeing that Su Ze didn't speak, Qi Xiaoye put the bag in the corner and explained: "I can't refuse the kindness, not greedy for snacks, don't look down on me."

Of course I know you are not greedy for these snacks, but the bread tree in Avalon, isn't it fragrant...

Su Ze silently complained in his heart, but kept silent.

Chen Keqing couldn't help but say: "If we don't accept their gifts, they may think that we... No, they think you won't take care of them."

Su Ze said "yes" this time.

He taught this principle, and Chen Keqing didn't understand it at first.

Speaking of which, Chen Keqing's plasticity has been initially reflected.

More than ten days ago, Chen Keqing was embarrassed to accept gifts from anyone, including small gifts from her classmates.

But now she can accept the offerings from some people with a clear conscience.

Not only that, when she first saw the material manufacturing chain in Avalon that was like a perpetual motion machine, she was very kind and asked Su Ze why he didn't share such good food with those in need.

But after Su Ze's answer of "I just like to see other people suffer", she quickly got infected with this bad habit and felt at ease watching others suffer...

Well, in fact, Chen Keqing knew that Su Ze didn't have such a bad taste.

It's just that people's hearts are complicated, and she still understands the principle of gratitude and hatred.

"What are you thinking about?" Qi Xiaoye saw that Su Ze had been silent, and waved his hand in front of him.

"I'm thinking..." Su Ze smiled and looked at her, then changed the subject and said, "I'm thinking, which system is more suitable for human beings, a society ruled by man or a society ruled by law."

Qi Xiaoye was surprised by this philosophical topic. She widened her clear eyes, remained silent for a few seconds, and asked, "What is a society ruled by man?"

The smile on Su Ze's face slowly faded...

The world is not worth it.

It was my mistake to discuss such a profound question with a fool like Qi Xiaoye.

"Go back and check it yourself." Su Ze called out the entrance of Avalon unhappily and urged Qi Xiaoye to go in.

"Go back and check it, why are you so angry." Qi Xiaoye went in angrily.

Chen Keqing followed in without saying a word. After entering Avalon, she muttered, "I know about the society ruled by law, but what is a society ruled by man?"

Two idiots got together.

But it's not their fault.

After all, one of them is just an ordinary student who just turned 19, and the other is an ultimate student who has lost her memory...


A few minutes later


Su Ze brought Qin Yushi and Tang Xinnuo to the snowy safe zone.

Standing on a high place, Tang Xinnuo was patting his not-so-full chest, digesting the amazing experience brought by the instant teleportation.

Su Ze's calm voice came from the side: "This is the safe zone. The person cooking should be your father."

Tang Xinnuo followed Su Ze's gaze and looked at the street below.

This is a street full of shops. At the end of the street, someone is using a small cart to cook.

The middle-aged Mediterranean man behind the cart, waving a large spoon and busy cooking, is Tang Xinnuo's old father.

"Wow, woo woo woo--"

After seeing her old father, Tang Xinnuo couldn't help crying.

Qin Yushi couldn't help but glance at her: "Seeing that he is still alive, are you going to cry too?"

Tang Xinnuo shook her head and said sadly: "No, I saw that my father still had a bandage on his head and his body was dirty. He must have been bullied, otherwise he wouldn't be so miserable."

The scene was exactly as Tang Xinnuo said.

A dozen big men were sitting next to the cart, looking like they were waiting for dinner, and Tang Xinnuo's old father looked like he had been humiliated and looked like he was threatened and working illegally.

Qin Yushi also noticed this, and she could only comfort him: "It's okay, even if your father was bullied before, now you are here, right?"

Tang Xinnuo said "yes", gritted her teeth, and looked like she was going to help her old father get revenge.

But this look only lasted for a second, and she secretly glanced at Su Ze. If Su Ze didn't help, she didn't think she had the ability to help her old father get back.

Su Ze spoke at this time: "You think too much, the truth is often not what it seems on the surface."

Hearing this.

The two turned their eyes and looked at the street ahead again.

Tang Xinnuo's eyes suddenly lit up: "Hey - I saw my mother, my mother walked towards my father... Wait, why is my mother dressed so neatly..."

The couple compared.

One looked like a beggar, and the other looked like a lady.

Although Tang Xinnuo's mother didn't wear gold and silver, the mink coat on her body was really full of nobility.

After hesitating for a few seconds, Tang Xinnuo suddenly burst into tears again: "Wuwuwu--My mom must have been in love with another wild man! Otherwise, why would she dress so well!"

No, sister, what kind of image do your parents have in your mind...

Su Ze complained in his heart and explained: "Is there a possibility that your dad just dresses like that because he likes his clothes?"

Tang Xinnuo wiped her tears and looked at him with a wise look: "Huh?"

Su Ze was too lazy to explain and said: "Go and ask yourself."

Tang Xinnuo said "oh" and went down...

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