
Yawning, Qi Xiaoye rubbed his eyelids that were sore from taking too long a nap, and took a step out of the exit of Avalon.

The exit placed at the door of the study allowed her to reach the study in one second, and also allowed her to catch Chen Keqing off guard...


Qi Xiaoye paused at the door after choking.

In his sight, Chen Keqing was blushing, and in a panic, she pulled down her thick sweater, and then down, her home plush pants were crooked, as if they were pulled up casually.

Obviously, even an awakener could not tidy up his clothes in such a short time.

"Why did you wake up suddenly? I thought you were going to sleep until dinner time..."

Chen Keqing pretended to be calm and changed the subject, with her slender hands behind her back, quietly buckling a piece of underwear.


Qi Xiaoye put on a smile in the first row and first column of the emoticon package.

Haven't you two considered me as a part of your play? Do you still need to be so shy? ?

Look at how calm Su Ze is, just like nothing happened, he is simply... shameless!

"Don't worry about me, I hope I didn't disturb your happy time."

Keeping a smile, Qi Xiaoye sat down on his lazy chair, looking like a social loser, decadent all over.

As a good sister, how could Chen Keqing watch her degenerate alone, so she went over and chatted with her...

Su Ze, whose interest was disturbed, was thinking about whether to take Chen Keqing into the house.

Suddenly, the Father God's talent for listening came into play without warning, and he heard a pleasant whisper:

- "It's a parallel planet, not a world..."

- "Some planets had a nuclear war at the beginning, the population was rapidly reduced, and the level of the awakened was also increased faster..."

The continuous whisper, clear as day, reached Su Ze's ears.

He had already stopped everything he was doing at the first time and listened attentively.

He took a deep breath until the whispering ended.

"There are other people who know about the parallel blue planet... She even knows something I don't know. The parallel blue planet where the nuclear war broke out has a faster awakening level."

Su Ze's face was thoughtful, and his curiosity was aroused.

The Father God's talent for listening often comes into play suddenly.

Sometimes he will provide him with some secrets that only a few people know, and sometimes he will even provide information related to the containment.

But more often, what he hears are some content that is not of high value and only interesting in some aspects...

And the content in front of him.

It is one of the most interesting things he has heard since the end of the world.

It's a pity.

He can't rely on the Father God's talent for listening to reverse the source, unless it is the situation of acquaintances passing on the voice that Wang Qiang accidentally created before.

Otherwise, it is difficult for him to directly judge the owner of the voice through those voices from distant places.

However, as long as you want to investigate, there is nothing you can't investigate.

When his desire for something is strong enough, the Father's gift of listening may come into play again...

"No matter who said this, I have to find her and see how she knows these secrets."

Su Ze secretly decided to add another important matter to the plan.

But in fact...

He had already known the owner of the voice.

That's right.

After contacting the official personnel before, he had been paying attention to the official's reaction and follow-up actions. Whether it was Professor Yan or the official leader of Sucheng, he had observed them silently.

While observing Professor Yan's research, he also learned about Tao Yaoyao.

In other words, if he knew that the owner of the voice was Tao Yaoyao at this moment, he only needed to rely on the gift of global connection to find Tao Yaoyao instantly...

"The so-called human-ruled society? Ha, a man should be treated with new eyes after three days of separation. I am no longer the illiterate a few days ago. The so-called human-ruled society is actually a wise man who governs the country..."

I don't know how Qi Xiaoye and Chen Keqing talked about this.

At this moment.

Qi Xiaoye was crossing her arms, showing off her half-baked knowledge: "As the Master said - politics is justice, and if you lead with justice, who dares not to be just? As long as the wise man in this model of unified power can achieve political justice, the people below will naturally follow suit, and the world will be peaceful."

Chen Keqing was indeed stunned for a moment: "We agreed to be illiterate together, but you secretly read books behind my back."

Qi Xiaoye was even more proud: "In fact, I have my own understanding. Looking back at the past and present... well, that's what I mean anyway. The biggest problem with rule by man is dictatorship and autocracy... Ha, do you think I will say it in the book? In fact, I think the biggest problem is that wise people are not strong enough. If a person can live for 500 years, I think he is quite suitable to be a wise king..."

Su Ze did not participate in their discussion.

Regarding the topic of rule by man and rule of law, he had mentioned it briefly before, so Qi Xiaoye remembered it in his heart.

Then Qi Xiaoye secretly made up for the lessons, and then there was the picture of pretending to be knowledgeable in front of him.

As for why he brought up this topic at the time…


Because he saw two different viewpoints in the command level. In fact, if these two views evolve to the end, it will be nothing more than a doomsday version of the dispute between rule of man and rule of law.

At this moment.

Su Zechen subconsciously looked into the museum.

In the museum, the light was dim, and all the objects were displayed in different forms like dead objects.

If you observe with ordinary eyes, the museum is quite lively and full of things. There are already 42 objects, including the "Butcher Game" that Su Ze just destroyed successfully yesterday.

Relying on the control of the museum and the mythical summoning talent, it was not easy to deal with this mythical object.

At present.

In addition to one mythical object, there are 26 awakening objects and 15 extraordinary objects. The danger level of each object is completely different, and the hidden experience contained is also different.

However, objects with higher life levels are definitely more valuable than those with lower life levels. There is no doubt about this...

"Sharpening the knife to the mythical object."

I didn't expect that I would start hunting mythical objects in the blink of an eye.

Su Ze recalled the simulation content before the end of the world. If he encountered a mythical containment, he would basically die. In comparison, he is indeed much stronger now.

After admiring the containment in the museum for a while.

Su Ze's consciousness slowly withdrew from the museum.

In front of him, a prompt appeared on the panel of the simulator, and the cooling time was over.

At the same time, inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind, and he saw the location information of the containment.

"A little girl who won't refuse."

Following the inspiration in his mind, Su Ze turned his sight and saw a little girl writing and drawing in a dim room in a country far away on the other side of the continent...

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