"Keep it secret? Of course there is no need to keep it secret..."

In the open space in front of the school cafeteria, Qin Yushi and Qi Xiaoye sat on both sides of the stone table under a snow shelter.

There was an insulated teapot on the table, and two steaming cups of tea were poured out by Qin Yushi using professional tea ceremony skills...

"If it is something that needs to be kept secret, Su Ze will not use magical powers at all. As for how it will develop in the future, how the news will be spread, or even if it is not spread, it doesn't matter..."

"After all, there is only a difference between zero and countless manifestations of the Holy Spirit in front of people. Since there is a first time, there will definitely be more in the future, but not everyone has the opportunity to see the Holy Manifestation."

With a sweet smile, Qin Yushi pushed the teacup in front of Qi Xiaoye.

They also knew that Su Ze went to listen to the old professor's private lecture.

Moreover, Qin Yushi also knew the old professor's request in advance and knew that Su Ze would complete the manifestation in front of others in some way.

After such a manifestation, as the one who received help, the old professor naturally had to think about whether he should keep the secret and not let others know that Su Ze had the 'magic' to cure diseases...

The answer is as Qin Yushi just said...

Not at all!

Qi Xiaoye held the tea cup and said strangely: "It feels different from before..."

Qin Yushi took a sip from the edge of the cup and said, "What's different? He has never been stingy with his power before. When it was time to use it, he was never vague. At most, he was more meticulous in keeping secrets. Being cautious, I think is just a good habit..."

"It's like his actual combat power is 10,000 points, and the combat power required to meet daily needs is 1,000 points. Then, it is a pleasant choice for him to show his 2,000-point combat power to the outside world, which can not only deter potential The enemy can still have a trump card.”

Qi Xiaoye shook his head: "That's not what I meant, I meant...it feels like he is planning something."

Qin Yushi laughed: "Oh, you're talking about this. It seems that he hasn't told you yet. He is indeed thinking about some deeper issues. Take today's security team meeting as an example... …”

"Everyone voted almost unanimously today to choose me as the Minister of Public Security. Half of this is due to Su Ze. After all, Su Ze is the man behind me. This matter has been made public. It’s a secret.”

It is similar to the development Su Ze has seen in many simulations.

Qin Yushi finally took control of the safe zone of the school.

She is no longer the leader of the security team, but the head of the security department at a higher level.

According to the consensus of today's meeting, the following group leaders will all be at her disposal...

In fact, most of the entire Public Security Department is in the shape of Qin Yu's poems.

This woman has always been very interested in playing with people's hearts and seizing power.


Qi Xiaoye, who was originally listening carefully, immediately started to show off his off-line thinking when he heard Qin Yu's poem "The man behind you".

He didn't pay attention to the follow-up content of Qin Yushi at all, and just recalled the scene of Su Ze working hard behind Qin Yushi in his mind.

It must be clarified that Qin Yushi did not regard Qi Xiaoye as part of her play, she did not have such a hobby...

Qi Xiaoye was able to observe such a scene purely because of her own perseverance and hard work.

It was the result of her relying on the magic of speech and spirit, hiding in the dark, and spying for a long time... Although this result is a bit wretched no matter how you think about it.

He didn't notice Qi Xiaoye's distraction.

Qin Yushi continued: "Strength is the key, but all-round abilities are also a necessary means to win over people's hearts, just like Su Ze's healing ability. If I tell other awakened people, as long as they join me, even if you There is only one breath left, and I can save you. What do you think? Hehe, you will only cry and shout, wanting to hug your thigh..."

"However, unlike my petty quarrels in school, Su Ze's eyes see further..."

"Didn't he say it before? This is just the first stage of the end, the prelude to the era of catastrophe. In the future, there will be stronger awakened ones and more complex spiritual speech techniques..."

As he spoke, Qin Yushi paused slightly, and finally noticed that Qi Xiaoye seemed to be distracted, and he seemed to be thinking about something inappropriate for children.

It's not hard to see... because that flawless and delicate face is inexplicably flushed with delicate pink.

Qin Yu's poem did not expose Qi Xiaoye's thoughts.

As if nothing had happened, she suddenly changed the topic: "Xiaoye, when I saw your profile, I understood what it means to have eyebrows like a bow, eyes like pearls, and a nose like a straight... It's the same as when I first saw you. The feeling is the same, I am so shocked, I didn’t expect there to be such a delicate and beautiful girl in this world.”

Qi Xiaoye, who was suddenly flattered, was not modest at all and laughed: "Oh, you are talking nonsense and telling the truth, it makes me almost proud."

Regarding his appearance, Qi Xiaoye is self-aware.

In ancient times, beauty was the standard disaster, so there was no need to be modest...

Qin Yushi showed a sentimental smile, full of sighs: "Life is just like seeing you for the first time. I really hope you can always maintain the clarity and clarity of the first meeting, like a green lotus, which can only be seen from a distance..."

It's best to just watch from a distance, but don't be like Qingjiang and know how to mess around all day long...

After only a few days of Su Ze's time, he was snatched back.

If there was another Qi Xiaoye, there would be even less solo time to allocate.

So you must maintain your original purity!


Under the snow shelter on the other side.

Wang Zixin, who had just become an awakened person a few days ago, was wrestling with the female squad leader on the stone table.

Wang Zixin put all his energy into sucking the milk, and veins popped up on his forehead, but he just couldn't hold down the female monitor's arm.

Of course, he has a tough mouth.

He still had the strength to shout: "There is also a gap between the awakened ones. I have only used two successes and I have already suppressed you firmly. The victory must have been decided. If you surrender now, I think you have lost half."

The female class monitor glanced at the hands held by herself and Wang Zixin with complicated eyes, and then glanced at Wang Zixin's unlucky look as if she could hardly hold on any longer.

In the end, she relented, pretended to be invincible, and lost the contest.

Rubbing her wrists, the female squad leader pretended to be regretful and said: "I almost won... Sure enough, there is no advantage in becoming an awakener first. At most, I can become more familiar with certain skills."

Wang Zixin nodded "Yeah," and secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the female class monitor had let off steam just now, otherwise he really wouldn't have been able to win...

It can only be said that, as Su Ze accidentally said before, the power of the awakened people seems to be borrowed from other places. Everyone borrows the same amount of power, so the intuitive difference in power between each other is really not big. …That’s two things if you include skills.

At this moment.

As soon as the competition between the two ended, Su Ze and Chen Keqing came over together. The two also sat down under the shed. The people sitting around them were the most familiar people, so it was natural for them to chat.

Tang Xinnuo, who had just taken over the position of Qin Yushi's team leader, was the first to ask: "Will this world be like this in the future? The contaminated zone and the safe zone are completely separated. People guard the safe zone and slowly rebuild until it returns to normality. Life……"

The female squad leader was a little pessimistic: "It feels like it is impossible to return to the situation before the doomsday disaster. The climate problem alone cannot be solved unless we all move underground like in a science fiction movie."

Wang Zixin took over the conversation: "If you move underground, just move underground. As long as you concentrate your strength and spend some time, you can do it..."

Su Ze just drank tea and did not express any opinions.

However, he also recalled the content of the previous simulation because of the topic at hand.

In the second stage of the doomsday, which is when the second-order awakened people appear, there are actually voices within the government calling for plans for the future of human civilization.

So soon the ‘Tinder Plan’ emerged.

It's just that the officials don't know that there will be other crises in the third and fourth stages of the doomsday. These crises will seriously interfere with the Fire Plan, and even make the plan completely bankrupt...

Sun Bin, who talks relatively little, also gave his own guess: "I don't know if it can be moved underground, but I think the official is definitely planning for the future now. Maybe... the official will give up some things to ensure the continuation of civilization and ensure Continuation of the nation.”

Su Ze still didn't express an opinion, but there was a smile on his face...

Because Sun Bin was right. The important point of the Fire Plan he saw in the simulation was to do whatever it took to preserve the flame of human civilization.

In other words, when something needs to be sacrificed, it must be sacrificed.

After everyone chatted for a while.

The female class monitor looked at Su Ze and asked with a smile: "Su Ze, what do you think?"

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