The mysterious apocalypse is coming, luckily I have a simulator

Chapter 198 Am I really a containment object?


His charming amber eyes continued to stare at Su Ze.

Tao Yaoyao obviously didn't want to change the topic quickly.

She believed in Su Ze's promise of safety, but she would feel more at ease if Su Ze could fully share with her the glimpse of the future... or the information he had already obtained.


Seeing Tao Yaoyao's thoughts, Su Ze had no choice but to cough lightly and added: "Let's do this. After we get rid of the contained objects this time, I will take you to see the person who will pose a threat to you."

After receiving such a promise from Su Ze, Tao Yaoyao was finally satisfied and nodded lightly.

"Any research results on those zombies outside?"

Qi Xiaoye also pushed the door open and asked curiously.

Tao Yaoyao shook her head.

Unless there is a necessary conversation, she is generally more precious with words.

As for the question Qi Xiaoye asked just now, it is more complicated to explain. Simply put, the zombies created by Doctor Beak are just walking rotten meat and have nothing to do with the zombie virus in the movie.

After checking the time, Su Ze took over the conversation and said with a smile: "Let's go first... Let me remind you first, remember to keep your eyes open and don't blink casually."


One minute later.

A polluted area on the island far to the south.

In the abandoned factory area, there is a semi-enclosed room similar to a locker room.

There are traces of monsters in the polluted area entrenched and wreaking havoc in the room. However, after the heavy fog, all the polluted areas were refreshed. At this moment, the threats in the polluted area underfoot have been replaced by other invisible threats.

"If no eyes fall on the statue, the statue will rush over, snap, and twist our heads off. With such speed and power, the awakened ones cannot handle it at all..."

Qi Xiaoye was showing his teeth and claws, explaining to Tao Yaoyao what kind of terrifying container the seemingly harmless statue in front of him was.

Strictly speaking, this is the first time Tao Yaoyao has officially participated in a team building project to control contained objects.

She remained alert and fearful enough, and listened very seriously to Qi Xiaoye's explanation.

After finishing his manual work, Qi Xiaoye moved behind Su Ze attentively and said: "We can't handle this kind of extraordinary containment object for the time being. We can only rely on Su Ze himself... Hey, great scientist "Did you blink just now?"

Tao Yaoyao, who was trying to keep her eyes wide open and looking at the statue, shook her head to show that she hadn't blinked.

Then, out of the corner of her eyes, she glanced at Qi Xiaoye's move of hiding behind Su Ze, and then she imitated it and moved behind Su Ze.

Su Ze wanted to laugh: "There's no need to be so cautious."

Under the absolute suppression of power, the rule power of the contained objects is also ineffective.

As long as Su Ze uses the power of the God-seeking talent to grab the statue, the statue will not be able to move, let alone kill people...

"I can't help it anymore, I'm about to blink." After announcing, Qi Xiaoye blinked his dry eyes, "What should I do now? Just destroy this statue... Oh, by the way, I feel like there is more than one statue like this. ”


Su Ze looked thoughtful.

Frankly speaking, he wanted to use the statue in front of him as a poster girl.

Because after the last Doctor Beak incident, officials were also investigating this strange and terrifying existence, trying to figure out what was going on with these monsters that appeared out of thin air.

And Tao Yaoyao, who has personally faced Doctor Birdbill, is the core researcher representing the government.

So Su Ze was thinking about whether to send the statue to the research institute in Beicheng so that the statue could have an appearance in Beicheng. Of course, it would just be an appearance.

It was just convenient for Tao Yaoyao to write the report and continue to be responsible for investigating the contained objects.

In the end, Su Ze's own museum must handle the storage of the statue...

"Contain it first."

At the same time as he spoke, Su Ze had already taken action.

He raised his hand, and the dark shadow wrapped around the statue.

The method he used to deal with the resentful spirits before was now used by him to deal with the statue.

During this process, the statue showed obvious signs of resistance, but its resistance was of no avail and it was quickly swallowed up and contained in the museum.

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At the same time, the figures of the three people also entered the museum in an instant.

"If you need more information about the statue in the future, just contact me."

Su Ze looked at Taoyao Yao, and after getting Tao Yaoyao's understanding eyes, he looked at the surveillance screen again...

The closed room used to house the statue was designed by him to be very ordinary, but there was surveillance in the room. If you need to observe the statue, you only need to check the surveillance.

"When will this statue be executed?" Qi Xiaoye asked casually with his hands on his hips.

"I'm not sure, maybe like the doctor next door, he will be executed when the time is most appropriate." Su Ze replied.


Qi Xiaoye subconsciously looked to the next door.

The transparent glass allows people to clearly see the scenery inside.

The bird-beaked doctor was still studying the human corpses with great interest, unaware that his execution had already been scheduled by Su Ze...


Suddenly, Qi Xiaoye's eyes were stunned.

She recalled the topic that Tao Yaoyao discussed with her during the previous examination. If she was also a containment object, was Su Ze also waiting for the best time to execute her...


Qi Xiaoye was frightened by her own thoughts and took a deep breath unconsciously.

Su Ze glanced at her and eavesdropped on her thoughts.

After knowing what she was thinking, Su Ze couldn't help but sneer and reached out to rub Qi Xiaoye's head hard.

Qi Xiaoye slapped Su Ze's hand away and said angrily: "What are you doing? You messed up my hair."

Su Ze said, "When I was a child, my father picked up two little dogs from somewhere. One of them was very clingy. Although my father rarely fed the dog, the dog was happy to treat our family as its master. Every time it saw me, it wagged its tail and was very happy. I was also moved by the dog's loyalty and took the time to make a nest for it. Unfortunately... the nest was just made, and the dog was taken away by dog ​​thieves. This made me, a young child, very sad for a while."

Why did the story time suddenly start... Qi Xiaoye had three black question marks on his forehead, and he silently complained in his heart.

End of the short story time.

Su Ze smiled lightly and looked at Tao Yaoyao: "Let's go, I'll take you to see the person who will bring you a threat."


Blink time

Su Ze and Tao Yaoyao appeared in a polluted area in Sucheng.

The blood moon above was as bright as ever.

After landing, Tao Yaoyao looked around first. After noticing the broken walls and ruins around, she realized that this was a polluted area...

"Is that person hiding here?" Tao Yaoyao asked coldly in the moonlight.

"Hush..." Su Ze motioned her to lower her voice and smiled, "Look, it's just in front. That person had been being hunted before and didn't dare to go to the safe area for repairs for the time being, so he found a temporary shelter in the polluted area here and is sleeping."

Tao Yaoyao followed Su Ze's gaze and saw the old residential building in front of her, like a candle in the wind, swaying in the moonlight.

As for the wanted criminal Su Ze mentioned, it is not visible from here...

Su Ze explained: "If you want to see him with your own eyes, you have to enter that room, but I don't want to alert him. If I attract his attention and change the future, it will be more trouble than it's worth."

Tao Yaoyao nodded slightly to show her agreement.

Known dangers are not scary, but unknown dangers are more deadly.

It would be best if the danger can be controlled within the known scope.

Seeing Tao Yaoyao thinking, Su Ze suddenly asked curiously: "No offense, but you are more afraid of death than you look... Is there any reason?"

Tao Yaoyao's aura is pure and unsullied, and this image often makes people think of fearlessness of death, but the fact is obviously not the case...

Tao Yaoyao did not hide it and replied: "I want to see the mystery of this universe."

In short, it means that the ideal of life has not been completed...Su Ze smiled: "Understand."

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