Manager Liu's wife, Huang Yue, is a housewife in her thirties.

At this moment, facing Xu Wentian's aggressive gaze, Huang Yue lowered her head and trembled all over. She was afraid and terrified.

"Don't you recognize me? Sister-in-law, I've eaten at your house!"

Xu Wentian held Huang Yue's face and forcibly lifted her drooping head.

The woman's face was not very beautiful, let's just say she had a pretty face.

"Tsk tsk, sister-in-law is still charming."

Xu Wentian smacked his lips, let go, and looked down at the little boy next to the woman: "Oh, I don't remember your Uncle Xu. I hugged you last time I went to your house for dinner."

The child, who was only seven or eight years old, didn't dare to say a word, grabbing the woman's pants, as if he didn't know whether to hide or pretend to be strong.

"What's the matter with all of you not talking? It makes me look like a bad person."

Xu Wentian pretended to be distressed, he moved his neck, and sat down on the oak chair behind.

After lighting a cigarette, he said with a smile: "To be honest, I am here for revenge. Sister-in-law, you have been around Mr. Liu a lot, saying bad things about me. I know all of this, so you don't have to pretend to be pitiful."

As he said this, Xu Wentian clapped his hands.

One of the younger brothers immediately understood and threw out the gradually frozen body of Manager Liu.

The strange thing is that the woman and the child just looked up at the body, without crying or making a fuss, but the mother and child were still shivering.

"I thought you would scream after seeing this body."

Xu Wentian didn't think much about it. He felt that the news must have been leaked in advance, otherwise the woman and the child in front of him would not have hidden before.

"If you don't scream, I won't be excited! You have to scream!"

Xu Wentian just wanted to play a trick on the enemy in front of him.

He suddenly jumped up and tore the woman's clothes at the collar. Originally, he just wanted to scare the woman and deliberately provoke her, but when the white picture appeared, the beast in Xu Wentian's heart was unconsciously revealed.

His eyes lingered, and his desire rose in an instant.

But he was not in a hurry to do it.

He wanted to stabilize the situation, and then slowly play with the woman...


The woman did scream as he wished.

And began to run out of the warehouse.

The younger brother who was guarding next to him wanted to stop the woman, but was waved away by Xu Wentian.

"Help! Help!!!"

The woman rushed out of the warehouse and shouted for help.

The voice was shrill, and her disheveled clothes instantly revealed her identity as a victim. The crowd gathered outside to collect supplies cast their eyes on the woman.

"Murder! Help! Please, help!!"

The woman screamed hysterically.

But before the crowd could react, Xu Wentian followed from behind.

He dragged the oak chair in front of him like a leisurely stroll. After sitting down, he raised the loudspeaker in his other hand.

With the loudspeaker, he spoke and his voice completely drowned out the woman.

"Don't listen to her nonsense! Family members!"

"This woman tore her clothes and came out to talk nonsense!"

"Let me explain to you, this woman is the wife of Manager Liu who occupied the warehouse. She is a bad woman!"

"Didn't many of you only get one or two loaves of bread or compressed biscuits yesterday! But do you know what delicacies Manager Liu prepared for his wife and children! Do you know how much they ate in there!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

Many people did not get very good food yesterday. Xu Wentian's incitement was obviously popular.

High above.

Su Ze stopped in the cold wind and couldn't help but smile again.

What a good show.

It's just...

Xu Wentian, who thought he had everything under control, probably didn't expect that his opponent, the weak woman, actually had a trick up her sleeve.

"I have evidence!!!"

"I have evidence!!!"

The woman screamed heartbreakingly.

She took out her cell phone from somewhere and held it high above her head.

"I have evidence! They killed people! They killed my husband! And killed other people!!"

"Here is video evidence!!!"

"They are the bad guys!! Everyone must help me!!"

The crowd was in an uproar again.

Some people who were still confused about the situation looked at each other or whispered.

It seemed that the people standing in the jury box now believed the woman more.

This was indeed the case.

Xu Wentian was stunned, and he was ready to throw dirty water on Manager Liu's family to make himself look more decent...

I didn't expect it!

I never expected it!

There was actually video evidence in the hands of this damn woman!

Xu Wentian's other brothers were also equally stunned.

Everyone looked at each other.

Some people even stood there at a loss, like children who had done something wrong.

These people were probably the first time to be bad guys, and they became hesitant after their evil deeds were exposed.

But the evil of human nature is a monster that will grow wildly.

Soon, Xu Wentian's younger brother realized the seriousness of the problem, reacted, and rushed over to snatch the woman's phone.

The woman knew that she was not as strong as the man, so she knelt on the ground, holding the phone tightly, and stuffed it into her pants, in her pants, not in her trouser pocket. In this way, the person who snatched the phone was also a little afraid, worried about the eyes of the onlookers.

This is a life-and-death struggle!

This is not a game!

The woman knew that all her hopes were in the crowd in front of her!

She had to win the sympathy of most people, and arouse the kindness of bystanders, so that most people would be willing to step forward and help.

Only then would she and her child have a chance to survive.

"Damn it! You can't even handle such a small thing!"

Xu Wentian cursed at his mother as he watched from behind.

He was also anxious.

He was afraid that his disguise would be completely torn apart by the woman.

So, he could no longer hold back, and went straight forward, grabbed the woman's hair, and dragged her without saying a word, wanting to drag her back to the warehouse to make plans.

And the crowd, at this moment, was still wavering...

But there was no doubt.

The woman's shrill and pitiful cry for help did make many people emotional.

[What the hell is this...]

[These hooligans really killed someone, oh...]

[So pitiful, that sister...]

[It's better not to get involved, damn, if something happens, what will happen to my wife and children...]

[How can I help, that person is as powerful as a mutant, whoever goes up will get slapped...]

On a high place, Su Ze listened to people's voices.

It was very noisy and struggling.

The moral values ​​shaped for people in modern society are difficult to maintain at this moment.

Su Ze could see that some people in the crowd clenched their fists and wanted to step forward to say something fair, but they didn't have the courage to take actual action.

Some people were indifferent, thinking, who cares about the warehouse, they are all beasts.

Others comforted themselves, thinking that what the woman said might not be true, and that not stepping forward would avoid misjudging right and wrong.


Most people can still distinguish the situation.

The people who were responsible for distributing supplies yesterday were not the same as those who were responsible today, and the people yesterday were gone. In this situation, can't we see that what the woman said is true?


Someone was pushed to the ground with a muffled sound.

A man wearing glasses and looking gentle suddenly walked out of the crowd.

"What are you doing!"

Xu Wentian's younger brother, who was nearby, shouted and subconsciously reached out to push the man with glasses, but was pulled back by the man with glasses and thrown five or six meters away.

The power displayed by the man with glasses at this moment clearly exceeded the limit of the human body.

It was similar to the power that Xu Wentian had displayed before, which exceeded that of ordinary people.

"Fuck! Another mutant?!"

"It's so exaggerated, it looks like he was hit by a truck and flew out!"

"Awesome! Is this going to be a good show?"

Exclamations rang out in the crowd.

You can see that many people's faces are full of emotions, especially those who are kind-hearted or have a long-term vision.

These people know who is the murderer and who is the most vicious executioner.

They also want to stand up for the woman!

Stand up for themselves in this doomsday future!

But no one wants to be the first thorn who shouts out.

Until this moment...

A powerful person, comparable to Xu Wentian, appears!

The leader seems to have appeared at the most critical moment!


Xu Wentian's brothers feel completely different at this moment.

Their faces are more nervous, and some are even afraid.

They also know that they have done nothing good, so they are afraid that they will be punished!


Staring at the man with glasses, Xu Wentian is also a little nervous.

But he didn't say anything. One of his hands was still holding the woman's hair, refusing to let go, and the other hand was placed on his waist without leaving a trace.

He had a gun in his pocket. Although the awakened one was very fast, it was not faster than a bullet.

He himself is also an awakener, and he knows very well how to avoid mistakes...

If the man with glasses approaching in front of him wants to be a hero, Xu Wentian will not hesitate to draw his gun and shoot, unless the bullet misses, he will consider fighting with the other party...

The air, at this moment, is particularly solemn.

The crowd is terribly quiet.

Everyone's eyes are focused on the man with glasses.

In fact, it only took a few seconds. The man with glasses just tried his best to walk closer to Xu Wentian.

Then he stopped and said stutteringly: "I...I want to join you!"

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