The mysterious apocalypse is coming, luckily I have a simulator

Chapter 97 Liuzi only ate a bowl of noodles...

Su Ze searched the area in a carpet-like manner and finally found Deng Xiang's body in the nearby contaminated area.

The body fell from a high place, and its head exploded in the ice and snow.

When Su Ze looked down, the blood froze and the body turned into an ice sculpture. It was obvious that he had been dead for some time.

The next second.

Su Ze's figure appeared next to the body.

Staring at the body on the ground thoughtfully, Su Ze used the power of teleportation after a moment.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the high place where Deng Xiang fell. There were no signs of fighting here, but there were signs of Deng Xiang staying.

"So, it was suicide, and it had nothing to do with others."

Nothing was left.

Last night, when Su Ze was resting, the young man sat cross-legged here for a while, then dragged his inconvenient body and jumped down to end his life.

"What a pity."

Su Ze sighed to himself.

He didn't know how wronged and uncomfortable the young man felt when he chose to die, but he could guess that the young man must have tasted despair.

No one was willing to believe him.

He had done good things, but no one believed him.

Everyone cursed him.

They used him as an outlet for their emotions.

His aunt and uncle were also implicated because of him, and they couldn't raise their heads in front of others.

His parents also died in the initial disaster.

In such a world, I feel that there is nothing to miss, and I can understand it, but... I am still too young.

Too young to understand some things that are taken for granted.

"It's better to have fewer such things in the future."

Su Ze found a body bag and buried the body.

This young man died in a contaminated area, and generally no one would come here. If the body is left here, it will probably take a long time for someone to find it.

Su Ze just moved him a little.

Before leaving, he put some broken flowers on the body so that others could notice it.


"Did that high school student commit suicide?"

At lunch time, Chen Keqing listened to Su Ze's story with a surprised look on her face.

"Well, it should be early in the morning."

Su Ze nodded and answered after roughly estimating the time.

In fact, his domain ability can sense such bad things to a certain extent.

If Chen Keqing is in danger, the domain power will bring Su Ze a faint throbbing and uneasiness.

But Deng Xiang could not be taken seriously by Su Ze, so he died quietly.

"This...this is too unfair. He is obviously a good person, but he was forced to commit suicide."

Chen Keqing pursed her lips and said indignantly.

"Yes, it's unfair."

Su Ze responded calmly.

In a blink of an eye.

It's the end of another day.

At the moment when no one noticed, Su Ze's figure appeared in the air. He himself does not have the ability to fly or stay in the air, but relying on the guardian, he can grab the handrail with his empty hands to maintain balance.

And at this moment.

In his hidden sight.

Zhao Wenhui was chatting and laughing with his companion.

"I killed her by accident. You know, we are so strong now. I killed her when I was excited."

In the living room, there were three men and one woman, including Zhao Wenhui. The three men were awakened, and the woman was Tan Xuanxuan.

In the bedroom, a woman had just died a few minutes ago.

This woman was Tan Xuanxuan's colleague and friend. She was introduced to several men by Tan Xuanxuan. As a result, they played together for only one day before she was accidentally killed by Zhao Wenhui.

"Xuanxuan, don't sit there, go in and let me have fun."

A man patted Tan Xuanxuan's butt and said with a smile.


Tan Xuanxuan smoked a lady's cigarette and snorted: "Think about how to deal with the body first."

"What's there to worry about? Many people die every day. When we go out tomorrow, we can just throw the body into the contaminated area."

A man laughed and touched Tan Xuanxuan.

"Are you going to throw me out someday?" Tan Xuanxuan sneered.

"That can't be done. Xuanxuan is our top star here. You have to take good care of her."

"It's good to know. Don't forget what you promised me before." Tan Xuanxuan stared at Zhao Wenhui, the scum who raped her, and said, "Especially you. You killed Deng Xiang."

Zhao Wenhui sneered, "It's so funny. What about you? You are still accusing others. It was obviously me who made you happy, but you had to say that it was done by a virgin. What kind of a good person are you?"

No one noticed that there was someone outside the window.

This is the height of the 20th floor. Who would have thought that Su Ze was hanging outside.

And Su Ze was holding a mobile phone in his hand...

"Don't touch it." Tan Xuanxuan was not in a good mood. She pushed the man next to her and said, "You like to play with women so much. I know a very beautiful one. She is in this community..."

Before she finished speaking, Tan Xuanxuan shuddered for no reason.

She subconsciously looked out the window, but saw nothing.


[Day 14 of the Doomsday Year]


Su Ze played with his phone, replaying the video he shot last night.

“These… these scumbags, beasts!”

Chen Keqing also watched the video. She was filled with righteous indignation, clenching her fists, and was extremely angry.

If she saw Tan Xuanxuan mentioning her in front of those people, she would probably be even more angry.

"What are you going to do with this video?"

After being angry for a while, Chen Keqing looked at Su Ze and asked.

"I will give it to Manager Wang to see if she is interested in helping her upright nephew to clear his grievances." Su Ze did not hide his plan.

"Oh... Isn't that equivalent to you getting involved in this matter?"

Blinking her bright eyes, Chen Keqing looked at Su Ze.

Her first reaction was not the desire to do justice, but worry.

She was kind, but she knew a truth since she was a child that if she couldn't protect herself, then kindness would become stupidity, so she was worried that Su Ze would suffer, but such worry only lasted for one or two seconds.

She came over, hugged Su Ze's waist, and laughed.

"Come on, I believe my man can handle all this."

Su Ze smiled.

If nothing unexpected happens, he will find the "opportunity" to make a move today. When this matter is over, he thinks it is time to officially help Chen Keqing become an awakener.

It was noon time.

At Manager Wang's home, Deng Xiang's uncle was cleaning up the room where Deng Xiang had lived before. Suddenly, he found a turned-on mobile phone at the head of the bed that had been cleaned up.

The phone had no lock screen password.

Deng Xiang's uncle subconsciously picked up the phone and the screen turned on.

The video screen appeared on the phone screen.

"Wang... Wang Yan, come and see this."

Deng Xiang's uncle called Manager Wang, that is, Wang Yan, with a trembling voice.

"What's wrong?"

Wang Yan, who still had sadness on her face, had all kinds of emotions on her face after seeing the video.

Anger, regret, sadness, regret, too many emotions, all came out at once.

"I want to make this video public!"

"But Deng Xiang is dead, and they still have three people, all awakened..."

"Then I don't care, I must give Xiao Xiang justice, he helped maintain order because of me!"

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