The Mysterious Origin of Creation

Chapter 69: Abbot's Fairy Island

Share the ginseng fruit.

There are nine.

Chen Yuan got three and ate one.

Feel a pure force entering from the mouth, the extremely pure Yi wood energy.

The vitality is extremely strong, no wonder it can make some low-level beings live many more years.

A slight feeling knows that the legend is true.

It can indeed make some beings who have not reached the same lifespan as the heaven and earth live many more years.

In today's prehistoric world, as long as you achieve the Golden Immortal, you can live until the day when the universe is destroyed.

Gold symbolizes immortality, and the Golden Immortal is also known as the Immortal Golden Immortal.

The Golden Immortal is the existence of the Great Dao and has obtained some subtle Great Dao.

The Great Dao is eternal, so the Golden Immortal is also eternal. It does not mean that the Golden Immortal can really live until the day when the universe is destroyed.

On the contrary, there are too many forces that can destroy the Golden Immortal. Even the Daluo Golden Immortal cannot guarantee that he can live until the day when the universe is destroyed.

In the last catastrophe of the three tribes, too many immortal beings decayed.

Chen Yuan transformed this power of the ginseng fruit into energy to nourish his body.

Now his Nine Revolutions Profound Art has been in the late sixth revolution for a long time.

Although this ginseng fruit is very mysterious, it has no effect on Chen Yuan. The purer energy in it.

It can be used to improve the realm of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art. Soon this power was digested, and the Nine Revolutions Profound Art improved a little.

Chen Yuan, who is already in the late sixth revolution, has also made some progress.

He is about to reach the peak of the late sixth revolution.

It can be seen that the progress of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art is difficult. At the beginning, it was relying on Pangu Jade Marrow that such a high achievement was achieved in such a short time.

Chen Yuan didn't care much.

The Yuanshen is his avenue, and the Nine Revolutions Profound Art is up to fate.

After talking for a while, he left here.

He was not familiar with these two people, and it was enough to discuss the Tao.

Out of Wuzhuang Temple.

Hongyun looked at the direction where Chen Yuan left and said, "Xuanyuan's realm is really profound. He is only a little short of reaching the late stage of Daluo Jinxian. According to my observation, he can break through in a few days."

Zhen Yuanzi nodded in agreement. When discussing the Dao, Chen Yuan was not easy to cover up and said, "He is a person with deep luck. I think he has a deep treasure light. In addition, the three tribes are now in decline. In the future, he will be a top-level great master in the prehistoric world."

Seeing Chen Yuan go away, the two returned to their retreat and digested what they had learned from this discussion.

Seeing the legendary figure, Chen Yuan's heart did not fluctuate too much. He will become a legend in myths and legends in the future, and his myths will be passed down.

Perhaps countless lives will be curious about his story.

When he was in Wuzhuang Temple, Chen Yuan had some defensiveness. Although he should not have the intention to harm others, he must be on guard against others.

For myths and legends, Chen Yuan would only take them as references. If he really believed them, he would not be alive until now.

All legends and myths have some untrue parts. They can be used as references, but they cannot be truly believed.

Chen Yuan sensed the Taoist of the World and found that he was in the East China Sea at this time.


East China Sea.

The Taoist of the World wanted to find a Taoist temple. Such a place was easy to find in the prehistoric world.

None of them satisfied him very much, so he just found a place and practiced for a while.

Wanting to find a Taoist temple in the four seas, he came to the East China Sea.

He has been wandering in the four seas.

This day.

There was a very dark place in front of him. With the divine consciousness of a quasi-saint, he didn't know what was in it.

The Taoist of the World went there... and really arrived here.

With a punch, the sun, moon, stars and rivers were sinking and floating, and the vast breath was surging, as if there was a world in it.

Without using the innate spiritual treasure, the power was also extremely powerful, and the extremely huge ripples were spreading.

The sea water was rolled up to form an extremely huge wave, and the sea water formed a wall that was moving.

The place that was beaten out of shape by the World Taoist, an island surrounded by chaotic energy, extremely huge and stretched across the sea.

Seeing this, the World Taoist raised the Northern Xuanyuan Water Control Flag to protect himself and attacked the island with the World Tree.

To be precise, it was an attack formation. In the World Taoist's perception, there was an innate formation with extremely great power.

No one discovered it, but this time it was discovered by the World Taoist.

The scenery inside was very beautiful, and many creatures lived in it.

The World Taoist spread his divine thoughts, and the creatures on the island had no spirituality, which was very puzzling.

This island was not covered up in the long river of fate.

If it were an ordinary island, it would be easy to know what was inside, but this island was not among them.

Under the divine thought exploration, an object appeared in Chen Yuan's field of vision.

When he saw this object, he knew the origin of this island.

"In the legend of Fangzhang Fairy Island, one of the three major fairy islands overseas, it is really lucky that I can find this fairy island and use it as a Taoist temple in the future." The World Taoist said secretly.

Don't stay with Chen Yuan. Chen Yuan is very powerful and doesn't need his protection. He will find a place in the prehistoric world to practice and have more powerful power.

It can be of greater use in the future.

This is also Chen Yuan's idea. Now the three tribes have withdrawn from the stage. His power is very strong in the prehistoric world.

Walking to a stone tablet is the core of the formation.

It is very easy to refine this stone tablet with the power of a quasi-saint.

After the world Taoist refined it, he knew that the formation was called the Qiankun Covering Heaven Formation.

It can conceal the secrets of heaven and make it impossible for people to calculate here.

This formation also has extremely powerful defense.

The world Taoist officially became the master of Fangzhang Fairy Island.

Although it is an island, it is extremely huge in size of billions of miles. The divine thoughts spread out to observe the future Taoist temple.

There is aura mixed with chaotic energy.

It is a blessed land for great supernatural powers and a forbidden land for creatures without spiritual wisdom.

The chaotic energy is not something they can bear, even if it is just some, impure chaotic energy.

It also makes them unable to generate spiritual wisdom, but just live in a muddleheaded way, living a life without knowing what life and death are.

He wandered around the island. There are some innate things on the fairy island.

It makes the world Taoist very excited.

I found a low-grade innate spiritual treasure, a bead with eight innate divine prohibitions.

It is called the Phantom Bead, which can show an illusion inside, as if it is a real world, very mysterious, so I put this treasure away.

I continued to search, and after a while, I found another thing.

It is a medium-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Qingyin Bell.

The sound of the bell makes the mind more peaceful.

It also has defensive power.

There are many treasures on Fangzhang Fairy Island.

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