In an interim negotiation without results, both parties are trying to test each other's bottom line.

Although Severini Belmont had never seen Sylvia’s disguise, she always believed that Sylvia was an exiled Belmont tribe, and came here to complete that year, but she still instinctively and hopefully Sylvia is negotiating on interests, and bit the bottom line without any relief, so as to test Sylvia's psychological bottom line.

However, compared to the serious attitude of Severini Belmont, Sylvia is obviously more casual, and even deliberately makes some casual casual looks, making the other party think that they are bluff.

In the end, both parties chose to halt their flags before attracting the attention of the people around them, and agreed on a time and place, to talk about it next time.

Afterwards, the banquet of the Church of the Victim continued as usual, and another ordinary bishop appeared as the host of the banquet, then entertained the guests as the host, and also disclosed some victims at the banquet. The church will implement some public welfare undertakings in the future, and at the same time, discuss with the bachelors who came to the banquet about future research funding and other matters.

From any point of view, the bishop who was pushed to the stage by the victim's church was very competent for his work. The atmosphere of the banquet was always under his control. Everyone who attended the banquet received a satisfactory response. Except Leo and Sylvia, of course.

At the end of the banquet, the bishop came to Sylvia and Leo, handing them an identity card, and said, "Mr. Leo, Miss Sylvia, and Bishop Sivini have ordered this The two documents are handed over to two people, and the two people can use the documents to enter any archive room and library under the church to check the materials."

Leo and Sylvia were also welcome, and after receiving their ID cards, they took the hotel's suspended flying car and left.

When the two of them left, Sivini, who was standing in a room on the top floor of the manor, also withdrew her gaze, then quietly spent a while in the room, walked out of the room, and said to the attendant priest who was waiting outside the room: Good suspension car, I'm going to the valley."

When the priest heard the order, he went to arrange a flying carriage for Sivini. Sivini also put on a very formal robe, and was boarded by the priest and nun.

After taking off from the exclusive platform of the Church of the Victims, the flying car flew upwards, and flew to a speeding line of the exclusive Church of the Victims, flying towards the center of Lanxi City.

After flying for about ten minutes, the car passed through four barrier walls. Every time it passed a barrier wall, it was stopped by someone to check its identity. Although it passed smoothly every time, the procedure of stopping to check the identity was not omitted. And the further back, the more rigorous the review. At the last wall, even the people on the speeding car were allowed to come down, and then they checked the situation inside the speeding car before releasing them.

If Leo is here, you will definitely find that the mecha sergeants stationed at these walls are becoming more and more different, from the original mecha sergeants to the mecha sergeants with mysterious power engraved on the surface, to the driver. The mecha sergeant who is also extraordinary, when the last wall, the energy fluctuation of the mecha sergeant who is driving mecha is already comparable to that of the third-level psionicist, and if they are fused with the mecha that he drives, even Can reach the strength of the fifth-level psionicist.

If there are only a dozen or so mecha sergeants with such a strong standing, it would be fine, but judging from the number of mechas waiting in the cabin of the separation wall, the number of such mecha sergeants is at least more than 500, plus the previous ones. The mecha sergeants of the separation wall, the mecha sergeants of the entire Lanxi city should be more than 5,000 people, even if they are placed in the universe civilization, they can definitely sweep most of the intrastellar civilizations that have just flew out of the planet’s atmosphere. .

However, such a powerful force is now building fortifications, rather than being placed outside the Lanxi city to attack the city. Obviously, there is definitely something in the center area surrounded by a circle of separation walls that makes them feel scared. .

When the hovering car reached the last wall, Severini Belmont changed a car under the arrangement of the wall guards, and then passed through the wall from an exclusive passage to the core of Lanxi City. zone.

The scene in this zone and the scene on the other side of the separation wall are completely two worlds. There is no building higher than three floors. All buildings are regular bunker-style buildings. The top and walls of each building All have large and small cluster laser cannons that look like a hedgehog.

Not only the large and small bunkers on the ground, but also the bowl-shaped dome above is densely covered with a layer of cluster laser cannons, and even hundreds of large energy particle launchers rushed out of many laser cannon positions , Hanging upside down in the air.

In the Old Earth era, the cluster laser gun on the Prometheus was arguably the strongest energy weapon, and this weapon was also very practical in the later Earth Federation, especially after being miniaturized, it has become the Earth Federation The standard configuration of the army, as for the energy particle launcher, is not a weapon that should be in the old earth era, but a weapon in the earth federation era.

Now the weapons of the whole earth from two different eras are concentrated, and their muzzle directions are all aligned. A huge pit in the center of the open space that is constantly emitting black mist and exuding **** red light In the hole.

Severini Belmont's vehicle was very skilled in passing between dense turret buildings, and finally stopped outside a two-story building not far from the pothole.

I saw the reliefs of the victims on the walls of this small building. The reliefs are surrounded by a large number of patterns with mysterious power, and these patterns are now in effect, constantly emitting a wave of energy waves and other similar The bunker building finally merged with each other to form a barrier that blocked the black mist and **** light from the mouth of the huge pothole.

When the speeding car stopped at the front garden of the bunker, a heavily armed church member of the survivors stepped forward and opened the car door. After seeing that the person was Sivini, he immediately saluted: "Suffering is not everything, Bishop Sivini. "

"Suffering will pass, Brother Xiakan." Sivini Belmont responded cordially, and then asked seriously: "Where is the pope now? Go to the entrance again?"

The priest replied: "No! The Pope is checking the weapon status with other adults, because the Pope feels that the next tide should erupt within these days."

"So fast?" Severini Belmont said with a serious look on his face. "What are the supplies and manpower we need? Are those guys ready?"

The senior priest immediately made a report: "Not yet, there have been some conflicts among the various **** fields not long ago. There are not enough manpower transfers, but some senior priests have been sent. As for the bottom combatants, we can only I filled it myself, and the materials are still adequate. It has been replenished. The last damaged energy generators No. 7 and No. 13 have also been replaced with new parts, and there will be no accidents."

Severini Belmont nodded and said, "Well, in the next two days I will try to get those guys to send a group of sergeants to serve as a reserve." Then, she walked towards the blockhouse and said: "When the pope arrives, notify me immediately."

After entering the room, Sivini Belmont immediately came to her exclusive office and instructed the attendant to take over the documents that required her to process.

Severini Belmont is a very serious person. Once she starts to do things, she devotes herself wholeheartedly and forgets everything outside.

When she finished processing the last document on hand, she put down the pen in her hand and stretched out, she discovered that there was no one in the room when there was an extra person.

She instinctively made defensive movements, but after seeing the man, her movements immediately changed, got up from the chair, and walked to the man, said very respectfully: "Please, please, Master Pope."

The man smiled, reached out and patted Sivini Belmonte's forehead intimately, and said, "I said, we don't have to be so serious when our family is here."

Sivini Belmont shook his head, the bookstore oh oh: "No, if it is seen by other church members, it will damage your majesty."

"If my majesty is so easily damaged, don't worry about this majesty!" As the other said, he untied the veil on his head to reveal his appearance.

If Leo is here, I am afraid it is difficult to recognize at first glance that this person is Alice Belmont, because compared to Alice Belmont who had worked with him at the time, she seemed More mature and more majestic. Although it only changed a little temperament and looks slightly older, this change was enough to make her and Alice Belmont look exactly like two people.

Alice Belmont walked over to the desk, looking at the documents on the table, and said, "I was thinking of letting you come back to participate in the pre-war meeting tomorrow, but I didn't expect you to come here today. Has everything been done?"

Sivini Belmont hesitated and said in a deep voice: "Master Pope, do two people in this world look exactly the same?"

Alice Belmont said: "Of course there are people with similar appearance, especially among people with the same blood source. People with similar appearance are more likely to appear. If you have time, you should take a look at the research reports of those bachelors, although they The direction we follow is different from the route, but it does not mean that their research content must be of no value to us."

"No, you misunderstood!" Siviny Belmont explained quickly: "I mean exactly the same, not similar, even the name is similar, it's..." said, she thought for a while, said : "It's like looking in the mirror."

Hearing this, Alice's face became serious, and she said in a deep voice: "What's the specific situation, please tell me."

Seeing this situation, Severini Belmont did not sell the key, carefully talking about the previous conversation with Leo and the meeting with Sylvia. She did not find that the person she talked to was Lei. The expression on Alice's face became extremely shocked when O Dodd was concerned, and when he later mentioned Sylvia, his face suddenly became somber.

When Severini Belmont finished her experience and was about to ask Alice’s advice, she quickly discovered that Alice’s expression was very wrong and immediately asked: "Master Pope, do these two people have any problems?" ?"

"They are in the city now?" Alice didn't answer, but asked Shen Sheng.

"Yes." Sivini Belmont nodded, and then said the hotel where the two lived.

After Alice was silent for a moment, she said, "You stay here for the fortifications for two days, and I will leave."

After finishing speaking, without saying more, he quickly walked out of the office.

Sivini was stunned for a while, and soon realized that the two people she had seen before were probably of unusual status. She was chased out of curiosity and wanted to go back to the inner city with Alice, but when she came out, only Seeing Alice's already flying in the suspended flying car she was sitting when she came away.

She would like to transfer a speeding car from elsewhere to catch up, but Alice has told her to stay here. Although this is not an official order, it is almost equivalent to an official military order here. If she leaves her post, even if she It is the top of the martyr's church and the people of the Belmont family.

On the other side, after Leo and Sylvia left the banquet hosted by the Martyrs’ After a little refreshing in the hotel, they went to work separately, and Sylvia still went to inquire about the city Things, while Leo still went to the comprehensive library to record various books.

Sylvia deserved to be a spy, and soon she had a relationship with the ground snake in the inner city's bottom city. After paying some Jinsa, they got a lot of them from the bottom city. news.

For example, the inner city where you are now is only a part of the inner city. If you walk a long way, you will encounter a camouflaged barrier wall. After turning over the barrier wall, you will enter the deeper inner city. There are a few floors in the inner city that even the local ground snakes don’t know about, just know that everyone who tries to approach or cross the wall is either dead or missing, without exception.

After receiving the news, she hired a flying car and made a circle around the edge of the wall, and found that in some houses in and around the wall, there were Sergeants Lanxi and some gods who did not look good. Family members, this made her wonder if she should find an opportunity to sneak in and take a look.

However, she did not act recklessly, but returned to the comprehensive library, and found Leo, who was about to record the books in this library, to explain the situation and ideas.

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