The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 954: Gaze of the abyss

Loblan Kasang is the third son of the Sergeant Council Speaker Branko Kasang and belongs to the family of the upper class. The history of the Kasang family can be traced back to the starry sky period. One.

Originally, according to the identity and status of Lobran Cassang, he could fully serve as a manager in the management of the sergeant society, and he could also serve as an officer in the mech sergeant team in the urban area, just like his two Same brother.

But he didn't do that. Instead, he unexpectedly chose to accept the thirteen transformations of the highest specification to become a fearless mech sergeant.

When Loblan Kassan made such a decision and disregarded all opposition to the completion of the transformation, everyone who knew him thought he was crazy, even his family members thought he was crazy, and he completed it At the moment of transformation, he was deprived of all inheritance rights in accordance with the procedures.

But for Lobran Cassang himself, this decision was the most correct decision he made in his life, because at the moment when he completed the transformation, he felt the tranquility he had never had before, and the past accumulated in his heart His fears, despair, and other negative emotions all disappeared, and that day he was not awakened by a nightmare for the first time.

Almost everyone believes that Loblan Kasang suddenly went crazy to make the decision to become a fearless mech sergeant. Although the fearless mech sergeant has a high status in Lanxi City, it is even no worse than some members of the sergeant society. However, everyone knows that the fearless mech sergeant is considered inhuman in some way. As long as it is not a last resort, no one will be willing to become a fearless mech sergeant.

The source of the fearless mech sergeant mainly consists of three parts.

The first part is ordinary people with physical conditions in the outer city. These people usually make a member of the family a fearless mech sergeant, and then get the qualification to live in the inner city.

The second part is the people at the bottom of the inner city. There are a lot of households in debt here. They usually let some or some of their children become fearless mech sergeants, and then get a large reward, repay debts, etc. .

As for the third part, it is the main source of the fearless mecha sergeants. Nearly 80% of the fearless mecha sergeants are from this. They are those mecha sergeants who have suffered fatal physical injuries in combat. Sergeant A usually suffered serious injuries to his internal organs and limbs. It is still an unknown if he can’t be saved. Even if he is saved, it will only become a disability that is not as good as ordinary people, so in order to maximize Using these mecha sergeants with rich combat experience, the upper layer of Lanxi City will actively transform these mecha sergeants into fearless mecha sergeants.

The members of the fearless mech sergeant are still the same, so their reputation in Lanxi City is naturally not much better. Children of ancient families such as Lobran Kasang actively become the fearless mech sergeant, which can be said to be the city After the first case, so this incident was also very sensational in Lanxi City, everyone is watching the jokes of the Kasang family.

It's just that these people who laugh at Loblanca Sang's madness don't know that if Loblan Kasang does not become a fearless mech sergeant, then it won't be long before it may be one when I see Loblan Kasang again. With a corpse.

Most people start making notes after they are six or seven years old, and most of their memories during this period are very vague. Most of them will forget when they grow up. Even if they remember, they are only fragmented memories.

But Lobran Kasang was different. He never told anyone that he was able to take notes when he was a baby, and that he knew that he could still remember clearly.

Therefore, he is very clear that his mother’s death was not due to an accident like the outside rumors. His mother’s death was due to the erosion of the abyssal forces.

At that time, he was still a baby in his baby. He watched how his mother turned into an abyss monster a little bit. He also watched that the mother who loved him was going to eat him after he became an abyss monster. Looking at his father in time, he felt that the clerics who led several dirty mothers would be turned away by the monster's mother.

All these memories were deeply engraved in his mind, and repeated tortures him again and again every night, making him feel that he was always on the verge of death.

Originally thinking that his destiny would eventually indulge in this kind of painful memory, Lobran Kassan eventually reached the limit of his mental endurance and ended his life, but when he accidentally knew the process of transforming the fearless Mech Sergeant, he Realizing that this will be the only chance to get rid of this pain.

Although he lost a lot in making this decision, whether it was family or personal, he lost a lot, and even became such an inhuman existence, but he obtained the peace he dreamed of, the nightmarish memory of the past No longer affects him, he can sleep peacefully until the moment he wakes up.

However, he knew that this was not enough, because even if the nightmare had no longer affected him, but he still had to face one thing, the abyss, that was the source of all his nightmares.

Originally according to his identity, even if he had become an independent and fearless mech sergeant, he could still choose to stay in the rear battery defense zone with the influence of his family, where the danger level was much safer than the first front near the entrance, but He didn't do that. Instead, he was required to be stationed in the abyss observatory on the first day of his transfer and was responsible for observing the abyss.

During this time, Lobran Kassan spent a longer time than others watching the abyss, watching the changes of the black oil and gas mist in the abyss, from the initial fear, to the current practice, he felt that he had gradually adapted The abyss is not just adapted to the abyss. He even has a sense of closeness to the abyss.

I don't know if it's an illusion. During the period when the tide of the abyss is about to erupt, he always feels that there is something in the abyss watching him, and this kind of watching does not disgust him.

As the upper-family of Lanxi, he knows some things that the lower-level people do not know. For example, he knows that the Belmont family with special status in Lanxi is not an ancient family in Lanxi, but a human family from the abyss.

He is not clear why there can still be humans in the abyss, but he knows that because of their origin, the Belmont family can master some magical abyssal powers, and also has a strong immunity to the erosion of the abyssal powers.

As a result, many old Lanxi city families hoped to marry this abyss into their own family through marriage with the Belmont family.

However, the result ended in failure. No matter who is married to these families, as long as their descendants are not called Belmont, they cannot have the abyss blood of the Belmont family, as if the abyss blood is not derived from blood. It is derived from the name Belmont.

What's worse is that those who marry not only did not get the abyss blood of the Belmont family, but also were particularly susceptible to the abyssal power. A little abyssal power would make these people metamorphose and become an abyss monster, Luo Bran Kasang’s mother is one example.

The grandmother of Lobran Cassang is the Belmont family, and the grandfather is another member of the ancient Lanxi family, and their marriage was also a failure because of this blood lineage inheritance test, and Lobran Cassang’s The mother later married Bronker Kasang who was a widower, leaving Loblan, and finally became a monster after being accidentally infected with the power of the abyss.

When Lobran Cassang signed up as a fearless mech sergeant, he had some twists and turns because of his bloodline. His application was quickly passed.

Only now, Lobran Kassan has a new idea of ​​the inheritance of the abyss bloodline, because he feels that when he is concerned about the abyss, he has a wonderful sense of closeness, which should be related to his bloodline, and this bloodline seems to It did not become a burden, making him an abyss monster, which also made him feel that he would have some immunity to the abyssal power and acquire some magical abyss abilities like the Belmont family.

He didn’t know why he was like this. He could only speculate that it might be related to the transformation his body received. For this, he did not report this to his superiors, but secretly expected the coming of the abyss tide, because he felt the abyss tide. When he arrived, it was the time for his blood to metamorphose.

With the rapid rise of the black oil mist spewing out of the entrance of the abyss, a burst of howling monsters that are deadly enough for ordinary people came from the depths of the entrance, and all the defensive positions are aware of the new round. The abyss tide began to appear, and the clan of the gods from different **** fields in the fort defense zone of the rear began to chant the holy name of the **** they belonged to.

With their singing, all the armor on the fearless mech sergeants shined with real light, and the serrated swords around their waists also showed various magical powers.

"Lobran Kasang, you lead your squad to defend in the 43rd area!" The commander of a group of fearless mech soldiers began the final arrangement, and after commanding their respective defensive areas, they loudly approached Lob. Exclaimed Lan Kasang.

"Forty-three?" Lobran Cassang froze when he heard his defensive zone, opened his mask, and said, "Sir, I hope to go to the ninth..."

The commander of the brigade didn't even give the opponent a chance to say, "Shut up! You are just a newcomer who has just entered the battlefield. You haven't even experienced a battle. You have no merits, and you have the right to question my order. , Or you will go to your defense zone guard, or I will solve you now, so as not to wait for you to drag others."

Having finished speaking, he no longer ignored Lobran Cassang and continued to assign other people's tasks.

Seeing that he could not win the defense zone he wanted, Lobran Kassan was extremely disappointed. He looked at the entrance of the abyss that was constantly tumbling up in the distance, and closed the mask again, facing the fearless planes assigned to him. Sergeant A made a gesture, and then led them to the assigned forty-three defense zone.

The reason why Lobran Kassan is dissatisfied with his own defense zone is that according to the sequence of defense zones, the 43rd defense zone and the battery position, that is to say, he and his team have been excluded from the front line Within the sequence of combat teams.

In response, Loblan Kasang was very angry at first, but after looking at his team members, he felt that this arrangement was not wrong, because most of his team had just been transformed. Mecha sergeants, only two were rebuilt from old mecha sergeants who were seriously injured in other urban areas.

Although the old mech sergeant has rich combat experience, those experiences are only useful in other urban areas. Under the environment like the abyss tide, those experiences are similar to those without experience.

Such a team of recruits, no matter how bold they are, will never arrange them to the front line.

After trying to understand this point, Lobran Cassang’s anger in his heart also weakened a lot, and he began to reach his defense area in the shortest time under the command of the brain, and then arranged his personnel in the defense area according to the practice of training. .

It's just that when Loblan Kassan arrived in his defense area, he found that the situation here was very different from what was expected. First of all, it was not only them who were deployed in this defense area. The holy clan sent a large number of manpower here, or more correctly around a fortress surrounded by abyssal forces.

In fact, at the observatory, Lobran Kassan had already noticed it all, the sky is so obvious and unusual, it is difficult to think about it.

When the black oil mist spewing out of the entrance of the abyss continued to strengthen, the strength of this fortress to draw these abyssal forces not only did not weaken, but strengthened a lot. Looking from a distance, you would find that the concentration of abyssal forces around the fortress It's almost like the entrance to the abyss.

At the beginning of this abnormal situation, many people thought it was an abyss monster infiltrated in advance, but soon received the news that the Pope Alice Belmont of the Church of the Victims said that it was the blood of one of her people. After the reaction, and said that there will be no problems, it will calm down the matter.

However, the abyssal forces that subsequently gathered in that fort have become more and more, and have condensed into a substantive black oil. Even the crusaders of the victim’s church have been invaded by the power of the abyss because they are close to it. The mutation, fortunately found in time, did not cause casualties.

Although, afterwards, Pope Alice repeatedly assured that there would not be any trouble here, but it still could not calm everyone’s worries, so almost every force stationed in the theater sent a team of people to stand here, and even a few people held Maggots of the Church of the Mother of Dirty of the Holy Emblem are here.

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