The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 957: Hidden crisis

Leo’s inherited knowledge doesn’t know much about Life Stealer, but he can feel his trace of fear for Life Stealer from the eye of the abyssal snake in the crystal snake.

Sylvia said at this time: "Those fog monsters should be controlled. Using..." Then, she paused for a moment, seeming to be sensing something, and then continued: "The faceless ones are used. Soul Catcher."

Upon hearing Sylvia’s words, Leo frowned, because of Sylvia’s relationship, Leo also focused on understanding the situation of the faceless, the ability of this advanced abyss race known to outsiders. It can be transformed into any creature, whether it is an abyss creature or a creature in other worlds, as long as he sees it, he can become, and even can perfectly imitate all the abilities of the creature.

It is this ability that makes the Faceless become the main force of the abyss eroding other worlds. Usually, the Faceless will enter the world before the abyss invades a world, pretending to be a member of that world, and secretly looking for opportunities to build an abyss. Anchor tag.

However, most advanced abyss races do not know that in addition to the ability of the faceless to become any creature, there is also an ability called Soul Catcher. This ability is control, and it can fall into Soul Catcher by control. The biological soul of the net indirectly controls the body possessed by the soul, and even parasites in the controlled abyssal creatures.

Sylvia's words also made Leo think of another possibility, inferring: "The faceless abilities acquired by the soul eater, and then use the faceless abilities to control the fog demons, and have been mixed into those fog demons, He left the abyss and wanted to create chaos through the sacrifice of the fog demon and sneak in." As he said, he doubted: "Isn't it too risky to do this, as long as one link goes wrong, then the soul eater will It is possible to die here, for example, the faceless person's ability in him suddenly changes into another advanced abyssal ability, then his disguise will definitely fail, and the world power will suppress him. Eventually, the power he possesses may even be Not as good as an abyss monster."

"With the crazy chaos of the Life Stealer, it is absolutely possible to do so, and this danger is nothing to them at all." Sylvia seems to know the Life Stealer very well, and the tone is extremely positive.

"Now that Life Stealer intervenes, we..." Leo was about to discuss with Sylvia when he dealt with Life Stealer, and suddenly sensed something. He looked towards the battlefield and said in a deep voice: "They began to sacrifice Now."

Almost while speaking, the ground vibrated slightly, and the surrounding laser cannon immediately emitted a large amount of energy beams after bombarding the target in front, and bombarded the target location and the surrounding area.

At the same time, the laser cannon on the dome fired continuously towards those positions until two thirds of the energy in the energy tank was emptied.

However, this wave of attacks is not over yet. With the order of the Titan Commander Sergeant who can only fight in front, the fringe family members on the edge completely release their gods and divine powers, covering the front without any difference. On the battlefield, the dense fog sky created by the fog monster was completely torn into pieces, and the last three fog monsters that survived the laser bombardment showed their bodies.

At this moment, all the people saw the full image of the fog demon, and saw that the fog demon had a dozen limbs, the body was long and thin like a centipede, and the body surface was filled with mist like hair, and the mist was full of various This kind of resentment, constantly transforming into various monsters, screaming the trembling soul.

Seeing that the casualties of the companions were so heavy, and the surrounding divine power suppressed it, which caused continuous damage. The three remaining fog demons all chose to give up sacrifices and fled to the entrance of the abyss.

It’s just that the sergeants of the Titan Mecha who have been ready for battle will not let them leave. The engine that has been running at full load instantly excites the propulsion turbine and blasts the Titan Mecha like a shell. Instantly rushed to the nearest fog demon.

The fleeing demon on the run also sensed the momentum of the Titan mech, and immediately reacted to try to dissolve the body and avoid the attack.

However, he obviously underestimated the movement speed of the Titan mecha, and his body was only half dispersed, and the Titan mecha had already rushed to the front, and the momentum was not reduced.

The huge impact force directly smashed several limbs in front of the Titan mech, and the body was also knocked out, just hit the fog demon running in front of him, slowing their escape. speed.

The secondary turboprop of the Titan mech was also launched again at this time, and rushed towards them, and the serrated sword radiating divine power in his hand also waved towards them.

Faced with the attack of the Titan Mecha, the three fog monsters that had been attacked by countless laser cannons even though they were much larger than the Titan Mecha, they could not make any effective resistance, and they were directly cut into a few times. For several paragraphs, if the life is not tenacious, it may be that they are already dead.

Seeing that the invading fog demons were all wiped out, the fearless Mech Sergeants immediately cheered, but the Titan Mech Sergeant did not relax his vigilance, and immediately ordered to continue to form a defensive position, waiting for the next wave of the abyss tide, while The maggot priest of the Church of the Filthy Mother, under the instructions of the Titan Sergeant, used the power of the Filthy Mother to completely solve the three misty demons that could no longer resist.

Faced with the power of the mother of filth, the three have been irresistible by the direct fog demon, all the abyssal powers on her body are dispelled, and the whole body is broken like a weathered stone, falling on the ground and turning into dust.

After that, another four or five waves of abyss monsters crawled out of the abyss and attacked the fearless mech sergeants who were stuck around, but their offensive has been much weakened. Even if it will cause some mech sergeants to be injured or killed, they have been unable to break through this A layer of defense, especially the recharge of the fort behind the ground and the dome, these abyss monsters also lost the last chance to break the Mech Sergeant's defensive front.

Moreover, the concentration of the abyss collected from the observatory has been greatly reduced compared with that before the war, and the energy fluctuations at the entrance of the abyss have also begun to calm down. It seems that this wave of abyss tide seems to have passed Too.

No matter the fearless mech sergeant in front of the position, or other auxiliary defense people in the rear, after receiving the analysis information transmitted by the intelligent core, they could not help but relax.

However, it does not include Leo and Sylvia. When the sergeants of the Titans completely solved the fog monsters, their faces always maintained a serious look. I don’t know that I am now at a disadvantage. This side.

"Did you feel it?" Sylvia asked, turning to Leo, listening to the cheers coming in from outside.

Leo nodded and said, "I feel it."

Leo and Sylvia’s mysterious conversation is completely aimed at the soul eater they mentioned before. Just when the fog demon encountered numerous artillery attacks, both Leo and Sylvia relied on their abyss. Power, the breath of soul eaters is felt, and not once.

It was once when the artillery fire attacked the Devil, the second time the Titan Mech Sergeant killed the Devil, and the third time when the maggot priest used the power of the Mother of Dirty to completely destroy the debris of the Devil.

"Who is it attached to?" Sylvia questioned.

Sylvia has inherited a lot of information about the secret ability of the soul eater through the blood lineage inheritance memory, so the moment the soul eater was sensed, she immediately found the corresponding instruction from the memory, easily Seeing the intention of the soul eater attached to the fog demon.

Leo was silent for a moment, and said vaguely: "It may be a sergeant of the Titan Mecha, it may be a magi priest, or both, or neither."

Although Leo doesn’t know much about Life Stealer, he can also judge things from various situations.

However, with the information available to him, he was unable to determine who the soul eater was attached to when the fog demon was completely destroyed, because in his view, whether it was a Titan mech sergeant or a filthy one Mother maggot priests are not the most suitable attachment objects.

Not to mention the maggot priest, he has the power of the mother of filth to easily purify the power of the surrounding abyss, and also has certain damage to the abyss creatures such as soul eaters.

Even if the Life Stealer is not afraid of the damage of the dirty mother’s power, it is still difficult to disguise it because it is forcibly attached to the maggots, because it is absolutely impossible for the Life Stealer to use the sacred emblem of the victim’s church, nor can he host any religious ceremonies. These maggots The priesthood of the human being is the care of the mother of filth, and once there are signs of abyss, she will inevitably be perceived by the mother of filth.

As for the Titan mech sergeant, it is indeed more likely to be possessed by soul eaters than maggot priests, but the problem is that the Titan mech sergeant has undergone brain transformation and removed all negative emotions, plus the external armor of the Titan mech The Divine Word makes him extremely resistant to the abyssal forces, and the words that the soul eater possesses are impossible for him to perceive.

As long as the Titan mecha sergeant is aware of it, he will immediately connect this information with other mecha sergeants through the mental docking system, and pass this information to other fearless mecha sergeants.

Although Leo’s remarks were like nonsense, Sylvia didn’t think so. She knew what Leo was about to express. After thinking for a while, she said: "It should be one of them, a bloodline power developed to The ultimate faceless person has the ability to deceive all investigations, and the ability to pretend to be a believer in any god."

If other people say this, Leo will still have some doubts, but Sylvia's abyss bloodline has a part of the bloodless faceless blood, even if the inherited memory is incomplete, it should be the most aware of the faceless person's ability. People, so she said that faceless people have such abilities, then they must have.

At this time, Leo sensed through the spiritual network that this wave of abyss tide is coming to an end. Now the fearless mech sergeant is cooperating with the gods and clan to clear the remaining abyssal forces. Although this battle looks a bit anticlimactic, if Leo If Sylvia’s guess is true, then this wave of abyss is not easy.

Not to mention anything else, whether it is a Titan mech sergeant or a maggot priest, their identity is not simple.

Titan Sergeant Sergeant is the commander-in-chief and commander of the front-line fearless Sergeant Sergeant. He has the greatest military power in this area, and the maggot priest can be arranged here and can exert such strong power of the dirty mother. It is enough to show his high status in the Church of the Mother of Dirty.

If any one of them is possessed by a soul eater, the potential damage to Lanxi City will be fatal. If it is just to cause damage, if they use it as a medium, let the abyssal forces infect others and spread. To the entire Lanxi City, then Lanxi City will be destroyed, even the Lord of the Black Forest will abandon this Black Forest land where the Lanxi City is located, just like the Axel Forest.

"What are we going to do now?" Sylvia was also able to estimate what would happen to the worst of the situation, which made her nervous a little and asked Leo.

"We can't do anything now." Leo shook his head and said, "At least we can't do anything on our own initiative."

Sylvia frowned as she heard it. She didn't dislike Leo's statement, but Leo's statement was correct, and they really couldn't do anything.

Although they have some relationship with Alice, Sylvia is also a member of the Belmont family, but if you count them carefully, they are still outsiders, and the status of the Titan mech sergeant and the maggot priest is very different here, and guards The entrance to the abyss has made countless credits for many years, even if the senior officials of Lanxi City can compare with them in popularity.

But now two outsiders suddenly questioned that the Titan mech sergeant and the maggot priest were possessed by the high abyss race, which would pose a fatal threat to Lanxi City. Anyone with a normal point knows who to believe~www. So, if Leo and Sylvia did this, the best result was that they were driven out of Lancy City, and the worst result was that they were thought to be infested by the abyss.

If it really develops into the worst result, then Leo and Sylvia will have no chance to explain, because the two of them do have obvious abyssal power, even if Sylvia has the surname Belmont, I am afraid it will not play any role, even the Belmont family will take the initiative to deal with her in order to protect themselves.

"Did you just let them go?" Sylvia said dissatisfiedly.

Although Sylvia has no affection for the Belmont family in Lanzi City, it is the birthplace of the Belmont family in France. After all, it will bring some intimate emotions. Naturally, it does not want the Belmont family to have an accident.

Regarding Sylvia’s inquiry, Leo was silent for a moment and walked around in the room a few times. Suddenly he seemed to think of something, saying, "The character of the soul eater is greed, chaos and disorder. We may be able to use At this point, let Him jump out."

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