The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 999: Archive data

Randall Port is not a culture-based port. There are only two schools in such a big city, one is the church school of the Poseidon Church, and the other is the school of seafarers established by the local government.

The residents of the port will send their children to the church school to learn the text. Once they understand the reading, they will be sent to the seafarer school to learn how to be a qualified sailor. This also makes almost three-quarters of the population of Port Randall Sailor and seaman.

For sailors and seamen, the best place to go home on a trip is definitely not a cultural place. The tavern is their biggest concern for the port, so there are thousands of taverns in the entire port, and private wine is sold on the streets. The wine dealers are countless.

Compared with the prosperous wine industry in the port, there are very few places related to books in the entire port city. Except that each church has a book collection library that is free for borrowers, there are only bookstores that sell all kinds of books in the true sense. One, and there is only one public library industry, and it was established decades ago due to imperial policy requirements. The house used was an old apartment donated by a rich port businessman. It has not been renovated for decades, so that Leo When I first saw this library, I wondered if it could last this year.

"I'm going to the city government's archives?" Leo frowned and saw the driver's head when he saw the words on the listed library.

"Sir, this is the archives of the municipal government." The attendant sent by Sylvia quickly replied: "The original archives had been split up a few years ago, and the archives related to marine affairs were sent to the Seafarers' College. , Files related to the church are sent to the church, files related to the administration are sent to the municipal government, and the remaining files are sent to the library for preservation. You have a note issued by the owner, you can view the library, the seafarer’s college and the city Government files, but if you want to view the files sent to the church, you may need permission from the church."

After Leo heard nothing, he went straight into the library, showed the sliver approved by Sylvia to the welcoming librarian, and then was led to a pile of debris covered by the other side. There was a thick layer of dust and a room with a musty smell.

"All the files are stored here. When they were sent a few years ago, they were not organized. The main reason was that there was not enough manpower. After that, new files were sent every month. I piled them on." The administrator was worried. I took a look at Leo and explained: "If you need to arrange by hand, I can call some people, but you may need to pay extra wages."

"Go down! I'll stay here for a while." Leo didn't plan to organize these files. He ordered to the administrator, and after the other party closed the door, he began to scan the archive books using Spirit Net.

After mastering the correct psionic skills, the spiritual network not only expanded many times in the coverage area, but also in the fineness. The ink writing on the paper can be scanned easily, even if the paper is moldy, It can also be easily cleaned from the mildew spots by comparing the different ingredients. The pile of moldy archives in the entire room took less than three minutes and has been completely scanned by the spirit network into the original data. , Income into Leo's database.

The thing Leo did in the room afterwards was to sort out these messy archives, and the finishing work took Leo more than an hour.

As the attendant introduced, there are no documents related to administrative decrees or nautical-related documents in these files, and there are no religious documents at all. The most content in these files is the birth and death records of the population file.

In the eyes of ordinary people, these boring data files may be considered useless and will not be memorized deliberately, but Leo feels that these data files should be used in the future, so he earnestly included them in the database.

After scanning and sorting out these files, Leo turned to open the door and went out, took a tip and handed it to the administrator who was waiting at the door, and left the library.

The librarian looked at the tip in his hand and smiled satisfactorily on his face. After putting it in his pocket, he stepped forward to close the archives door, but he looked at the room with some doubt when he closed the door. Those debris without any traces of movement, can't help but wonder what Leo was doing at that time.

After leaving the library, Leo asked the carriage to go to the archive room of the City Hall and the archive room of the Seafarers’ College respectively. Compared with the library, these two places are obviously more strictly inspected, but there are Sylvia’s Opening the way, he did not encounter anything deliberately difficult.

However, it is clear that the people here seem to be very hostile to the Inge people. After knowing Leo’s identity, although he is not embarrassed, he does not mean to actively help Leo.

This situation has long been expected by Leo. With the establishment of the maritime hegemony in the Kingdom of Inge, a fishing port city like Randal, which will operate marine fisheries, will be greatly affected. The clashes of the ships have also increased day by day, and the entire port of Randall is filled with hostility to the Kingdom of England.

Because of this, Sylvia will only say that when she issues the signed note to Leo, because in her view Leo suffers from difficulties in the urban area, it is a certainty, the only thing The difference is the degree of difficulty.

However, Sylvia apparently underestimated her influence. Without Sylvia, Leo, who came alone to Randall, might encounter the kind of trouble she expected and might even start, but because of Hill The relationship of Via, even though the people here do not like Leo as an Englishman, but they can still maintain reason, be public, and do not let their emotions influence their behavior.

Although the process was somewhat tortuous, the result was still good. The two archives did not deliberately hide any files. Leo quickly included these files in his own database.

Now the complete file about Randall’s port is only one copy of the Church of Poseidon, and even if the file of the Church of Poseidon is missing, Leo can analyze something from the existing file data.

As he initially believed, the population data files in the library are indeed very useful. By making these data into a chart, then the events that affect the entire port recorded by other files according to the year are posted on the table. As a result, a lot of things hidden in the complicated data files were very eye-catching in front of him.

The data here is incomplete. This kind of incompleteness is not artificially incomplete, but because Portland Landor has not established the habit of recording data in the past.

Of all the data files, the earliest data file was hundreds of years ago. Randall had changed from a small fishing village to a small harbour. At that time, the Church of Poseidon had already established a foothold in Randall.

The population data afterwards showed that there had been three population explosions in the port of Randall. The first population explosion was due to a religious ceremony held by the Church of Poseidon in Wanghaiya. The name and name of this religious ceremony The role has not been recorded, but after this ceremony, Randol’s population growth has doubled every year and has continued for ten years, and a large number of foreigners have stayed during this time.

When the population curve was stable, the total population of Port Randall had reached 300,000, which was already considered a big city in the French Empire at that time.

After that, it was the establishment of the lighthouse on Wanghai Cliff. After the lighthouse was established, it was also a religious ceremony of the Poseidon Church. After that, the population of Port Randall surged to 800,000 in the first year, and continued to grow for the next two years. Until the population reached about 1.5 million before it eased down.

You have to know that this population of more than one million was hundreds of years ago. At that time, even the largest city in France, the population of the imperial capital, had just broken the million, but the population of such a small harbour city reached 100. About half a million, this will absolutely shock the world.

It’s just, I don’t know if Landor’s Port is important in a knightly empire like the French Empire, or the Poseidon Church has concealed it very successfully. In short, according to Leo’s knowledge, all the major events in the French Empire at that time There is absolutely no big news in the record that the population of Port Randall has reached 1.5 million.

The third population explosion was when the Black Castle was built, which was also a religious ceremony. In the next four years, the population of Port Randall has grown to almost 3 million.

If the population data that Leo saw were not falsified, then Port Randall should be considered the most populous city in the entire Velon world.

Later, the population data showed the first cliff curve on the entire graph, and from the time point of view, it should be the period when the Rose family crossed the sea to establish the Inge Kingdom. At that time, the Inge royal family must have covered many of Randall’s port. Residents.

From this data information, Leo feels that the Inge royal family's self-proclaimed son of Poseidon may not be an unfounded boast, because according to the estimate of the population, the port of Randall was wrapped and the population of the Inge Islands was far away. There were no more than 1 million people led by the royal family at the time, and there was also a church of true gods in the port of Randall. If you want to stop it, the royal family will never take so many people.

Then the only thing that can be explained is that the royal family of Inge is indeed the son of Poseidon as they say, the Poseidon Church had to acquiesce in their behavior of encroaching on the population, and those who were taken away were also devout Poseidon believers.

However, the effect of the royal family’s act of taking away a large number of people on Landor’s port seems to be more than just a decrease in population. From the data records that follow, the population of Landor’s port is in a downward trend year by year. It soon fell below the threshold of one million people. By the time of the Great Plague, the number of people was only more than 300,000. Like the current population back to 500,000, it has been the result of many years of rest and recuperation.

From these demographic data, Leo also found that Randall hated and disgusted the Inge Kingdom not only after the Inge Kingdom became a lord of the sea, but I was afraid that the Inge Kingdom took away so many Landauers. one.

Because after taking away more than 1 million Randalls from that year, Randall’s population never returned to the peak of that year, and even worsened, so as long as you understand the history and demographic data of that year People will absolutely hate the Inge royal family.

In addition to demographic changes, Leo felt the role of the Church of Poseidon in this matter, Leo also found a doubt in the death data, that is, he finally calculated the death population, birth population and basic population. The numerical value and the numerical value on the data do not match, and there is a difference of 347 people.

If it is just a few times, this value is not upside down. After all, there are times when it is wrong, but the problem is that except for records, the population value of each year's statistics is different from the value calculated by Leo. And, it’s weird that all the differences are about the same, between 345 and 350.

In other words, every year more than 340 people die in the Port of Randall.

With this discovery, Leo felt that the part of the data taken by the Church of Poseidon might hide the answers to these questions, but he did not rush to the Church of Poseidon to ask for the file to view, but ordered the coachman to return to the Black Castle.

Although he did not understand what the Poseidon Church wanted to hide, he knew that since the Poseidon Church wanted to hide these things, he certainly did not want anyone to investigate. If he just went straight to ask for information, the Poseidon Church would not agree, and He didn't have the idea of ​​turning his face with the Church of Poseidon, so it was most appropriate to give it to Lord Randall, Sylvia.

After Leo returned to the Sylvia had not finished processing today's document. When she saw Leo walk in, she looked at Leo unexpectedly and asked, "So fast Just come back? Is everything going well?"

"It's quite smooth. Although I didn't provide any help when it came to the file, it didn't cause any trouble." Leo gave his coat to the servant, and then signaled the servant in the room to go out, and then he was investigated. The result was told to Sylvia.

After listening, Sylvia's face was puzzled, and he murmured, "Three hundred and forty-six? Where do I seem to have seen this number?"

Sylvia spoke, then stood up and walked to the decorative bookcase next to the desk, and then looked at the decorative books that had never been read but were extremely beautiful.

Later, she saw that she picked a book from the book, quickly flipped it, and quickly found what she was looking for, saying: "I know where I have seen this number, it turned out to be it. "

When she was finished, she handed the book she had spread out to Leo, and pointed her finger at the number 346 that she found.

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