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"Although he is a hard-liner, he is not indifferent. Among the senior clergy of the Poseidon Church I have seen, he should be the one most like a politician. Everything is based on interests." Seeing Leo face suspiciously, Sylvia explained: "So when dealing with people like him, as long as they can afford the interest that is enough to make him emotional or the difficulty that he can transfer the interest, then things can be easily negotiated. ," said her tone a little bit more resentfully, and said: "Unlike other clergymen who have a God's will, do not give you any room for discussion."

Although Sylvia did not elaborate, Leo was not difficult to feel her resentment in her tone. Obviously she should have been angry with the clergy of the Poseidon church in the past.

Seeing that Sylvia had already found good negotiators, Leo, who didn’t know much about the Church of Poseidon, did not have much trouble, and gave opinions indiscriminately. He just asked Sylvia to ask the servant to call him when that bishop came. After a while, he left the office and walked towards the Black Castle Lighthouse on the edge of the cliff.

The lighthouse that existed before the Black Castle appeared was built on the bow rock protruding outward from the edge of the cliff of Wanghai Cliff. This rock is famous for its protruding shape of the bow, but it is also known as the death rock in ancient times. .

Because directly below the top of the ship’s head rock is Wanghaiya’s most famous dark tide coast, if you jump from here, you will be swept away directly by the dark tide, and even corpses cannot be found, so there has been a rumor for a long time. Saying here leads to the kingdom of God, only because living people cannot bear the power of the ocean, they will be swept away by the ocean current halfway, and only the dead can safely reach the final destination.

As a result, Landauer was popular after a long time after death, throwing people into the cold wave coast below, allowing the body and coffin to be swept away by the undercurrent, disappearing forever in the sea, and in the eyes of the deceased's family, the deceased It is to enter the kingdom of gods and enjoy the well-being forever.

After that, the Poseidon Church was developed in Randall, and Chuantouyan became the designated place for the Poseidon Church to hold various ceremonies, and most of the religious ceremonies seen by Leo from the materials were held here, and To this day, there are still some religious ceremonies that will be held here.

However, after all, it has become a private land, so the Neptune Church also needs to pay some price for the ceremony.

When the Black Castle was built, the Inge royal family did not dismantle the lighthouse because of the intervention of the Church of Poseidon. Instead, a wall was built around the lighthouse, and an exclusive road was opened from the inner castle to the main castle to the lighthouse. .

After Sylvia took over the Black Castle, at the two ends of the road, she built two gates separately. The gate was made of a kind of exorcism wood, and some Turing roots were carved on the surface. The main function of the root is to dissipate special energy.

I don't know if Sylvia felt that the effect of Turing roots alone was enough. She also installed two improved energy interference devices on both sides of the gate.

When Leo said last night that he was going to the lighthouse, Sylvia told him about the lighthouse.

When she took over the Black Castle, she also heard about the lighthouse, so she paid special attention to the lighthouse and conducted a series of inspections on the lighthouse, but the result was that no abnormalities could be detected.

But even so, Sylvia still awed by the lighthouse, because she always felt that the lighthouse was full of a powerful force, but she did not know what this powerful force was, where it came from, or even she passed through each There is no way to find evidence of this powerful force that makes her feel vague.

If it were ordinary people, it would only be an artificial illusion, but Sylvia did not think so, and still attached great importance to this lighthouse. Only then were these two doors and two energy interference devices.

When Leo passed the two doors and the energy jamming device, he confirmed himself and found that although they did not play a big role, they also had some effects. At least he could feel that the abyssal power in the body was also received. The impact of these two things.

When passing through the gate and entering the lighthouse, Leo felt that the surrounding repulsion of the extraordinary power reached the extreme, and even even the psionic power could no longer be used, which was more than ten times stronger than the repulsive power of the black castle. .

The same power of the abyss has not been repelled, but it also made Leo discover a detail, and this detail makes Leo feel that the situation here is completely different from the abyss rift. This detail is that the power of repulsion here is just It excludes all forces except the abyss, but it does not give the abyssal force a certain blessing like the abyss field created by the abyss fissure, so that the abyssal force can exert extraordinary powers that cannot be exerted elsewhere.

It is this subtle difference that makes Leo determine that the situation here is not an abyss field, but simply rejects all extraordinary powers except the abyss.

This lighthouse is a typical flanged lighthouse with a huge square base, a straight tower, and a spherical lamp post at the top. The **** people call it the hammer of light, while people in other countries are more Willing to call it male genitals.

On the surface, this lighthouse does not have any worthy of attention. It is a lighthouse. The only difference between it and other lighthouses is that in front of the lighthouse, the most prominent part of the bow is an altar. From the perspective of stone , This altar should be built later.

Leo did not board the lighthouse, but first walked to the altar and looked at it, and then walked to the top of the bow of the altar at the front, perhaps to facilitate the sacrifice, there is no protection device, a flat stone road extends To the front, then disappeared, replaced by high cliffs.

Standing on the fringe, Leo stretched his head and looked down at the dark tide sea. What was reflected in his eyes was a calm and deep sea, a weird sea.

Just a short distance away, the tumbling waves reached a height of more than ten meters, beating on the reefs along the coast as if to break the reefs, but the moment the waves approached this sea area, the violent ocean seemed to be under some unknown force Soothed, all the waves calmed down instantly and became as calm as the rest of the sea.

However, it was this calm sea that produced a force that Leo could not perceive. This force easily penetrated all the defenses of his body, affecting his thinking and causing him to involuntarily produce a strong , The urge to jump down.

However, Leo’s willpower was unusual after all. He quickly suppressed this urge and withdrew his gaze from the sea to the altar behind him.

Leo knew that the situation just now was not entirely due to the mysterious power hidden in the ocean below. This special environment would also create a strong impulse to jump from people looking up, and that extraordinary power. It only magnifies this urge.

Leo also felt that this situation should not be the norm, but it was just a coincidence, and even other people did not know this situation, otherwise, Sylvia will definitely remind him to pay attention.

However, one thing Leo can now confirm is that the mysterious power contained in the dark tide area below the Wanghai Cliff is not the same as the mysterious power contained in the Wanghai Cliff itself, because the nature of the two forces is completely different.

In order to confirm his guess, Leo once again put his head out of the platform and looked at the sea below, but the strong impulse that had just occurred did not reappear. The mysterious power of the sea below has disappeared, and the rest is just a normal psychological place. The impulse generated.

At this time, the sea is not in that kind of absolute calm. The waves coming from the outside gradually push the sea ups and downs, eventually making the sea below it choppy like other coasts and splashing.

Seeing this scene, the first thing Leo thought in his mind was the corpse recipient who had become a rival to him. It felt like the corpse collector was just taking advantage of it, exerting his strength, trying to let him jump into the sea, and then grab it .

But this idea was quickly rejected by Leo, because if he was really a corpse collector, his power could never be so weak, and entering the Velon world would be extremely dangerous for his non-Velvin gods, just It’s obviously not cost-effective to take such a large dedication for his uncaught prey, even a little wise person who knows how to calculate gains and losses won’t do it, let alone a god.

This can only show that there is a power hidden in the sea below. This power does not usually appear. It will only be revealed when certain conditions are met. As for this specific condition, Leo is temporarily unclear. As for this Whether or not the force that engulfed those corpses needs further evidence to find out.

Leo stepped back and inspected the altar carefully. After finding no other useful things, he walked towards the lighthouse.

The situation inside this lighthouse is very concise. It consists of a four-story spiral staircase, a lighthouse roof, and a three-story platform. Each platform should be used to pile up debris or be prepared for the tower guard, but now everything is Cleaned up, leaving only empty platforms.

Leo originally believed that there was nothing to investigate on these emptied platforms. After all, when clearing the debris on the platform, whether it is the people of the Poseidon church or other people, they should have carefully checked here, there can be no more Nothing was found, but when Leo crossed the first platform, walked up the spiral staircase leading to the upper level, and walked halfway on the spiral staircase, inadvertently looking down under the platform, he found something unusual. local.

"Is this...?" Leo immediately stopped when he found the anomaly, and then carefully looked at the abnormal places found. After confirming that he was not wrong, Leo quickly walked up and stood separately. Looking at the platform at a different position on each floor of the spiral staircase, he finally said suspiciously: "The wizard of the tower has also blended in?"

The anomaly discovered by Leo just now is a very special emblem of the tower. This emblem is composed of dozens of slabs. The color of these slabs is not much different from other slabs on the surface of the platform. Only by standing at a specific position on the spiral staircase Seeing something anomalous, the average person will involuntarily ignore it even if he sees it. However, Leo, who is not a wizard of the tower, but has a very good understanding of the tower, is very impressed with this emblem.

This emblem is an exclusive mark of a towering wizard. This towering wizard is called Carrecius Brick. He is not that kind of powerful towering wizard, but he is one of the most famous among the towering wizards. , Because the tower is named after him, he is the standard setter of all wizard towers built by tower wizards, and the builder of the first tower.

Later, in order to commemorate this sage, the wizards of the high tower will use their special methods to print their emblems on the high tower, which also makes the high tower for a period of time. There is a popular game called Finding the Insignia, and there are even good people who wrote a booklet for this game, and Leo got the book about Carrecius Blake from this booklet. And its emblem.

This lighthouse should obviously be the wizard tower built by the high tower wizard, but this wizard tower is completely different from the wizard tower that Leo has seen before, and there is no mystery related to the wizard tower.

To this end, Leo returned to the outside of the lighthouse, carefully inspected it, and then entered the lighthouse, starting from the bottom to check one by one, but he never found any clues about the more mysterious forces, and finally Leo could only solve the hope of doubt. Place it on the top light.

Leo came to the top of the lighthouse. He didn't rush to look for clues. Instead, he walked to the periphery of the corridor and looked at the sea ahead.

Although the distant sea is covered with gray fog, it can still make people feel its magnificence, and with Leo’s extraordinary perception, it can still vaguely feel the gray fog in the sea~www.ltnovel.com~ there is a behemoth Moving slowly.

Leo didn't look out for too long, then he took his eyes back and returned to the huge light on the top of the tower.

This lamp is completely the style of a lamp hundreds of years ago. In the middle is a huge brazier. It is surrounded by copper mirrors with three angles that can be turned. It is surrounded by crystal glass polished by a special method.

When the night comes, as long as a bonfire is lit here, the bonfire's light will fall on the surrounding copper mirror, and then refract from the copper mirror to the surrounding glass crystal, and project the light through the glass crystal of the spotlight effect. This light is so bright that even ships from the sea can see it.

Although the type of the lighting lamp is an ordinary lighthouse lighting lamp hundreds of years ago, the components for assembling the lighting lamp are not ordinary at all. For example, the surface has been corroded by the sea breeze and the rusty copper mirror is not an ordinary copper mirror. , But three wizards' wonders, at least when they are well preserved, because Leo has found very hidden and complex Turing roots on these three bronze mirrors.

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