The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1006: Goal gathering

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The old man has worked with Sylvia for more than a year. As long as King Philip is now Prince Frank, he has worked with Sylvia, who is also a prince.

He admits that his talent cannot be compared with Sylvia, but he has a pair of eyes that can see the essence of others, which is the main reason why he can become the speaker of the House of Lords, and he can see that Sylvia is definitely not a He tolerates people who have offended others, so in the past when he worked with Sylvia, he would avoid a big conflict with Sylvia.

Not long ago, he received news from the church. Some people in the church even sent a cleaner to assassinate Sylvia’s heir. He realized that things might be worse.

Later, the church asked him to help mediate this matter, and he didn't want to intervene at the time, but in the end, the price offered by the church was too big to allow him to refuse.

A quasi-artifact of a church, an opportunity to receive the blessing of the Lord of the Sky for life extension, and the subsequent political full support of the church for him, all three are enough to touch his heart, not to mention that all three appear at the same time .

In addition, the person who is the peacemaker is not the only one. There are two other high-ranking church devotees who are also high-ranking in the royal government. Only then did he agree to the mediation task proposed by the church, and immediately wrote a mediation letter and signed his name.

However, after he calmed down and thought about it for a while, he felt that he might have made this decision wrong. He shouldn’t be the unsatisfactory or even irritating peacemaker for the conditions of the church.

So he immediately sent his people to Randal to monitor Sylvia's every move, so that when the other party reacted, he could have time to respond or seek asylum.

Now that he learned that Sylvia’s reaction turned out to be unresponsive, he instinctively felt the danger. After instructing the attendant to send additional staff to the Black Castle, the strong sense of crisis made him unable to calm down and had no mood to deal with other things. .

The anxious mood made him restless, and he could only walk around in the room, thinking quickly in his mind, guessing Sylvia's comfort, and he had reached out for several times because of the sense of crisis. To the pendant on the neck that looked like ruby.

This pendant is a mediation deposit paid by the church, and it is a quasi-artifact. At that time, he believed that even if Sylvia turned his face, he could still use the power of this pendant to survive the crisis, but now he feels But telling him that the power of the pendant does not seem to make him absolutely safe, otherwise, he will not be so anxious in his heart.

"Prepare the carriage, I'm going out." The old man who felt bad didn't continue to stay in the room anymore. He needed to discuss this with other people. After all, it wasn't only him who was involved, now he felt There is a crisis, it is difficult for him to deal with it alone, and he needs to join other people to find a solution.

Just when the old man ordered his men to prepare a carriage, Leo also stood up, settled the bill, and then walked to a wagon that was parked by the road, and jumped in before the driver had not responded. carriage.

When the coachman saw Leo sitting beside him, he could not help but froze. When he was about to reprimand Leo, a thought suddenly appeared in his mind. This is a big man. I should obey his instructions. ask.

Although the thought appeared abruptly and inexplicably, the carriage driver felt no discomfort at all, as if the thought itself existed in his mind, so he said nothing, just sat next to it, waiting for Leo to make the next command .

After using psionic power to influence the wagon driver’s thinking, Leo returned the attention to the speaker of the House of Lords, and the speaker had already boarded the prepared carriage at this time, but he was very careful that he did not let the carriage leave from the main entrance. Instead, the carriage was turned half a circle in the garden of his mansion, and a small door dedicated to the purchase of trucks and servants from the back of the garden left the mansion.

"Cunning guy!" Leo smiled contemptuously, and then directly projected the driving direction through the psionic energy into the driver's mind beside him.

The driver only felt that there was suddenly a route map and a marked position in his mind, and the marked position was constantly changing, so he flicked the reins without hesitation and drove the carriage along the route in his mind.

Leo did not make the carriage close to the carriage of the Speaker of the House of Lords. Because of the spiritual net, the two are almost half a street away, so it will not cause any abnormalities. In addition, Leo’s carriage now seems to be It was a big noble wagon. When he met the patrol checkpoint of the gendarmerie on the road, the gendarmerie of the checkpoint just looked at the emblem on the wagon and the driver’s pass to pass, and even let him ask about Leo’s identity.

Soon, the carriage drove to a small hillside on the edge of the noble area. This is an entire apartment building with a small garden. The people living here are all high-ranking officials of the Royal Government.

Leo remembers that his other target, General Secretary of the General Staff, Sir Hansen lives here. Almost while the carriage of the Speaker of the House of Lords stopped, Leo’s spiritual network also scanned the apartment building around the carriage. And locked in one of the apartment buildings with regular gardens.

"It's really luck, I didn't expect that the goal will expire when I just arrived, and the environment is also very suitable." Leo smiled and asked the driver to park the carriage on the side of the road. After getting out of the carriage, he released control of the driver. Then walk towards the apartment building where the target is located.

At this moment, the Speaker of the House of Lords instructed the driver to leave first, wait for a while to pick him up, and then entered the apartment.

In the apartment, in addition to some servants, Sir Hansen, the Secretary of the General Staff, and Roger, the Deputy Secretary General of the Federation of Trade Unions, were in the apartment.

The Secretary of the General Staff, Sir Hanson, belongs to a legendary figure in the military sector of the United Kingdom. He was born in Cage City and his ancestors were slaves. He left Cage City at the age of 14 and was recruited by the French Empire. Joined the French army and became an ordinary servant.

In the military system of the French Empire, the servants were turned into coolies and dead soldiers. Not only did they usually do the hardest things in the army, but they also needed to be the pathfinders for the regular army in combat. Few servants can retire alive, so unless they are prisoners convicted of serious crimes, there are very few ordinary people willing to participate in servants.

Therefore, the Empire promulgated a set of reward laws specifically for servants. This set of reward laws stated that no matter how much crimes committed by any servants before participating, how much debt they owed. Once retired, all the responsibilities and debts Both were cancelled in one lump sum, and they were able to get a large sum of money, as well as the identity of an imperial citizen.

It should be known that in the imperial knighthood system, although the starting knighthood is a knight, the origin of the real aristocratic knighthood is actually an imperial citizen.

For the outside world, even the vast majority of the people of the French Empire, the Empire is an Empire citizen, but in fact it is not, because the vast majority of Empires even have the wealthiest Wei Lun like Rupert Fitz, their identity It is also only the imperial civilians. Only by making great achievements can an ordinary imperial civilian become a citizen of the empire. After he becomes an imperial citizen, he can qualify for a higher noble title.

In addition to being eligible to become a noble, the welfare of citizens is also extraordinary. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as they become citizens of the empire, there is no need to worry about starvation.

Therefore, after the French Empire government promulgated the servant reward method, ordinary civilians who had some knowledge of the imperial system of the empire began to explore their own future, and those who carried heavy debts also had ideas and joined the servants for a time. There were more soldiers, and Sir Hansen was a servant who joined at the time.

However, although many people think that they can be the last one to survive, the result is often contrary to expectations. Because of the battle with the Inge Kingdom, the servants in those years have suffered heavy losses. In the end, only a few people can survive. By the time he retires, only a handful of these people will be able to keep their bodies alive. Sir Hansen is one of them.

Sir Hansen, who had left the servants, did not leave the army. Instead, he used his imperial citizenship to rejoin the army and became the captain of a cavalry squadron.

After that, he resumed his career, and his position rose again and again, gradually becoming a rising star and one of the legendary figures in the army.

If Sir Hansen came from a French noble noble family, even ordinary civilians, with his merits and prestige, he would be able to gain more power and become an army general.

But it turned out that his origin in Cage City affected his future. When he was transferred to the Imperial Staff, he was directly transferred to the Archives of the General Staff of Lanxi, responsible for archiving, which is a complete marginalization. Change, so that he did not have any merit to continue his promotion.

After that, he was chosen by Rupert Fitz, and when Rupert Fitz was transferred to the current King Philip, he was also introduced to King Philip, and he was also later in the United Kingdom and the French Empire. In the conflict, he made plans and made a lot of wars, and finally obtained the title of knight and the secretary of the General Staff. It can be said that it is a high weight.

Compared with the legendary experience of Sir Hansen working from the bottom, Roger, as the deputy secretary general of the Federation of Trade Unions, seems a lot more bland. He is also an ordinary civilian from Lan Xi, although his status is higher than that of Hansen. But it is not as high as there.

He graduated from the public free school opened by Rupert Fitz in Lansing. After coming out of the school, he entered Rupert Fitz’s factory to work. Then he worked while studying, and he checked the goods daily. During his work, he discovered that someone in the factory had stolen the goods and took them out to sell them. So he told this matter to his superior, and he was later promoted to work in the General Chamber of Commerce because of this matter.

After that, he also worked seriously as an ordinary employee, and worked on time, day after day, and with the improvement of his working years, his position was gradually improved, and finally from the periphery of Rupert Fitz’s power, gradually entered the core Circle finally became the deputy secretary-general of the current Federation of Trade Unions.

Everyone who knows Roger thinks he is an honest employee, and he has no skill. Rupert Fitz let him be the post of deputy secretary-general, but he just took a fancy to him and was able to command him. The matter was completed on time and properly, so many people want to take his place, but so far no one has been able to succeed.

However, in the information of Sylvia, Sylvia gave him a comment alone. The comment has only one word, which is not a good word, old dog! It is true that in the opinion of Sylvia, Roger, the deputy secretary general of the trade union, is an old dog.

According to Sylvia, if you do not use other means, but use the political power game normally, then Roger, known as the old dog, is definitely the opponent she is least willing to face, because in this kind of person There was no obvious weakness in the body, and there was no chance to win him in one fell swoop, and once the opponent found a suitable attack opportunity, he would bite the target without hesitation until the target fell completely.

Just like the Speaker of the House of Lords, both Sir Hansen and Deputy Secretary-General Roger are devout believers in the Church of the Lord of the Sky.

Roger’s faith was passed down by his family. Since his great-grandfather, his family has always been a believer in the Church of the Lord of the Sky. The first article he knew was the Prayer of Prayer by the Lord of the Sky, so his Faith is rooted in the blood and bone marrow.

This time the main church of the sky asked him to act as a mediator. Although he has not dealt with Sylvia, he also thinks that the church has done too much this time. It may be dangerous for him to be a His faith still drove him to agree to the request of the church, and for the first time used Rupert Fitz’s relationship to write a letter of mediation, hoping that Sylvia could be under the prestige of Rupert Fitz, Dispel the idea of ​​revenge.

As for Sir Hanson’s belief, unlike Roger, he was an unbeliever at first, like almost everyone from Cage City, until one day he was seriously wounded and dying on the battlefield. Involved in the danger of the war, he was carried back from the battlefield to the camp and rescued him.

Since then, he began to believe in the Lord of the sky, and gradually became a devout, and he is also a member of the Redemption Society. Unlike the other two, this time he actively asked to act as a mediator.

Although he had prepared psychologically in advance until this matter was not easy to mediate, after all, it was the heir of Sylvia that the redemption would start, but as the other party did not give any response as it is now, it was somewhat beyond his expectations, so Only then will he get Deputy Secretary-General Roger to discuss what to do next, and wait for the discussion to be completed before he notifies the Speaker of the House of Lords.

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