The Mythical Races I Created

Chapter 26: Ancient City Tyrannosaurus Totem and Tyrannosaurus Totem

   The orc prophet is shrouded in terrifying spiritual power.

   For millions of years on the southern coast, the remnants of the dead creatures have continuously gathered on him.

   He is like a bottle of water, he can't hold more water, but the water from the outside is still pouring in continuously, wanting to burst his bottle.

   Two pencil drawings rise from his back, and the afterimage is like an outline.

   That is a mental vision created by the accumulation of remnants of souls.

   Spiritual lightning shrouded the two afterimages, and spirit lightning fell on the surroundings, stirring up terrible spiritual fluctuations.

   These are the mental illusions formed by the accumulation of remnants of souls.

   At this moment, they instinctively want to borrow the corpse to return to their souls, but how is this possible.

   This move is bound to be fishing for the moon in the water, but for the remnant souls wandering on the ground, they have to try.


   The prophet could not help but bend down, his skin cracked, and green blood spilled all over the surface of his body.

   Dillon, who concentrated on improving his mental power, rushed over, "Master, what's wrong with you?"

   "Wandering souls have eaten me back, and I am going to die. I am too anxious, but it is also my first attempt to call souls."

"No, I can't blame me. The spirit of the ancestors confidently suggested that I expand the scale of the remnant soul. It just swelled. The speed of its absorption can't keep up with the speed of the gathering of wandering souls. What, you actually scolded me, Is not it?"

   He actually had a dispute with the spirit of the ancestors.

   "Master, you said that we can communicate and soothe the soul with mental power, and I will help you stabilize the excess remnant soul."

   Dillon was so scared that he squatted down and grabbed the old prophet's arm.

   The prophet pushed Dillon away.

   "Go ahead."

   "I can't let you die here too. Quickly leave me."

   Dillon shook his head, "No, master, I can't give up on you."

   The prophet gritted his teeth. "Idiot, do you know what is called the big picture, stay by my side, those wandering spirits will invade your body, and you will become like me."

   "Get out of here."

   "Don't die."

   Dillon grabbed the old prophet's shoulder, and his mental power followed his five fingers into the prophet's soul, repairing the prophet's soul full of cracks.

   "I don't know what the big picture is."

   Dillon said angrily: "I only know that I can no longer give up my relatives. It is you who should shut up, Prophet!"

   "Since you said I would be the leader of the orcs, then you should listen to me now."

  'S slightly immature voice, at a certain moment it became very mature.

   The prophet was stunned.

   Looking at Dillon's wild eyes, the old prophet smiled, and there was a kind of relief that the child finally grew up.

   He shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Idiot."

   "You are really wayward."

   But at this moment, he is already unable to protect himself, and has no spare capacity to talk to others.

   The spirits of the remnant souls are shocking wave after wave.

   There is a flower in front of his eyes.

  At this moment, if Dillon had not poured his unusually huge mental power into his soul and repaired his soul, the Prophet would have been burst by the remnant soul.

   We die together.

   He started to beat the drum made of dinosaur skin involuntarily.

   The sound of the drums can call souls.

   In this way, the number of wandering souls gathered will only increase, and it will only aggravate the situation.


   The prophet forced his severely painful head to wake up, quickly stop beating the soul drum, and then use all of his mental power and Dillon's mental power to make up for it, maybe this way he can survive.


  Think about the hatred of your race that has been enslaved for more than a hundred years.

  Think about how your compatriots became elven licking dogs, and how your relatives were persecuted by elven running dogs.

  Think about all the pigmen who died on the battlefield!

   How can you die like this!



   The power of hatred caused the orc prophet to temporarily regain control of his body, and he wanted to stop beating the soul drum.


   The spirit drum sounded.


   The power of hatred stimulated the orc prophet, but in the face of thousands of years of remnant souls, these slight personal hatred emotions seem so small.

   Soon, this hatred was submerged in the vast ocean.

   Despair shrouded in the heart of the orc prophet.

   Maybe he is dead.

   The orc prophet looked at Dillon who was beside him, desperately trying to save him.

   I can die, but it’s a shame to let this child die like this.

  After all attempts failed, the Orc Prophet had only one last resort.

   That is—prayer.

  ‘Great Father, Supreme Spirit of Creation, please save us. ’

  ‘Great Father God. ’

  ‘Please help me. ’

  ‘Your humblest servant, please, help me, I want to survive. I really want to survive. ’

   I don't know why, the orc prophet gave up relying on hatred to motivate him to live, and instead prayed to the Father God, his head suddenly didn't hurt so much, and a huge force appeared in his body.

   He even temporarily regained control of his body.

   When the orc prophet was about to stop beating the soul drum, a voice rang in his ears.

   "The shaman's drums can not only call upon souls, but also invite gods."

   "Don't stop your drums."

   The orc prophet is an exciting spirit, God the Father!

   So, is my behavior a shaman?

   He was very confident and began to control the scattered wandering souls in his body in turn. He didn't know where his power came from.

   No matter how much I pressed myself before, I felt that I had exhausted all my strength.

   At this moment, after praying to God the Father and praying to God the Father wholeheartedly, he has tapped power from his body instead.

   Shen Fanyu saw what was in his mind. "Hate doesn't give you strength, it only makes you weak."

   "You want to use hatred to defeat the wandering souls of the southern coast for millions of years."

   "Like a worm shaking a tree."

   "But if you fight with your faith in me, what reason do you have for not being invincible?"

   The orc prophet was excited all over.

I see.

   The sudden increase in power is because I prayed to God the Father.

   "Great Father, please save your believers, help me get rid of these wandering spirits, and let them leave my body."

   Shen Fanyu sighed. "Dillon, the totem carved out of peach wood can carry the spirit of the ancestors."

   "You cut down this peach tree, use the pit of this peach tree as a seed, plant the peach forest in the future, and use the wood of this peach tree to make two totems."

   A peach tree grew out of the ground, and quickly blossomed and bear fruit.

   Dillon widened his eyes and saw this miraculous scene.

   Although the creation spirit still did not appear in the eyes of the orcs, the brand new tree species that grew out of thin air made Dillon deeply shocked by the great power of the creation spirit.

   To create creatures that are not there in this world, this is a great power belonging to the spirit of creation.

   Dillon cut down the peach trees that were full of peach blossoms according to the order of the father.

   Next, he didn't know what to do.

   Shen Fanyu's voice appeared in his ears.

   "According to the most feared image in your heart, carve two pieces of peach wood. The carved object can replace the wooden cup and better carry the spirit of the ancestors and those remnants, because peach wood calls souls."

   "I call it a totem."

   Dillon lay down on the ground and kowped his head, "Follow the orders of God Father."

   "Prophet. Shaman's dance can soothe turbulent wandering souls, dance, soothe them with dance, and summon them with drums."

   "It's the kind of dance you find from the remnant soul."

   The power of faith enveloped these two orcs.

   This will enlighten their wisdom and forcibly help them understand the Shaman's way.

   The orc prophet jumped up, the dance was wild, rough, and rhythmic, hiding the mystery and the unknown in it. The repeated dancing postures that bounced back and forth accompanied by the sound of the soul drum ‘dum dong dong dong’, like a different world of demons dancing on the grassland.

   dance, music, sculpture.

   Art is combined with the spirit of the ancestors.

   This is the shaman.

   This is the civilization that the orcs have developed by virtue of their special spiritual power that can call souls.

   They are passing on their thoughts and wisdom through art.

   Two half-human totems were carved out. Dillon carved the image of [Ancient Tyrannosaurus] and [Tyrannosaurus] respectively.

   The ancient city Tyrannosaurus only exists in the northern part of the plateau, but Dillon once saw it in the Capital of Conquerors.

   At the time, he only thought that was the king of dinosaurs.

   As for Tyrannosaurus rex, needless to say, this is the top carnivorous species in the Mesozoic biosphere.

   Under the beating of the shaman dance, the wandering spirit wrapped around the orc prophet is divided into two parts, and two totems are injected.

   [Ancient City Tyrannosaurus] and [Tyrannosaurus Rex] above the totem seem to be alive, lifelike, terrifying and tyrannical.

   At this moment, the two orcs felt the soul agitation from the depths of the totem at the same time.


  The new born totem needs to be sacrificed with blood, otherwise it will self-destruct.

   "Don't recklessly summon too powerful remnants." Shen Fanyu said before leaving: "Your power system has not been explored, let alone on the basis of a complete power system, to upgrade and develop."

   "If I were not there today, you two would definitely die."

   "One thing can't be two."

   "I won't help you anymore."

   The weak orc prophet and Dillon quickly got up from the ground, and the two of them bowed down to God the Father, thanking God the Father for his supreme kindness.

   After praying for about half an hour, Dillon carefully said to the master: "Master, Father God... so gentle."

   "I have decided, I will serve God the Father for the rest of my life."

   The orc prophet knocked him on the head. "Don't you dare to have two hearts?"

   "Keep on praying, don't stand up until six hours have passed."

   "Do you know how much grace we have received!"

   This is a miracle.

   This represents their legal right to rule the orcs in the future.

  Because they received the unique grace of God the Father.

  Furthermore, God the Father only spoke to himself once, and he has benefited immensely from it, and now he has spoken it twice.

   What a profit it must In space, Shen Fanyu exclaimed: "The elves are much more worry-free than the orcs."

   "I thought that belief in divine power was of no use to me, but now it seems that I am afraid that I will wipe the bottoms of the creators."

  He swept across the southern coast.

   "Almost all the remnant souls remaining on the southern coast have entered the totem made by the orc prophet and Dillon."

   "The power of those two totems can be said to be extremely powerful."

   "If Dillon and the Prophet hadn't had mature use skills, the power of these two men could almost be comparable to the second-tier heroes such as Maiev and Severu among the elves."

   Shen Fanyu thought for a while. "It just consumes a little bit of faith and divine power, and you can have such a gain. I'm a big bargain for nothing."

   "It should be enough to have these two handed down totems to suppress the orcs."

  The gaze of the Spirit of Creation saw everything.

   The ability of two totems was also in sight.

  【Tyrannosaurus Totem】

  Type: Personal Totem (for personal use only)

   Level: Rare

   Effect: When the shaman uses mental power to activate the totem, it will increase his body quality by 5-10 times and increase his grip strength by 10-15 times.

   (According to the intensity of the infused mental power and the completeness of the ritual, different multiples will be increased.)

  【Tyrannosaurus Totem】

  Type: Personal Totem

   Level: Rare

   Effect: When the shaman uses mental power to activate the totem, it will produce mental chain lightning, which will cause chain attacks on the target, which consumes a lot of mental power. Please use it with caution.

   (According to the intensity of the infused mental power and the completeness of the ritual, different effects are shown.)


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