The Mythical Races I Created

Chapter 28: Corruption of the Elf King

   Since the rebellion of the Black Pig tribe, the Elf Kingdom has entered the most prosperous fifty years.

Many elven gems were excavated from the ground, and then crafted and carved by the best elves. Each one was like a little sun or a little moon. Augustus dared to say that any elves and no creatures could refuse. These crystal clear, radiant gems.

   Every upper elf is proud of getting the Silmaril. They painstakingly researched how to use these godsend artifacts, how to wear them to make themselves more noble, and how to embellish the log furniture to make the furniture more beautiful.

   The original home of the simple elves is now shimmering with bright white light even in the dark, like a lighthouse in the long night.

  Because of Chengping for a long time, the elf king's court lives a grand festival-like life every day.

   Augustus raised his wine glass to pay tribute to all the upper elves under the royal court.

   "Praise God the Father."

   He is wearing a Silmarillion, which is shining.

All the upper elves below     wear some Silmarillion, large or small, the current upper elves are proud of who wears a larger Silmarillion.

   A female high elf stood up, turned her right elbow in a circle gracefully, and bowed her body to salute Augustus.

She wears a chic hat on her golden hair. The hat is inlaid with a dove egg-sized Silmarillion. The top of the hat is sewn with a few beautiful feathers, and her translucent clothing woven with silk is Brooches made of Silmarillion are used as straps and buttons.

   She looks gleaming, like a goddess.

   When she stood up, the upper elves uttered eager praise.

   "It is indeed the fashion trend of our royal capital. Her aesthetic represents the newest and most beautiful taste in the world."

   "Ah, this lady is as beautiful as a goddess. The beauty given to Diana by God the Father is not even as good as her."

   Augustus smiled and said, "Madam, you are as beautiful as a picture scroll, what's your opinion?"

   The fairy lady proudly presents herself to everyone. "His Majesty Augustus, how about you, you really like to hide. I heard that your pigman slave just unearthed a gem that is so tall and so big that there are grown-up elves."

   "You ordered someone to make three thousand three hundred and sixty-five sides for this gem."

   "Ah, you really dominate the beauty of the world, but you are not willing to show it to us to appreciate it."

   The voice fell.

   The eyes of all the upper elves were eager.

   Their gazes toward Augustus were full of heat.

   There is a gem material the size of an adult elf, how tall and big is it?

   how shining will be!

   King Augustus sat down, he leaned against the gorgeous throne, his silver hair draped over his shoulders, "Madam, your news is really good. But you don't want to see it for the time being."

Below    there was a stingy voice complaining about the ‘king’.


   Augustus said: "I am not a Tibetan private."

"It's just that, this is the largest elven gemstone at present. I have ordered the best craftsmen to build it. When it was completed, I decided to take it to the easternmost coast, build a tower of the sky, and place it. At the top of the Tongtian Pagoda, the dark night shining on the east coast."

   "I want to dedicate the Silmarillion to the great spirit of creation, the most benevolent being in the world, the all-good God Father."

   "You should wait another year."

   Mrs. Elf smiles. "Ah, next year will be the first millennium of the birth of the elven civilization, Wang, you really care about the Father the most."

  The grand singing and dancing party, continue.

   And this kind of song and dance party happens every day.

   Behind the royal court, in the royal garden, little Augustus listened with interest to the teachings of Pericles and Diana.

   In the past thirty-nine years, they have established a strong teacher-student relationship.

   Little Augustus is now getting closer to the appearance of a teenager, and he put flowers and fruits for the two teachers.

  Berry Creek said to him: "Thank you for the hospitality."

   He glanced at Little Augustus strangely. "Since when did you dress so plainly."

   Little Augustus hardly used any ornaments to decorate himself.

   "Teacher, what you said is so strange. You only wear a piece of cloth yourself, and you still think that I am dressed plainly."

  Berry Creek said: "Well, I was wrong."

"It's just that now the gap between the upper elves and the ordinary elves is getting bigger and bigger, and even the clothes are completely different. When the upper elves are all gathered in the two cities of Conqueror City and Augustus, the ordinary elves are instead. All chose to live in seclusion."

   Little Augustus gritted his teeth. "As a king, if you are completely separated from the people, this will be catastrophic."

   "As a child of the Father God, if you indulge in luxury and forget to worship the gods on time, this will be a disaster."

   "Teacher, let alone an aesthetic problem."

   "When my father wanted to conquer other regions, the first thing he did every day was to develop new magic, but now the upper elves have settled down for a long time, they feel that the magic has come to an end, and there is no need to continue studying."

   "Father said that the tower of magic has been built, and there is no need to add more bricks and tiles."

   Little Augustus regretfully said, "This is all nonsense."

   "They are now studying every day how to dress themselves."

   "The color of the hair, the matching of clothes, and even the knowledge has been researched, and I feel that other people don't understand this knowledge, that is, they are not worthy of talking to them."

   "I don't think you have knowledge in this area. You can't even socialize."

  Berry Creek felt speechless. "They actually start to think that they don't deserve to talk to people if they don't dress up. Alas, it seems that I, a nerd, are a beast who can't speak in their eyes."

"It's been a long time since the upper elf, and I am willing to spend my energy to study magic." Little Augustus said frustrated: "I really miss the days before, when the difference between everyone was not so big, and I walked out of the city of conquerors. Every ordinary elf you meet will entertain passing travelers warmly."

   "But it's completely changed now."

   "The ordinary elves who no longer have hope for Wang Ting chose to live in the deep mountains and old forests and set up isolation enchantment magic in their so that no elves can find them."

   Diana interrupted and said, "That's because there are many reasons."

"Some of them feel that it is not compatible with the aesthetics of the upper elves, and some feel that the upper elves are forcing the pigmen slaves to dig elven gems, causing countless deaths and injuries to the pigmen slaves. They sympathize with the treatment of the pigs and no longer want to stay in the elves society dominated by the upper elves. ."

   "There are some elves who naturally like to live in seclusion."

   When the three elves talked about this topic, they felt anxiously for a while.

   Back then, Diana thought that Pericles could soothe all the negative emotions that had occurred during the 30th day of darkness.

   But she was wrong.

  Berry Creek is right.

   The 30 days of darkness not only caused a huge change in the attitude of the pigmen slaves to the elves, but even caused a huge gap between the lower elves and the upper elves. Even the people of the tribe had already rejected Augustus's royal court.

   This is probably the price for evil.

   Little August looked at his most beloved teacher, and he asked tentatively: "Teacher, do you have the will to change everything?"

  Berry Creek raised his eyebrows and spread his hands. "no."

   "I'm just a scholar who loves to study and teach others. What I like to do every day is to lie in the courtyard under the sun, sit on my small stool, and read a book I wrote."

   "This is my hobby."

   Little Augustus seemed a little disappointed. "If I had your prestige, and I had grown up like you, I would definitely wave my arms and let Augustus step down."

   Diana and Pericles almost got angry.

   Diana spit out the tea in her mouth, showing an exaggerated expression, little guy, that's your father.


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