The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 106: Efficient state machine

Six months have passed since the time on the plateau.

The capital of the elven kingdom has taken shape. 23 elven city-states and four pigman city-states equivalent to lowland capitals have been rebuilt. The Philosopher’s Stones have also been allocated to each city and planted in the center of each city.

The scene is a bit like growing mushrooms.

You plant a pebble-sized stone, and the result is that the stone grows into a human-high rock standing in the center of the city. The city-state magic radiates outward, and the orange brilliance hides in every building in the city.

Almost all the elven city-states have chosen [Holy Voting], this city-state spell.

For this new voting system, [Holy Voting] can guarantee the stable operation of the system, no one can vote more and less, but the four city-states of the orcs have chosen [lawful seats], probably because Considerations for the lives and safety of parliamentarians.

The three city-states on the Elf Plateau that are closest to the lowlands all chose the [Citizen's Sword] out of consideration for reality.

This is to prevent the orcs from suddenly attacking the city of the elves.

The elven city-state closest to the lowlands is different from the cities deep in the plateau. They also have to consider how they should respond if the orcs attack them aggressively.

Severus is leading the development of large-scale urban spell barriers.

23 city-states are expanding cities and purifying land contaminated by the acid blood of the insect swarms.

In the circular conference hall, Pericles and others, although they did not personally travel across the plateau, with the help of the Senate, the local council, they can easily manipulate the entire state apparatus and know through the reports reported by the local councils. What is happening across the plateau.

Under this system, the entire country has become an efficient organism.

The elves are in a vibrant state of rapid reconstruction.

Among the circular convention halls.

Pericles and others looked at the report from the 23 city-states.

Schopenh is reading it for everyone.

Although Pericles was wondering why some elves would choose an extreme nihilist like Schopenh as the elder, he himself did not have any opinion on Schopenh.

Schopenh said: "The [Bethecles] city-state in the middle of the Elf Plateau sent fifty elf wizards to deal with the acid-contaminated land near the city-state. They wanted to dilute the strong acid with water, but they did not expect the strong acid blood of the insect swarms. Following the flow of the water, deep into the depths of the land, on the contrary, all the trees near the city-state withered, and the city was in danger."

"The city-states in the northernmost part of the Elf Plateau adopted a different method. They sprinkled alkali on the soil, then diluted the mixture of strong acid and alkali with water, and then extracted the salt water from the land, and achieved good results."

"The trees that had dried up due to strong acid pollution were rescued, but this method was less efficient and time-consuming."



"Of course, our capital has druids' purification spells. Naturally, druids can use purification to adjust the pH of the land to achieve the effect of purification. Father God is above, our capital's work is always the best."

"And the three elven city-states in the lowest lowlands of the Elf Plateau, they... they... suggested to us whether they could slow down the construction of the city and purify the land, and first let them concentrate on developing new war magic to prevent orcs. Attack us suddenly."

After listening to the entire report, the elders fell into deep thought and talked a lot.

Some people reprimanded the three elven city states for being brave, others thought that was a reasonable request, and some were dissatisfied with the results of some elven city states in governing their land.

Pericles looked at his two disciples timely.

Some things are inconvenient for him to say, and other senators in this Senate need to do it for him.

Otherwise, should his proposal be hindered, would he have to emphasize it again and again, or even plead?

If someone else puts it forward and someone else is refuted, then there is nothing about Pericles.

The orc Dylan received the teacher's instruction, thought about it, and immediately said to everyone: "It seems that the governance of the land is different everywhere. We'd better organize a working group to guide the elven city states everywhere and manage the land..."

Wendini said softly: "Each city-state has different interpretations and handling methods for the policies issued by us according to their own circumstances, and adapts measures to local conditions. This just proves the superiority of our system."

"We are not recklessly unifying orders and rigidly implementing them, but local parliaments are implementing our policies in a more precise manner based on their own conditions."

"Masters, isn't this great?"

The elders looked at each other and nodded each.

Pericles concluded: "The Father God is here, and our order has been proved. Everyone, I personally think that the applications submitted by the three city-states are passable."

"Moreover, Dylan said very well. We should organize a working group to specifically instruct the cities and states to deal with pollution.


"What is your opinion?"

Everyone started to discuss, because Pericles himself had 10 important voting rights, the veterans did not object, so it was easy to pass these two proposals.

Finally, at the end of today's meeting, they passed another law.

That is, before the completion, the promise that the elves promised to the orcs-the technology to support the orcs and the druids after the war.

In the name of the Father, the Senate and the people, the Senate issued an order to send 20 golem druids to the orc territory to teach them the techniques of the druids and fulfill the promises made by the elves to the orcs before the war.

The decree was immediately implemented.


The gaze of the Creation Spirit turned from the plateau to the oasis deep in the desert.

At this time, after half a year of development, the Panyang people have already suffered from the hardships in the desert. They built some simple houses with wood and red willow skins in the oasis to shield themselves from sandstorms and the cold at night.

Flame is a rare thing in oasis.

Because of material poverty, Pan sheep dared not to light fire often, so they could only cuddled with each other at night and used wool to warm each other.

But today, the Panyang clan encountered a problem. The Panyangs in an oasis encountered an attack by desert giant scorpions and suffered heavy losses. Of course, they repelled these desert giants and harvested a large number of giant scorpions. The carapace material of Cancer.

Shen Fanyu shook his head in the Space Temple. "Haven't found any superpower seeds yet?"

"Forget it, it's okay to be able to use tools initially to make the dead giant scorpion a shield, weapon, and house."

"After all, the elves are only slightly better in their time period."

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