The Mythical Races I Created

Vol 2 Chapter 298: The wolf head king who secretly observed everything

Uncle Jackal separated several cities and entered a city called Tiris through the Blue Nile River. This city is the place of the myth and legend of the earliest nine-pillar **** of the Kobold Throne.

The previous wolf-headed kings unified the entire country with this as the center, so the nine-pillar **** system spread by Tiris became the national mythological standard.

He didn't go to the wolf head king immediately, but found the second prince who was sitting under the bright canopy in the construction site under the scorching sun, served by a large number of kobold slaves and kobold beauties.

Unlike the eldest prince, the second prince is a person who loves to enjoy.

He's polite, not reckless, not very talkative, but at least not violent.

Behind him stood the great vizier and the high priest of the kobold kingdom.

Because the current wolf-headed king seems to only care about his mausoleum and grief after his death, and doesn't care about the battle between the kobold princes at all.

He is like a high-ranking chess player, with a starter and a move in his hand, and every move is based on the entire kingdom as a chessboard. He is so great and so intolerant of directness.

He looked down on everything.

The whole kingdom is really the only one who plays and applauds.

No one can guess the true mind of the wolf-headed king. He seems to be in the spare time of supervising the construction of the mausoleum, and occasionally releases a remaining mind to watch the battles of the princes.

He delegated any one to the eldest prince, second prince, and little prince, and then watched them do their best to accomplish this task, using all their strength, and in the end it was just to win the wolf-headed king's smile.

Even the second prince and the little prince supervised the construction of the mausoleum this time, but it was just a means to please the king.

Uncle Jackal dared to take chestnuts from the fire, but he did not dare to face the king.

Sometimes, Uncle Jackal is thinking, maybe it is really just like what the myth of the jackal says, all wolf-headed kings are the descendants of the sun, and all of them are the sons of god-kings who walk in the world.

When Uncle Jackal approached the second prince's carriage, the second prince caught sight of Uncle Wang.

Because of the stone mining, it is necessary to go to Uncle Wang's stone quarry, so the second prince wants to give this Uncle Wang some face at this moment.

The second prince said to Uncle Jackal: "The weather is hot, why did Uncle Wang come here?"

He wanted to get out of the shaded area covered by the canopy, but was caught in the corner of his eyes by the dazzling sunlight, so he immediately sat back on his carriage.

The two kobold beauties on the side immediately picked up two ice cubes and put them on the second prince.

Ice cubes are made of saltpeter.

Uncle Wang's eyes flickered, and he said, "You are far away from the capital [Algeria], don't you know what happened recently? What do you think I am wearing now?"

The kobold slaves fought bravely and glanced at Uncle Wang, only to realize that Uncle Wang was covered with a translucent coat, the texture was soft and smooth, as if the gentle water waves were on them.

The second prince's eyes lit up, revealing a greedy look. "Where did uncle find such a good thing?"

"Quickly bring me the craftsman who made this thing."

"I am very interested in this person, not bad."

Uncle Wang sneered. "This thing is called silk, and it can often be sold for more than 100,000 dolmens in the city of Algeria, attracting the hearts of all noble ladies. Even the noble Princess Ardell once hired death row prisoners for this thing and wanted them to help her. Find where this thing came from."

The second prince said angrily, "You said that this thing has fallen into her hands? Or did she not find it?"

"The situation is even worse." Uncle Wang added, adding: "This thing is now exclusively sold by the eldest prince, and he has won a lot of people's hearts through this. Your Highness, I think this is a dangerous signal. If you don't deal with this I'm afraid the tyrannical prince will rule our kingdom."

"And there's another question." Uncle Wang hesitated for a while and said, "The kingdom that produces silk is a strange country in the desert."

"They dumped their goods on us and instead got a lot of land."

"If this business continues, we will always suffer."

The second prince didn't pay much attention to what he said next, and he didn't understand either. The royal family was too high, and they always only thought about their own interests and never thought about economic issues.

If a person has a hundred people, he may not think about some basic issues, not to mention that the royal family has enslaved more than 10 million people.

On the contrary, the second prince began to be afraid that if the jackal prince continued to do this, whether he had a better chance of winning the next wolf head king than himself.

Thinking of this, the second prince was begging for food.

Can not do it.

He can't just oversee here.

"Come here." The second prince said to a beautiful woman, "I order you to bribe several militia groups and let them attack all the silk-carrying fleets on the Nile River."

"Hmph, no one wants to profit until I get something."

Uncle Jackal laughed in his heart, who told you that the eldest prince would not cooperate with me or share a piece of the pie with me, I want you to earn nothing.


In the palace of the wolf head king, the ground was covered with broken ice cubes and sprinkled with dried fruits such as grapes and peanuts. He stepped on these things and knelt in front of a black blue-and-white rock statue.

It is hard for outsiders to imagine that the wolf-headed king would kneel and worship such a statue.

The wolf head king is a seemingly ordinary person, but such a mediocre, average intelligence, average appearance, and moral character is indescribable. He can stand on the heads of thousands of people and act He can torture and humiliate at will those who are smarter than him, those who are more industrious than him.

The wolf-headed king faced the statue and said softly, "I long to enter your army after I die."

"I long for immortality in my flesh under my grand mausoleum after my death."

"God of death, your army of gods of death appeared beside me, I stood in it, and I was fortunate enough to see you..."

After some prayers, he turned to leave the dormitory and closed the heavy stone wall with his own hands.

When he walked to another room, there was a person standing in this room long ago, bending over to wait for the wolf-headed king to come. At this moment, this person knelt on the ground and kissed the toe of the wolf-headed king.

The wolf-headed king looked at Da Weiqi, his prime minister, with a little disgust.

"Why are you here?"

Daweiqi is a smart man, he is smarter than the wolf head king, but what's the use of it.

This does not hinder him, the wolf-headed king rules him.

Daweiqi immediately said: "The second prince has always thought that he has all my support and is competing with the other two princes, and the high priest... hum, he seems to really think that the religious power can fight against the king's power, but he I really did my best to help the second prince in secret."

The wolf head king was not surprised to hear it. "The high priest's daughter is good-looking, but she is too weak. I only got lucky a few times before she died. It's right that the high priest hates me."

"Just an illegitimate daughter." Da Weiqi gritted his teeth. "In the end, he's just your servant."

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