Exactly how Zong Jize sent him back to the Lu residence that day, Lu Dingning, whose brain was completely overwhelmed by Zong Jize's confession, and Lu Dingning, who was frightened to death by the forced kiss, couldn't remember.

The only thing she knew was that when she got home, there were many missed calls and unread WeChat messages on her phone.

Among them, many were Ji Jinge's phone calls and WeChat messages.

Brother Jinge: 【Are you there? Where are you and Aze? 】

Brother Jinge: 【Lu Yining, answer the phone! 】

Brother Jinge: [What's going on? 】

In addition to Ji Jinge's messages and phone calls, there is also Will's.

After Lu Dingning checked his phone for a while, Will's call came in again.

"Dylan, how are you? Are you okay?"

As soon as the phone was connected, Will's anxious voice came into Lu Dingning's ears from the other end of the phone.

"I'm... not bad!" It can't be regarded as all right.

Now, her mind was messed up by Zong Jize's second forced kiss.

But in fact, Lu Dingning didn't know if the kiss just now was considered a forced kiss.

Because in the end, she gave Zong Jize a response.

So much so that when Zong Jize sent her home, he smiled like an idiot...

"Did Jize hit you? Dylan, you really are! This is not in country F, how can you kiss a man casually? Besides, Zong Jize is not an ordinary man..."

"Why don't we go back to country F now? Yes, I'll book a ticket now!"

Will said, intending to hang up the phone.

"Will, I'm fine! I can still handle this matter!" Although her head hurts so much that she really wants to go back to country F, she can't.

Whether it's her father or her brother, or RM, they all need her now.

At this time, she cannot leave country Z.

"But Dylan, I don't trust you! You know, Zong Jize has great influence here, if he wants to touch you..."

Will on the phone had an inexplicably sad tone.

"Will, can you trust me? I have survived so many things, how can this little problem be difficult for me now?"


"Really! Don't worry, rest early. Didn't you say that you plan to design LW's winter style these days?"

"Then... well. You are free these two days, let's meet. I need to make sure you are okay!"

"Okay. It's been two days, I'll give you a call..."

After finally stabilizing Will who looked very sad and sad to Lu Dingning temporarily, Lu Dingning spread it on his clothes like a deflated rubber ball.

But at this moment, there was a knock on her bedroom door.

"Ningning, are you asleep?"

It was Lu Guohua's voice.

This made Lu Dingning sit up from the bed all of a sudden. It feels like I did something bad and was discovered by my father!

"Not yet. Dad, what's the matter?"

After Lu Dingning got up, he opened the door.

At this time, Lu Guohua, who was still wearing a suit and leather shoes, was standing outside the door, carrying a cake box in addition to the briefcase in his hand.

"I bought you a cake and plan to celebrate your birthday with you!"

His Ning Ning has liked to eat sweet and greasy cakes since he was a child.

Every time I buy her a cake, she always eats it like a little cat.

Also remembering this, Lu Guohua deliberately got off work early today, and wanted to celebrate his Ning Ning's birthday, and watch her happily eat cake, and eat it like a little cat.

"Okay." Lu Dingning, whose mood was ups and downs today, really needed some sweets to vent.

Afterwards, Lu Dingning took Lu Guohua's hand, and the two celebrated their birthday in the living room.

"It would be even better if my brother was here!"

"Your brother is fine. I have contacted him these days, but his wound has not recovered, so it is not convenient to show up. Ningning, you don't have to worry too much. Wait for your brother to fully recover , I will let him come back to meet you as soon as possible. Today, I will celebrate your birthday with Dad. Come on, hurry up and make a wish and blow out the candles..."

"May my brother return safely soon, and may my father live a long and healthy life!" Lu Dingning made a wish and blew out the candles.

Before she could open her eyes, Lu Guohua smeared her nose with cream.

"Ningning little cat!"

"Ah! Dad, you have to put it on too! You can't let me be a cat by myself..."

"Okay, okay...I really can't do anything about you!"

The father and daughter got cream all over their faces, a little embarrassed.

But the joyful laughter echoed throughout the Lu residence...

Early the next morning, Lu Dingning was woken up by his mobile phone.

Playing with Lu Guohua too late last night, she got into bed and went to sleep as soon as she returned to her room to wash up, and didn't set her phone to silent mode.

In a daze, Lu Dingning touched the mobile phone by the bedside, and connected without even looking at it.

"Hello!" Lu Dingning, who hadn't woken up yet, his voice was a little hoarse, but also a little confused.

But the man on the phone was in a good mood.

"Aren't you up yet?" Really, Zong Jize's voice was so many times softer than usual.

As a result, the original gorgeous voice, without the coldness and indifference of the past, instantly resembled the sounds of nature.

Even Lu Dingning, who was listening to the phone, couldn't recognize the voice.

"Who is it?" Lu Dingning stretched out another hand, scratching his sleeping head,

"Zong Jize!" The other party reported himself.

"Huh?" Lu Dingning seemed a little unsure that the voice belonged to Zong Jize, squinting his eyes, he took the phone to him and looked at it.

Until it was confirmed that the voice really came from Zong Jize, Lu Dingning immediately sat up from the bed.

Because yesterday Zong Jize forced her tongue again, and the matter of his confession entered Lu Dingning's mind again.

What does this annoying programmer want to do early in the morning?

But when the words came to his lips, they turned into: "Master Zong, what do you want from me this morning?"

The man on the other side of the phone pondered for a moment before answering: "See if you're awake!"

But Lu Dingning wanted to ask, when did the relationship between the two of us get so good that we can be sure that the other party is awake at any time?

But before Lu Dingning could ask, Zong Jize asked again: "I sent you a few messages last night, but you didn't reply..."

It turned out that this call was to ask the teacher for a crime, so let's see if she was scared away by the way!

"I was too tired last night, so I went to bed early." In fact, she really thought about fleeing back to country F, but now her father needs her, and she can't leave.

"Master Zong, if there's nothing else..." She wanted to hang up the phone.

It's just that Lu Dingning finished her sentence halfway, and the person on the phone seemed to see through her plan, and interrupted her directly: "Are you going to the Imperial City University or the RM Building?"

"Today, Wednesday, I have class!" It was still a headache for Chinese class.

"Then wait a minute, I'll take you there!"

"..." She even fled into the school, why is this programmer still refusing to let her go?

Please let it go, hey!

But before she could respond, Zong Jize didn't know if he had seen through that she would refuse, so he said directly: "See you later!"

Then, he hung up the phone!

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