Just as Lu Dingning walked out of Zong Jize's study, his cell phone rang, and it was Ruan Xiyuan calling.

As soon as she connected, Ruan Xiyuan's anxious voice came from the phone: "It's not good. Zhao Deyue just handed in his resignation to the department head, and now it is said that he is already on his way to the airport!"

That's right, just when Lu Dingning told Ruan Xiyuan to pay more attention to this person named Zhao Deyue, Ruan Xiyuan called Zhao Deyue's department to inquire about the situation of this person.

But I didn't want to, I just inquired about it and heard such horrifying news.

"I just heard about that too. Where are you now?"

Ruan Xiyuan said an address.

It's very close to Zong Jize!

Lu Dingning immediately asked him to come here to pick her up, and the two headed to the airport together.

Ruan Xiyuan came very quickly.

After a while, they were already on their way to the airport.

It's just that Lu Dingning was a little dissatisfied with Ruan Xiyuan's driving speed.

"Can't you go faster?" Lu Dingning urged while looking at his watch.

But after the urging, Ruan Xiyuan didn't speed up much because of the relatively large traffic volume.

Lu Dingning couldn't bear it any longer, and simply said: "Get out of the car!"

"Second Young Master?" Although Ruan Xiyuan was a little surprised, he stopped the car according to Lu Dingning's words.

"Change the seat!" As soon as the car stopped, Lu Dingning got off the passenger seat.

"No way. Have you ever driven a car with your license?" Although Ruan Xiyuan obediently took the co-pilot seat, he still asked anxiously.

"Does karting count?" In fact, Lu Dingning got a driver's license from country F at the age of seventeen. Normal driving is absolutely no problem. In addition, those aristocrats in country F usually regard racing as a way to make friends and have fun!

In order to integrate into the circle of these people, Lu Dingning naturally spent a lot of effort on racing.

It's just that, Lu Dingning couldn't explain to Ruan Xiyuan for the time being, so he smiled directly at Ruan Xiyuan.

With that smile, there is also a sense of evil and mystery in the glamorous style, which definitely has the capital to make people's hearts flutter.

And Ruan Xiyuan, who was amazed by Lu Dingning's smile, felt his restless heart that was about to bend, and simply shut up!

That's right!

You can't be fooled by Er Shao anymore.

Otherwise, Ruan Xiyuan would not be able to complete the mission of passing on the family lineage to the Ruan family!

As for Lu Dingning, she didn't have the heart to wait for Ruan Xiyuan's response at all. After putting on her seat belt, she started the speed of life and death.

The thrill of drifting and shaking in the air throughout the whole process made the old driver Ruan Xiyuan sitting in the co-pilot seat spend the whole process screaming...

When he finally arrived at the airport, Ruan Xiyuan squatted on the side of the car and vomited.

no way!

Lu Dingning's driving position was so coquettish that even an old driver like Ruan Xiyuan was dizzy!

But halfway through vomiting, Ruan Xiyuan was directly dragged into the airport by Lu Dingning who just stopped the car...

"Second Young Master, we don't know which plane Zhao Deyue took, so we won't be able to find it!"

Ruan Xiyuan, who was dragged into the airport, moaned as he was dying.

Unexpectedly, Lu Dingning said: "ZF8989!"


"The flight Zhao Deyue is on!" Just now, Zong Jize had sent her the flight information Zhao Deyue was on.

Had the flight not been delayed, it would have taken off by now.

But if there is a delay, then they still have hope!

So Lu Dingning didn't even stop, and immediately dragged Ruan Xiyuan to the consultation office.

But I didn't want to, but the beautiful staff at the consultation office told me: "The flight just took off!"

Hearing this reply, Ruan Xiyuan froze instantly.

After Lu Dingning thanked the staff at the consultation office, they returned to the car.

Ruan Xiyuan looked at her silent look, and threw the cigarette case and lighter over to her.

Lu Dingning really needed some nicotine at this time to calm down and think about the problem, so he didn't reject Ruan Xiyuan's kindness.

It was probably after two cigarettes that Ruan Xiyuan asked, "What should we do next?"

Zhao Deyue, who participated in the production of Peak Era, is like a ticking time bomb. No matter which company Zhao Deyue turns to now, it will be a devastating blow to RM.

"Peak Era will go online ahead of schedule, just this weekend!" Lu Dingning lit another cigarette, and said this when the smoke filled her whole body.

At this moment, Lu Dingning's beautiful face was looming under the smoke, very seductive.

So much so that Ruan Xiyuan didn't dare to look at her squarely.

Because at this moment Lu Dingning is more attractive than before.

So Ruan Xiyuan was really afraid that if he looked at her one more time, he would bend into a coil of mosquito coils for her!

"But some game characters are not perfect yet!"

"I'll make it up later. We really don't have much time left now!"

Ruan Xiyuan can also understand Lu Dingning's words.

Once Zhao Deyue, who has defected to other game companies, goes online with their peak era, then their peak era, which RM invested heavily in, will only become a joke.

"Then Mr. Lu..."

"My dad, I'll explain the situation to him directly in a while!"

This is the only thing they can do right now.

Ruan Xiyuan also knew this, so he didn't say anything, and drove according to Lu Dingning's words...

Jize: 【Have you stopped someone? 】

When he got home, Lu Dingning received Zong Jize's WeChat.

Dylan Ning: [No, when we arrived at the airport, the plane had already taken off! 】

Lu Dingning, who replied to Zong Jize's message, suddenly remembered that kiss from Zong Jize just now...

She knew that she should not respond to Zong Jize with her current damn gender.

But she just can't help it...

Jize: [Then what are your plans next? 】

Dylan Ning: [The game of Peak Era will be launched in advance. So I'm a little busy this weekend, so I won't go to tutoring. 】

Lu Dingning, who also noticed that Zong Jize's care and help to her recently had caused her to gradually lose control, decided not to see Zong Jize for the time being. Because she didn't want her to lose control and be discovered by him, and she didn't want Zong Jize to be really bent by her...

Also because of this decision, Lu Dingning simply took this opportunity to alienate Zong Jize.

Jize: [Got it. If you need anything, just call me! 】

After receiving Zong Jize's reply, Lu Dingning's nose felt sore for no reason.

It would be great if she could regain the gender of a girl now...

But this also means that she must give up the inheritance rights of the Smith family. Then her mother, Shu Zhilan, will resume her miserable life before?

She couldn't ignore what happened to her mother Shu Zhilan, so she couldn't restore the woman's gender, nor could she give up the inheritance of the Smith family.

Thinking of this, all the helplessness accumulated in Lu Dingning's heart can only be turned into the bitterness on the corner of his lips...

Zong Jize, I'm sorry...

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