This kiss came so suddenly.

Before Lu Dingning could react, his lips were blocked.

Even breathing was deprived...

Zong Jize, who was kissing her, seemed to be more excited than ever.

After a while, his hand was impatiently ready to get under Lu Dingning's clothes!

Of course, Lu Dingning did not expect that Zong Jize would suddenly stage such a show!

Sensing that his big palm suddenly penetrated under the hem of her clothes, she quickly stretched out her hand to grab Zong Jize's wrist.

Zong Jize persisted and wanted to go up.

If he couldn't come up with an answer, he might not be able to sleep tonight.

Because of this, the two wrestled on the mattress.

But half an hour passed, and the two still couldn't tell the difference.

What annoyed Zong Jize was that he still hadn't been able to touch someone's chest to check whether what he saw just now was true.

"Enough! If you go crazy again, I won't be polite!" Lu Dingning, who successfully slapped Zong Jize's hand away again, said in a slightly annoyed tone.

"..." Although Zong Jize wanted to continue, but seeing someone's beautiful phoenix eyes full of annoyance, he finally withdrew his hand.

Afterwards, he directly took out the cigarette case and smoked on the mattress where Lu Dingning was.

When the smoke filled his body, Lu Dingning only felt that this man's mood today seemed a little strange.

"What's the matter with you today?" Was the urgent matter not handled smoothly, or...

Or did he just discover something?

Otherwise, why did he suddenly want to tear her clothes so nonsense?

"You can be honest with Jing Meiyan, why can't you be honest with me?" Zong Jize finally spoke after he finished smoking a cigarette.

Covered by bangs, Lu Dingning couldn't see his eyes clearly, let alone his expression.

The only thing she can do is to follow Zong Jize's words: "Are you jealous?"

Zong Jize didn't respond, but just looked back at her.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and didn't intend to answer, but just probed a little.

"You are different from her!" Lu Dingning always felt that Zong Jize seemed to be different from the past tonight, and his heart sank slightly.

"What's the difference?" Zong Jize raised his eyebrows, and his slightly cool eyes glanced at Lu Dingning's chest again.

It's flat there.

It's no different from Zong Jize's.

It was also because of this that Zong Jize wanted to tear off her clothes to see if he had made a mistake just now.

But on Lu Dingning's side, he was full of defense, like a hedgehog.

If he disregarded her wishes and dismantled the line of defense she built at this moment, it is estimated that not only Zong Jize would be stabbed, but Lu Dingning himself would also be bruised.

Zong Jize had no choice but to give up on the idea of ​​forcible inspection. Because, he doesn't want to see someone get hurt.

After making this difficult decision, Zong Jize took his eyes off Lu Dingning's flat chest and raised his head...

When the four eyes met, Lu Dingning found that this man's black pupils were really beautiful. The extreme pure black can almost clearly reflect her entire outline.

The feeling of seeing her reflection from the bottom of his eyes is really special. It was as if in Zong Jize's entire world, only she, Lu Dingning, existed!

Probably because of this wonderful feeling, Lu Dingning's smile at this moment suddenly seemed so intoxicated.

"It's different everywhere!" Whether it's personality or gender...

However, Lu Dingning only said half of what he said, and suddenly put his arms around Zong Jize's neck.

Similar to a whisper, but with a flattering tone, it came out of her diamond lips unconsciously like this: "You are unique in my heart."

"Didn't you say you want to see the stars?" Zong Jize asked, staring at the pretty face of someone who was close at hand.

After seeing her enchanting figure from the hot spring pool, his mind was always in chaos.

But at this moment, everything became clear.

Because, he wanted to understand one thing!

Regardless of whether the person in front of him is a man or a woman, he wants it!

So don't rush to find out if she is a man or a woman.

"Go see it now?" Probably did not expect Zong Jize to ask this question suddenly, Lu Dingning was obviously stunned for a while.

Keren is good-looking, and his expression is also slightly cute.

Zong Jize couldn't bear it, and kissed her slightly parted lips because of his daze, and stood up.

"You should be able to see it in the yard!" Zong Jize stretched out his hand towards Lu Dingning who was still lying on the mattress.

Lu Dingning, who was still sitting on the bed, was stunned when he saw Zong Jize's outstretched hand.

Zong Jize was a little weird tonight, especially the look in his eyes made her a little uneasy.

But now, he seems to be back to the way he was when he promised her to take her to the unnamed mountain to see the stars...

Such Zong Jize made Lu Dingning inexplicably at ease and wanted to rely on him!

It was also this that made Lu Dingning put his hand into Zong Jize's and let him lead her to the backyard.

Today's weather is fine and there are many stars to be seen.

The two sat on a bench in the backyard, looking up at the starry sky.

The vast stars seem to swallow up all the troubles of people.

The rest is joy...

At first, the two were still chatting.

But later, Lu Dingning became sleepy and leaned on Zong Jize's shoulder...

The next day, when Lu Dingning woke up, he found that he was already lying on the mattress.

But the set of mattresses beside him seemed untouched.

Where did Zong Jize go?

Therefore, Lu Dingning had no choice but to get up early in the morning to find Zong Jize with her messy sleeping chicken coop on her head.

When Lu Dingning found Zong Jize, he saw that he was eating breakfast with Ji Jinge and his party. Ji Jinge beside him started shouting when he saw Lu Dingning.

"Yining, why are you sleeping like a dead pig?" If Zong Jize hadn't stopped him, he would have lifted this guy's quilt and spanked her ass.

"I slept late last night!" After finding Zong Jize, she no longer had any worries.

Sitting directly beside Zong Jize, after pushing Zong Jize's arm, Lu Dingning said, "I'm hungry, get me some breakfast."

This inadvertent action made Ji Jinge see a few black lines on his head. Even those sons and ladies beside them cast their sympathetic gazes on her at the same time.

I've seen someone who is willing to die, but I've never seen someone who is as desperate as Lu Dingning.

Who is Zong Jize?

How dare she order Zong Jize?

"Stinky boy, don't shout nonsense. If you want to eat, I'll find you some..." Before Zong Jize could curse, Ji Jinge, who was afraid that Lu Dingning would be beaten to death, hurriedly uttered a sound.

But when Ji Jinge rarely came out to be a peacemaker, a scene that made everyone present feel weird happened.

As soon as Ji Jinge finished speaking, Zong Jize pushed the sandwich in front of him towards Lu Dingning: "Eat mine first, and I'll get you some later!"

Then, Zong Jize got up and went to the breakfast self-selection area.

There were a group of little friends who stared so hard that they were about to protrude, and Lu Dingning who didn't seem to notice anything, picked up the sandwich Zong Jize gave her and started eating it!

"Why are you all looking at me? Did I get something on my face?" When Lu Dingning finished the sandwich in his hand and looked up, he realized that everyone was still staring at her.

"It's nothing. I just don't understand, when did the relationship between you and Aze become so good!" Ji Jinge complained with some taste when the others were silent.

"Aren't we brothers?"

"It seems to be true. But Aze has never brought me breakfast..."

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