"Is there something?"

Zong Jize held the phone for a long time and didn't wait for Lu Dingning to respond. He raised his head with some dissatisfaction before noticing that there was still a person standing in the office.

But at that moment, the expression on Zong Jize's soul-stirring handsome face disappeared without a trace.

Instead, it was the usual indifference that people like them were familiar with. At this moment, Zong Jize returned to his terrifying, serious and powerful appearance...

Such arrogance made the department manager dare not continue to look at him. He lowered his head and hurriedly said, "Young Master Zong, this is the progress report on the optimization of the new system. Please read it!"

Compared with the department manager's weak legs and submissive attitude, Zong Jize didn't even linger on him for half a second.

That arrogance was as arrogant as a young emperor!

But you have nothing to do with him!

Because, he is Zong Jize, the king who leads the whole world into a new era of intelligence! This kind of him is indeed qualified to despise everything about you...

"Put it on the table!"

After saying this, Zong Jize's eyes fell on the phone again, waiting for someone's reaction after being molested by him.


Although I am very curious about who is on the other end of the phone and can make their poker-faced president show so many expressions in an instant, the department manager still can't bear Zong Jize's strong aura, no matter how curious he is, he can only leave quickly This office, so as not to suffer from unwarranted disasters.

"help me?"

After reciting another poem, Lu Dingning took out his phone and read Zong Jize's reply.

When she realized it, she realized that she had failed in molesting Zong Jize and was attacked again!

Inexplicably, Lu Dingning remembered the scene last night when someone pinched her little water polo and unconsciously touched it somewhere, and Lu Dingning's cheeks began to heat up.

Dylan Ning: [I appreciate your kindness. This kind of rough work is still not troublesome! 】

Just after sending the message, Zong Jize's message soon came in again.

Ji Ze: [I am willing to serve you! 】

Lu Dingning, who was afraid that Zong Jize would still be obsessed with this issue, could only change the subject.

Dylan Ning: [What are you doing? 】

Ji Ze: [Look at the progress of system optimization! What about you, what are you doing besides masturbating? 】

Dylan Ning: [I'm reciting this! 】

After Lu Dingning took a picture of Zong Jize's selection of ancient sayings and poems on her desk, he complained a few more words.

Dylan Ning: 【You said these things are so troublesome to memorize. If only there was an instrument that could memorize these for me! 】

Seeing this message from Lu Dingning, Zong Jize was suddenly laughed.

He could almost picture someone sitting in an office with their hair on end bristling with poetry.

But it was also at this moment that Zong Jize suddenly had an inspiration.

Ji Ze: [I'll pick you up after school in the afternoon, I have something for you! 】

With that said, Zong Jize opened his desk drawer and took out a Zhuo Nuo mobile phone from it.

This phone seems to be a bit different from other models of Zhuo Nuo.

The case of the mobile phone is not the traditional black, white, blue or silver, but an ink painting in the style of country Z.

As soon as the phone is turned on, even the boot display is a charming ink painting.

This is the limited edition mobile phone of Zono that will be launched in country Z at the end of this year.

However, in order to surprise the country, this phone was secretly produced in country F. The last time Zong Jize went to country F, it was also for this country Z limited edition mobile phone.

At that time, he also promised Lu Dingning to bring her a gift when he came back from Country F.

But because of Tang Qiwen's matter, Lu Dingning ignored Zong Jize who was in country F at that time, so he returned from country F in a hurry, and he didn't have time to choose gifts there, so he could only bring back a mobile phone that was about to go on the market. Give it to Lu Dingning.

But after returning to country F, Zong Jize did not give away the phone for a long time. Because he was worried that Lu Dingning would feel that this gift was just something he picked up locally and didn't care.

However, what Lu Dingning complained in the message just now made Zong Jize think of building her a customized mobile phone that she needed!

So, for the next half a day, Zong Jize didn't look at the system optimization progress report submitted by the department manager just now, but connected the mobile phone that was going to be given to Lu Dingning to his computer, and began to design a brand new one in it. A system, a system born for Lu Dingning...

At the same time, Lu Dingning, who let Zong Jize devote himself to establishing the new system, did not care about what gift Zong Jize would give her.

Because, while she was reciting ancient poems, she received a message from William: [Dylan, two unknown forces have been investigating you and your family recently! 】

Investigating her and her family?

This is not a good sign.

Could it be that someone noticed the difference between her and her brother, so he started to investigate the two of them?

But who is investigating her?

It seemed that she had to figure this out first!

So, she gave William an order to investigate who was behind the two forces.

The two have worked together for several years, and Lu Dingning is relieved that William will handle affairs.

But who was suspicious of her, Lu Dingning?

This problem caused Lu Dingning's ancient poetry test in the afternoon to be not very good.

Even after getting into Zong Jize's car, Lu Dingning's mood was still a little listless.

"You didn't do well in the exam again?"

When Zong Jize saw her virtue, he guessed it all.

"Not only did I fail the exam, but I was also laughed at!"

Probably she is the worst in Chinese in the class, Ji Xiaowei always keeps an eye on her.

When doing the test papers this afternoon, Ji Xiaowei stood beside her and stared at her answering the questions.

This made Lu Dingning even have no chance to secretly check on Du Niang, and could only rely on her "real ability".

So there is an answer like "young people don't work hard, the boss plays hooligans".

Standing beside her and watching her answering the question, Ji Xiaowei read her answer to the whole gang as soon as he saw her answer.

Such an answer naturally caused the whole class to burst into laughter.

"Why are they laughing at you?" Seeing someone's listless look, Zong Jize was angry and helpless.

In fact, before he also felt that Lu Dingning didn't understand these old sayings and poems, it was really embarrassing!

But since he knew that she didn't grow up in country Z, Zong Jize also felt that she was justifiable.

If you didn't grow up in country Z, it is basically impossible to get in touch with the ancient poetry of country Z. To be able to progress to her level in a short period of time is already very remarkable...

Besides, if she progresses to perfection, wouldn't the new system developed by Zong Jize be useless?

Under Zong Jize's questioning, Lu Dingning told all about what happened this afternoon.

After Zong Jize listened, he presented the gift he had prepared: "Here!"

"Is this the gift you mentioned last time?" Lu Dingning looked at the gift box Zong Jize stuffed into her hand.


When Zong Jize answered, Lu Dingning had already opened the gift box.

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