"Second Young Master, did you eat crayfish early in the morning?"

Early this morning, as soon as Ruan Xiyuan entered Lu Dingning's office, he asked Lu Dingning such an inexplicable question.

"No. What's the matter?" Lu Dingning looked up in surprise.

"Your mouth is so red and swollen, it looks like you've eaten too much spicy food!"

Ruan Xiyuan's words once again confirmed to Lu Dingning that he is a real single dog of thousands of years.

The mouth is red and swollen, not necessarily because of eating too much spicy food.

It can also be eaten out of cake!

And the redness and swelling on Lu Dingning's mouth was caused by eating too much cake with Zong Jize last night!

But Lu Ding didn't want to share these private matters with Ruan Xiyuan, a single dog, so he skipped the question and asked, "Has the result of the promotion competition in West City come out yet?"

"It's come out. There are a few beautiful girls who came out of this promotion competition!"

When mentioning a few beautiful girls, Ruan Xiyuan smiled like a chrysanthemum with a rigid elite face, as if he was afraid that others would not know that he was single.

For Ruan Xiyuan, who has been single for a long time and lacks love, Lu Dingning will not comment for the time being: "Then, have you contacted the live broadcast companies I asked you to contact?"

After the annual competition started, Lu Dingning began to aim at the live broadcast room again.

In recent years, more and more people watch the webcast room.

If this game can be seen in the peak era and put it in the live broadcast room, it will be a good promotion.

Of course, this is not the only thing Lu Dingning wanted to do.

She also wants to use the method of hyping the CP king of the promotion competition to make her game spokesperson popular, so as to drive the game of Peak Era.

Therefore, before this, Lu Dingning had selected several live streaming companies with good reputations and asked Ruan Xiyuan to contact them.

"I contacted a few companies before, but they haven't responded yet. On the other hand, the Ji family seems to have heard about our plan and contacted me on their own initiative!"

"Ji family?" These two words only reminded Lu Dingning of Ji Jinge!

Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

No, as soon as Ji Jinge's figure appeared in Lu Dingning's mind, his call came in.

"Little brother, I was going to call you just now, but you called unexpectedly!"

When the phone was connected, Lu Dingning gave Ruan Xiyuan a look, telling him to go out and do his work first, and then started teasing Ji Jinge on the other side of the phone.

But Ji Jinge on the phone, although his voice was still clear and elegant, Lu Dingning still caught his annoyance from it: "I was just about to call you and ask you why you didn't choose my Ji family's live broadcast room to promote the peak era."

In fact, these days, Ji Jinge still hasn't given up on his little straight man. As soon as he closed his eyes, his mind was thinking about it.

If he hadn't just met with the person in charge of another live broadcasting website in a club under Ji's banner, and accidentally learned that RM had contacted them to promote the peak era, he would probably have missed it. Now is such a good opportunity!

"Brother, this is not a question of whether I choose or not, but a question of Ji's live broadcast indirectly not accepting our small-scale promotion!"

Ji's live broadcast room is currently the oldest in the industry and has the best prospects.

You must know that at present, even the live broadcast of national-level events will only choose Ji's live broadcast room.

And under the Ji family, there is a one-stop entertainment company, video website, news website...

Such a one-stop production model has led to Ji's seldom cooperating with other companies.

And this is also the main reason why Lu Dingning didn't think about the Ji family at all - he didn't dare to climb high!

Unexpectedly, Ji Jinge came to the door by himself.

"What's a small fight? Your business is a big deal to me! How about this, let's set aside two days this weekend to talk about the cooperation!"

"This weekend? I'm afraid not!" When Lu Dingning said this, he hesitated for a moment.

"Why? Would you rather choose those broken companies than work with such a good-looking little brother?"

Regarding Ji Jinge's accusation, Lu Dingning laughed helplessly.

"No. It's too late for me to be happy to be able to cooperate with the Ji family!" Besides, Ji Jinge is so concerned about her affairs, she can't just refuse directly, and don't even give him some face?

"Then why don't you talk to me in person?" In the end, Ji Jinge wanted to cooperate with RM because he wanted to meet her, and by the way, set her up!

"I have something to do this weekend, so I may not be in the Imperial City."

Lu Dingning said.

"Not in the Imperial City? Where are you going?"

Where are you going?

Lu Dingning couldn't say.

Because she promised Zong Jize to accompany him to Jingcheng to attend a smart watch conference under Zhuo Nuo.

The matter started from the piece of birthday cake that Zong Jize shared with her in an evil way yesterday.

At that time, Lu Dingning only felt that after the two kissed, the air was hot and hot.

Lu Dingning was afraid that if the atmosphere continued, the two of them would not be able to control what happened, so Lu Dingning could only change the subject on his own initiative.

"What wish did you just make?"

Lu Dingning still remembered that Zong Jize turned his head and looked at her at that time, it was very deep! Like a bottomless abyss, it engulfed her soul anytime and anywhere.

After staring at her like that for a while, Zong Jize asked without answering, "Do you want to help me realize it?"

I don't know if it was because Zong Jize's aura was too strong at the time, making people feel compelled to surrender to him, or because his eyes were too seductive, causing her boyfriend with no willpower to instantly Losing his reason, Lu Dingning complied.

But Lu Dingning never expected that Zong Jize's birthday wish would be...

"I want you to wear a cheongsam and accompany me to Jingcheng to attend the press conference!"

At that time, Lu Dingning was a little upset.

Wearing a cheongsam to accompany him to the press conference?

This suddenly reminded Lu Dingning of those two times when she was wearing a cheongsam and Zong Jize almost lost control in front of her...

In this situation, would she still dare to dangle in front of him in a cheongsam?

But as soon as she shied away, Zong Jize lowered his eyes, looking disappointed that he knew she would not agree to him...

But Lu Dingning, who couldn't get used to Zong Jize's distraught look, finally gave in.

At that moment, Lu Dingning really felt that there was no better boyfriend than her these days.

In order to make the beauty smile, she impulsively agreed to help Zong Jize realize that wonderful wish that might reveal her gender at any time!

And that press conference was held this weekend.

Right now, Lu Dingning can only take one step at a time, and can't get away from meeting Ji Jinge at all!

"In short, I have something to do. How about we talk about it when I return to the Imperial City?"

Of course, Ji Jinge quickly agreed to Lu Dingning's proposal.

Ji Jinge doesn't want to give up every chance of the routine little straight guy, even if there is only one in a million possibilities...

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