"You secretly filmed us!" Ji Jinge followed Lu Dingning, and looked at the phone in Jing Meiyan's hand.

But compared to Lu Dingning who showed a gentle smile again after discovering it was her, Ji Jinge's deep and three-dimensional face did not show any expression.

With such Ji Jinge, people can't figure out what he is thinking and what he will do.

After hesitating for a moment, Jing Meiyan said: "If you don't like it, I can just delete it now! I just thought that you inspired me, so I..."

Jing Meiyan tried to defend herself, and hoped that Ji Jinge would not let her delete the photo.

But when Jing Meiyan finished speaking halfway, Lu Dingning said, "Little brother, I won't be happy if you scare my little cutie like this!"

That's right, she just didn't want to embarrass Jing Meiyan, so she said this to Ji Jinge as a joke.

"Which eye of yours saw me scaring her?"

I don't know if it's because he really didn't want to scare Jing Meiyan, or because of Lu Dingning's words, Ji Jinge restrained himself, and now almost leaned his entire body weight on Lu Dingning's side.

After staring at Lu Dingning for a few seconds with feminine but not feminine peach eyes, Ji Jinge turned to look at Jing Meiyan: "Show me the photo!"

"Huh?" Jing Meiyan seemed a little hesitant, as if she was afraid that Ji Jinge was just tricking her into taking the photo.

"What's wrong? As the protagonist of the photo, I still can't see it? What if the photo makes my nostrils big and my eyes small, which affects my external image?"

Ji Jinge is full of confidence.

But if he really cared about his image so much, why did he appear in the newspapers and magazines from time to time?

Although the credibility of Ji Jinge's words is not high, Jing Meiyan can only honestly hand over the phone to Ji Jinge.

Don't look at Ji Jinge's indecency on weekdays, changing women more frequently than changing clothes, but whether it is him or the Ji family behind him, it is an irreversible element that everyone in the city knows well.

If he really wanted to compete with her Jing Meiyan, not only her Jing Meiyan, but even the Jing family behind her was not enough for Ji Jinge to play with.

With all kinds of complicated thoughts, Jing Meiyan handed the phone to Ji Jinge.

Surprisingly, Ji Jinge's satisfaction with the photo taken by Jing Meiyan was quite high, and he directly praised it with words.

"Tsk tsk, is the capture good?"

Ji Jinge half-closed those charming peach blossom eyes, admiring the photos on the phone.

Lu Dingning in the photo had a dignified yet elegant smile. As for Lu Dingning's shoulder, he stared sideways at her affectionately.

In Ji Jinge's own words, this is a photo with a story.

"Really? I think so too..." Probably did not expect Ji Jinge to praise her, Jing Meiyan's tone was filled with surprise and joy of being praised in addition to her usual shyness.

However, this joy did not last long, Jing Meiyan heard Ji Jinge say again: "You must be thinking when you look at this photo, Yining and I are a match made in heaven."

"Ahem...I didn't!"

Although this dirty idea was indeed staged in Jing Meiyan's mind, Jing Meiyan was worried about offending Ji Jinge, so she immediately denied it!

The look so anxious that the entire fair face was replaced by pink made Lu Dingning want to rescue her again.

But before Lu Dingning could speak, Ji Jinge spoke up first, saying, "This idea is possible!"

These words made Jing Meiyan, whose crimson color spread to her neck, instantly dumbfounded.

This idea, can have?

Could it be that Ji Jinge he...

At this moment, Jing Meiyan's eyes wandered back and forth between Lu Dingning and Ji Jinge.

She, Jing Meiyan, knew that Lu Dingning was a girl, that's why she felt that the two were a match.

But Lu Dingning also said that besides Jing Meiyan, no one in the imperial city knows her gender.

In other words, Ji Jinge didn't know that Lu Dingning was a girl.

However, Ji Jinge said those words.

Does this mean that Ji Jinge wants to have sex with Lu Dingning?


She seemed to have discovered some shocking secret, and her nose was bleeding everywhere!

Ji Jinge didn't realize that Jing Meiyan's blood tank was about to be emptied by him at all, and said to himself, "Send me this photo!"

After saying this, he directly took out his mobile phone and sent the photo taken by Jing Meiyan to his mobile phone.

After ensuring that the original picture of the photo was sent to his mobile phone, Ji Jinge returned the mobile phone to Jing Meiyan.

After the photo turmoil, Lu Dingning and Ji Jinge talked about some matters related to the cooperation activities in the live broadcast room. After roughly finalizing the next cooperation itinerary, the date ended.

As for the photos, Lu Dingning didn't care.

But she never expected that this photo would bring a lot of trouble to her and Zong Jize...

Peak Times' annual event is very popular, young people are often seen taking out their mobile phones to interact with Peak Times at gatherings.

Also because of the high popularity, many companies came to inquire about sponsorship and cooperation of the event.

Zong Jize, who was Lu Dingning's boyfriend, was naturally on the list of sponsors this time.

Furthermore, Ji Jinge, who thought he was about to become a good friend of Lu Dingning, also provided sponsorship such as bonuses and prizes.

With Ji Jinge and Zong Jize taking the lead, basically companies in the city of God that are linked to the IT industry have also joined in this sponsorship.

Lu Dingning was not surprised by this.

At present, the popularity of the peak era remains high, especially the live broadcast of each regional promotion match, which has aroused the attention of the whole people, and there is a huge business opportunity.

In the previous competitions, especially those in the regional finals, both RM and RM's sponsors and partners have made a lot of money.

This business opportunity has long been seen by these people.

Therefore, Lu Dingning was not surprised by this sponsorship frenzy.

The only thing she doubts is that the Tel Group is also on the list of sponsors this time...

Lu Guohua paid more attention to the Tel Group, so he specially arranged for Lu Dingning to receive the representative of the Tel Group.

What surprised Lu Dingning even more was that the representative sent by the Tel Group to discuss sponsorship with RM turned out to be... Tang Qiwen!

Wearing a white professional dress, Tang Qiwen's makeup is not as coquettish and delicate as at Zong Jize's birthday party a few days ago, but she looks more capable and aura this way.

Apart from nodding with Lu Dingning at the beginning, Tang Qiwen didn't do anything else. Tang Qiwen like this seems to be unfamiliar with Lu Dingning at all, and it seems that she will appear in RM to face Lu Dingning today, just because of business!

But obviously, Lu Dingning's intuition told her otherwise...

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