For Yi Qing, the best thing today was that she asked her son to go on a blind date, and he agreed.

Here's the thing.

Ever since Zong Jize waited in Lu's house for a long time, but saw Ji Jinge and "Lu Dingning" shoulder to shoulder and returned to Lu's house, Zong Jize felt as if someone had taken a big piece of his heart away.

And the damn thing is, after that day, Lu Dingning still didn't even send an apology text or phone call.

In this situation, Zong Jize really felt that someone had trampled on his self-esteem once again.

As proud as he was, he was still soaked in wine for two days in a row.

But even so, he still can't forget the sweet past between him and Lu Dingning.

Even when he closes his eyes sometimes, he seems to see her throwing herself into his arms with a charming smile...

In this situation, Zong Jize really felt that he was going crazy.

If he didn't find something to do, Zong Jize was really worried that he would go crazy.

So, when Yi Qing took the marriageable girls information book that she compiled specially for her son, pointed to a photo of one of the girls and asked him: "Ah Ze, what do you think of this girl? Mom thinks her The facial features are not bad..."

Zong Jize said quickly: "Yes, you can arrange a time to meet. If it's suitable, I will find time to get engaged at the end of the year!"

Anyway, Lu Dingning doesn't want him anymore.

Then why is he still guarding those memories and making himself so unhappy?

Zong Jize's pride does not allow him to continue to be unhappy because of someone who doesn't love him.

Therefore, he made such a decision.

Yi Qing here...

In fact, the girl she mentioned has good facial features because the girl's face in the photo is five or six points similar to Lu Dingning.

That's why Yi Qing tried to put the child's photo in front of Zong Jize to see if Zong Jize would be tempted.

Of course, Yi Qing didn't have any hope for this move. Because in Yi Qing's subconscious mind, she is also very aware of her son's problem of admitting death.

But he didn't want to, before she finished speaking, Zong Jize agreed.

This really surprised Yi Qing.

"Really?" At this moment, Yi Qing's face was full of astonishment.

Could it be that this girl looks similar to Lu Dingning, so the son agreed?

"I, Zong Jize, keep my word!" Zong Jize still only looked at the newspaper, and didn't even look at the photo Yi Qing handed him.

This also shows that he agreed to go on a blind date, and it has nothing to do with the girl who looks like Lu Dingning.

However, Yi Qing, who didn't notice this, instantly became overjoyed.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now!" Saying that, Yi Qing was already holding the information book and walking towards the landline.

On Zong Jize's side, the black pupils were obviously gloomy.

Lu Dingning, did you see it?

I will give you whatever you want!

Even if you want me to be with someone else, I will!

The girl that Yi Qing collected looked somewhat similar to Lu Dingning, her name was Shangguan Shi, and she was also from a wealthy family in the Imperial City.

The family background is good, but the ability is a little bit weak.

I didn't graduate from a famous university, and I didn't have a career of my own after graduation for more than a year.

If it wasn't for her similar appearance to Lu Dingning, she wouldn't have been selected at all.

The news that Shangguan Shi was going on a blind date with Zong Jize, and that they were likely to get engaged at the end of the year, was quickly spread by the Shangguan family.

That afternoon, almost everyone in the circle knew about it.

Moreover, if people pass it on by word of mouth, it will basically change when it is passed on.

Just like the news that Shangguan's family will be engaged by the end of the year after going on a blind date, when the news spread that night, it became that their Shangguan's family was about to marry the Zong family!

Ji Jinge got the news from Jiang Yuang.

"Young Master Ji, Junior Zong is about to get engaged. The position of best man will definitely belong to you by then, right?"

That night, they were drinking and chatting at the club, and Jiang Yuang asked about it.

"Zong Shaoen is going to get engaged? Who did you hear it from?" Why didn't he know about it?

Besides, isn't the problem between him and Lu Dingning still unresolved?

Is he so eager to get engaged?

At this moment, the bitterness in Ji Jinge's heart flooded over, waiting for an opportunity to engulf him.

"Who else can I listen to. Of course it's from the Shangguan family!"

Being able to board the Zong family's rocket, of course the Shangguan family would like to let the whole world know the news.

You see, this is not married yet!

Just looking at the news that the two families are about to get married in the past two days, the stock market of Shangguan's family has risen all the way.

And this is actually the reason why the Shangguan family exposed the news in advance.

Even if they can't get married at that time, their family has successfully made a fortune.

"People from Shangguan's family? How do they know this?" Ji Jinge asked after taking a sip of whiskey.

The spicy alcohol washed over his sensory nerves, but it still couldn't numb his heart that was suffering from a headache after learning the news that Zong Jize and Lu Dingning were going to get engaged.

"Young Master Zong wants to get engaged to Shangguan Poetry. Of course the Shangguan family knows this!"

As a result, as soon as the motherfucker Jiang Yuang finished speaking, Ji Jinge lifted her from the bar.

"What? Young Master Zong wants to get engaged to Shangguan Shi?"

Isn't it Lu Dingning?

Why did another Shangguan poem pop up all of a sudden?

When Ji Jinge asked this question, he stared at Jiang Yuang's feminine face like a girl without blinking, as if he didn't want to miss any expression that flashed on his face.

"Yes. I don't know the specifics. Anyway, when my father came to Shangguan's house today, the whole family was celebrating happily!"

The sissy Jiang Yuang turned pale instantly when he was lifted up, showing a look that was about to cry.

The one who was engaged to Zong Shao was Shangguan Shi, who had nothing to do with Jiang Yuang.

He couldn't figure out why Ji Shao would follow him!

"..." Ji Jinge, who got these answers from Jiang Yuang's mouth, only remained solemn on his handsome face that turned all sentient beings upside down.

The Jiang family and the Shangguan family have been friends for generations.

If it was Jiang Yuang's father who said it, it should be very close.

But the question is, why did Zong Jize suddenly want to get engaged to Shangguan Shi?

Could it be that he and Lu Dingning...

Did Ji Jinge break up because of him?

Thinking of Lu Dingning's current situation, Ji Jinge's heart tightened.

In this way, Ji Jinge has no other intentions to stay in this club. After throwing Jiang Yuang aside, Ji Jinge left the club quickly.

Brother Jinge: 【Are you okay? 】

Brother Jinge: 【You really broke up with him? 】

Brother Jinge: 【Answer me! 】

After Ji Jinge left the club, he kept sending messages to the WeChat account "Dylan Ning".

But on the other side, there was no response at all.

On the profile picture of that account, Lu Dingning's half smile seemed to be frozen in time...

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