
When Will caught up, Lu Dingning had already arrived at the door of her room, and was about to step in with her long legs.

"Dylan, don't be sad. I think Ji Shao didn't mean anything malicious, he just didn't know that person was you, so he said this."

Will's blue eyes kept staring at Lu Dingning's profile.

His worries were written on his deep facial features.

"Don't worry, I don't really care." Lu Dingning smiled at Will and shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed.

"But you..." But your eyes are full of sadness.

Will wanted to say that.

In fact, he knew that Lu Dingning didn't care about what other people thought of her like it seemed on the surface.

But before he could say anything, Lu Dingning was the first to speak out: "Okay, go back and be with our guests first. I'm a little tired, let's take a rest first!"

"Then... okay!" After looking at Lu Dingning's still pale face, Will could only compromise in the end.

Afterwards, Will went back to eat and drink with Ji Jinge, while Lu Ding and Ningze returned to his room.

In fact, she is in a pretty good mood today.

In particular, Zong Jize didn't seem to have any resistance to her identity, which calmed her down a lot.

But what Ji Jinge said just now, like a basin of cold water pouring down her head, made her sober up a lot.

Zong Jize is not so repulsed by her identity at present, obviously because he hasn't heard about her various evil deeds from other people, right?

Once he knows, he will probably feel the same as Ji Jinge, living with someone like her is very painful, right?

In a bad mood, Lu Dingning didn't even change his clothes, he just got under the quilt...

It was this morning that Zong Jize learned that Shangguan Shi had come to Country F at all costs.

This matter was reported to him by Geng Qing.

At that time, Geng Qing was reporting to Zong Jize the preparations for the new product launch event in Country Z.

But after reporting these, Geng Qing suddenly asked: "Young Master Zong, have you seen Miss Shangguan?"

"I'm in Country F, how could I see her?" Zong Jize, who was busy shaving his beard and was going to meet Lu Dingning later refreshed, gave Geng Qing such an answer without thinking.

"No. Yesterday Madam asked me to help Miss Shangguan book a ticket to fly to country F. According to the flight time, Miss Shangguan should have been in country F for several hours now!"

But when Geng Qing told Zong Jize the news, he never expected to get such a reply: "What does she have to do with me when she is here?"

At these words, Geng Qing on the other side of the phone was obviously taken aback.

Isn't Miss Shangguan the fiancée of Young Master Zong who is about to get engaged?

It has nothing to do with Zong Shao, could it possibly have something to do with him, Geng Qing?

"In short, you don't need to tell me about this person. If you have nothing else to do, let's do it first!"

Before Geng Qing could react, Zong Jize had already hung up the phone and shaved his beard seriously.

Lu Dingning's skin is very thin.

Every time he kissed her, if the tip of his beard accidentally touched her, it would pierce a red mark on her cheek.

He is going to meet her today, he can't hurt her anymore.

When shaving, Zong Jize touched his cheeks again and again, making sure that there was not even a single stubble.

After getting ready, Zong Jize changed his clothes and went out.

At this time, Zong Jize didn't know that Shangguanshi, who had already arrived in Country F, got in touch with Qiao Bu, who was Zong Jize's driver today...

It was early Thursday morning, and Lu Dingning was reading documents by the fireplace in the garden early in the morning.

Sitting next to him was Bernard.

When Lu Dingning read the documents, Bernard looked at her...

And such a scene was bumped into by Ji Jinge who had come with Will for breakfast early in the morning.

This made Ji Jinge feel a sense of crisis.

It was because, on Bernard's face, he saw Zong Jize's expression similar to Lu Dingning's.

"Will, why is Bernard here?" But if Ji Jinge remembered correctly, this Bernard should be advertised as the right-hand man of the stepson of the Smith family.

But the so-called stepson didn't show up right now, so what is Bernard doing here?

"Bernar has been living here recently!" Will understood Lu Dingning's purpose for letting Bernard and William live in the Smith Manor.

In addition to protecting them all, it is also sending a signal to the Clive family. That is, she, Lu Dingning, is in this manor, so that they don't have to go to country Z to murder her.

But it is inconvenient for Will to reveal these to Ji Jinge now, because he did not get Lu Dingning's permission.

On the side, Ji Jinge, who learned from Will that Bernardo and the others lived in the Smith Manor recently, began to mutter: "This will be troublesome."

A person who likes Lu Dingning and lives so close to Lu Dingning is of course very troublesome for Ji Jinge.

It would be bad if Bernard got ahead of him.

So now Ji Jinge has also made a decision, that is, during the period when Lu Dingning lives in Smith Manor, he will also live here.

After making this decision, Ji Jinge followed Will's footsteps to the stove. And he was one step ahead of Will, sitting next to Lu Dingning.

In the following breakfast, the young people had a lot of common topics together.

So the atmosphere at the table was pretty good.

"Dylan, how about going to the racecourse tomorrow? According to the weather forecast, it won't snow for the next two days, so it's good to go outside for a walk!"

Halfway through the meal, Bernard suddenly proposed.

But before Lu Dingning could answer, Will had already said, "No way. Bernard, I don't allow you to run around with her."

Will knew that the wound on Lu Dingning's body wasn't recovering very well, it just opened yesterday.

Going to ride a horse in this situation would kill Lu Dingning.

"Will, it's not like I want to go out with you, what are you so excited about?" Bernard looked at Will mockingly.

That's right, Bernard and Will have never been quite right.

Because they have a common goal.

"I just can't..."

The two of them were still arguing fiercely, but Ji Jinge leaned into Lu Dingning's ear and said, "You don't really want to ride a horse, do you?"

"No." Lu Dingning, who was still drinking milk, responded casually.

"If you don't go, why don't you let them stop?" The two men were so emotional that they seemed to be fighting.

"Don't worry, they won't dare!" Lu Dingning seemed not surprised.

In fact, as long as Bernard and Will stay together, they can quarrel within half an hour.

This is no secret to everyone in Smith Manor.

And no matter how noisy they were, they didn't dare to fight here.

Seeing that Lu Dingning didn't take it seriously, Ji Jinge didn't pay any attention to the two people who were arguing about riding horses.

After he took two sips of coffee, he suddenly muttered: "It's strange, since I entered the manor yesterday, why haven't I seen that so-called stepson?"

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