In order to brainstorm the best place to date Lu Dingning, Zong Jize asked another question before Geng Qing left the office.

When Geng Qing was asked, he was also trying to recall the TV movies he had watched before, looking for inspiration from them.

However, before Geng Qing could sort out his answers and tell Zong Jize, Zong Jize suddenly said, "Why did I ask you? If you knew, why have you been single for so many years?"

"..." Geng Qing was so choked that he couldn't say anything.

Is he single enough to be laughed at by Zong Jize?

At this moment, Geng Qing's heart is not as simple as lying.

Think about it, Zong Jize has not only been around for so many years, but this year he had a lover for the first time, and it was a boy!

Really, Geng Qing doesn't think Zong Jize has any right to be shy in front of him!

Probably because he really felt that falling in love is really good, so good that his whole mental outlook has changed, Zong Jize persuaded Geng Qing again in the tone of someone who has experienced it: "I'm not talking about you, you should also find someone I'm in love. So I don't always think that I'm in love with you all day long..."

Geng Qing: "..."

He was wrong, can't he?

He was insane that day, that's why he thought Zong Jize would take a fancy to him. And at this moment, Geng Qing was extremely glad that Zong Jize didn't take a fancy to him.

However, Geng Qing couldn't help admitting that Zong Jize was really right about some things.

That is, he really should find a girl to talk about love.

Otherwise, just going in and out of Zong Jize's office every day, he would be forced to eat a handful of dog food, and sooner or later, Geng Qing would be stuffed to death by dog ​​food.

But if you want to fall in love, you must first find a girl to fall in love with him.

Here comes the problem again.

Where would Geng Qing go to find a girl to fall in love with him?

The company's RM software chat group seems to have added a lot of female employees.

Well, starting from today, he, Geng Qing, should show up regularly.

Geng Qing failed to make people fall in love with him once, wouldn't it be enough to go a few more times?

In case anyone goes blind...

Ah bah, it's fate, who knows!

Well, after making up his mind, Geng Qing hurriedly left.

After quickly processing the urgent documents, Zong Jize took the time to do some homework on the location of the Valentine's Day meeting, and then hurried to Lu Dingning's appointment.

Lu Dingning met him tonight at a bar, crowded and noisy.

Zong Jize actually didn't like this atmosphere. So the crease between his brows hasn't disappeared since he entered.

Country F is much more open than Country Z. Therefore, there are more people in bars of all kinds than in country Z.

No, as soon as Zong Jize sat down, a very revealingly dressed woman took up the seat that Zong Jize was going to reserve for Lu Dingning, and she was eager to strike up a conversation with Zong Jize.

"Hey handsome guy, you look familiar. Where have we met before?" the woman said, wanting to put her hand on Zong Jize's shoulder.

But obviously, Zong Jize, who has a very cleanliness in his eyes, doesn't want to be touched by her. Who knows how many men she has touched with this hand?

Seeing that her hand was about to be lowered, Zong Jize immediately leaned to one side, allowing her hand to grab the air.

The woman had a bad start, and she looked at her empty hand sadly: "Handsome guy, what's wrong with you? Could it be that you are GAY..."

If it weren't for GAY, this scantily clad woman wouldn't believe that the proud pair on her chest would not be able to take him down.

Zong Jize ordered a glass of whiskey with ice. When questioned by this annoying woman, he drank several sips irritably: "This is none of your business."

Whether he is GAY or not, his Ning Ning needs to be clear.

Why tell this kind of private matter to this irrelevant person.

But this woman didn't seem to give up until she got a definite answer. Seeing that Zong Jize didn't want to pay attention to her, she asked Zong Jize for the same drink, and continued to strike up a conversation: "Have you dated a friend? If not, do you want to have a date with her?" Shall we play together?"

Following the direction the woman pointed, Zong Jize saw those people writhing like cramps on the dance floor of the bar, and then Zong Jize continued to drink his wine.

"Hey, my dear, I don't mean anything else, just to see that you are lonely..." Seeing that Zong Jize still didn't even look at her, the sexy beauty who was unwilling to be left out simply turned her plump body to Zong Jize. Ji Ze sent it on his arm.

Realizing that Zong Jize wanted to push her away, the woman even wrapped her arms around Zong Jize's arm.

However, before the woman could touch Zong Jize's arm, someone grabbed her hand.

But it was not Zong Jize who held her hand. It was... Lu Dingning who suddenly stretched out his hand from behind them!

"Hey beauty!" After all, Lu Dingning grew up in this F country, and Lu Dingning's authentic F accent made people fascinated.

It also made Zong Jize and the woman whose hand was being held unconsciously look towards her.

I saw that under the colorful but not flickering light, Lu Dingning, who was wearing a gray baseball uniform and black trousers, was holding the woman's hand with one hand, and resting the other casually on Zong Jize's shoulder.

She was smiling at the woman, her smile was weak. But in the flickering light behind him, the smile was sinister.

In this way, her appearance is even more attractive than the ascetic Zong Jize.

With just one glance, the eyes of the woman who was trying so hard to hook up with Zong Jize were straightened.

In this era, mature women prefer this little wolf dog like Lu Dingning with an evil smile.

Because they know how to play better than mature men, and they have good physical strength.

However, before the woman had time to send out her invitation, she heard Lu Dingning say: "I don't like people robbing me."

The woman realized that Lu Dingning's hands were on Zong Jize's shoulders from just now.

The ascetic man who was awkward to not let her touch before, is still held by this beautiful little man on his shoulders for so long...

"Don't make me unhappy, dear!" Sensing that the woman's gaze fell on Zong Jize again, Lu Dingning, who felt as if someone had coveted his possessions, suddenly laughed again.

It's just that this smile is different from the one just now. Because the smile now is like a sharp blade shining with cold light.

At the same time, Lu Dingning's hand holding the woman was obviously tightened a bit.

It seems that he is still holding the woman's hand gracefully, but in fact, the strength is so great that the woman's expression is distorted.

Just when the woman was about to cry for help because she couldn't bear the pain, Lu Dingning let go of her hand again.

Immediately afterwards, she smiled gracefully again.

Gentleness and cruelty are perfectly blended and interpreted by her at this moment.

So much so that at this moment, the woman didn't know whether she should blush or scream.

In the end, the woman failed to approach any of them and fled.

After Lu Dingning took his seat, he picked up Zong Jize's half-drinked whiskey and drank it without saying a word.

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